------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= History file for the Photon Evaporation Database ------------------------------------------------ * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * --------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.7 (November 2020) Laurent Desorgher ----------------------------------------------------------------- -Correction of files z64.156 and z64.a158 (Gd156, Gd158) Version 5.6 (Jan-October 2020) Laurent Desorgher ----------------------------------------------------------------- -Update file z66.a161 (Dy161) for the decay of Tb161. -New file for z64.a158 (Gd158) First update by D. Wright and full correction by L.Desorgher. -Update of file z64.156 (Gd156) November 2019 L.Desorgher --------------------------- - Fix z85.a217 file (217At) Jan-October 2019 L.Desorgher --------------------------- - Fix of z85.a217 file (217At) October 2018 L.Desorgher --------------------------- - Correct typo in Te125 (z100.a247) - Set IC coefficient = 1e20 for E0 gamma/IC transition of 809.907 keV in U234 (z92.a234). Correction needed for Pa234m decay simulation. Correction of bug 2076 reported by Gien Warren. May 2018 L.Desorgher --------------------------- Changes in Te125 (z52.a125): -Correct internal conversion coefficient for the excited level 35.495 keV according to DDEP data. Needed for I125 decay. 9 November 2017 L.Desorgher --------------------------- Changes in U234 (z92.a234): -Correct the decay from 809.907 to the ground according to gamma input in DDEP pdf table. Info is missing in ENSDF. Correction to solve the bug 1967. -Correction of gamma intensities from level 1040.536 according to input ENSDF file from DDEP. 5 September 2017 L.Desorgher --------------------------- Correction of transitions for floating levels in last 60 files. 13 July 2017 L.Desorgher --------------------------- Correction of transitions for floating levels in more than 300 files. 04 April 2017 V.Ivantchenko --------------------------- Old data removed, correlated_gamma files moved to the main directory 21 February 2017 Desorgher ------------------------- Correct the correlated_gamma files z64.a148,z64.a149,z64.a150,z81.a194 for problem of order of level index, reported by V. Ivantchenko. 1 February 2017 Desorgher ------------------------- Correct all the correlated_gamma files for the uncorrect setting of the multipolarity E0 as -1. No we consider E0,E1,M1, as 1,2,3,..... The value of 0 is for unkown. 19 December 2016 Desorgher Laurent -------------------------------------------------------------- Update total internal conversion coefficient of z90.a234 with DDEP data for U238 decay. Update total internal conversion coefficient of z91.a234 with DDEP data for TH234 decay. Still need to correct partial ICC coefficient. Correction are done only in correlated_gamma_files. 19 December 2016 Desorgher Laurent -------------------------------------------------------------- Correct data of z89.a228 with DDEP data. 23 November2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko PhotonEvaporation4.3 -------------------------------------------------------------- New data files moved to subdirectory correlated_gamma Files from PhotonEvaporation3.2 are restored for Geant4 release 10.3 8 November2016 Laurent Desorgher PhotonEvaporation4.2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Correct 12 lines with mispelled data in the whole database Correct the order of levels in files z58.a133, z64.a148, z64.a149, z64.a150, z65.a151, z72.a174, z81.a192,z81.a194,z82.a193 Correct few gamma energies Update z90.a231 for U235 decay with data form the DDEP http://www.nucleide.org/DDEP.htm 19 October 2016 and 2 November 2016 Laurent Desorgher PhotonEvaporation4.1 -------------------------------------------------------------- -Reformatting of z* files. Correction of few data in these files. Checking of the format has been added in the python test suite. -Remove PhotoEvaporation3.2 z*.a* files -Add explode files z*.a* from z* files. -Correction of few gamma intensities in z6.a12, z16.a33,z17.a42,z34.a76,z38.a95,z38.a97, z41.a88,z56.a129,z74.a187 -Remove deexcitation of levels on it self. 16 September 2016 Laurent Desorgher PhotonEvaporation4.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- -Merging in the same database of the PhotoEvaporation3.2 z*.a*.txt files and the new photoevaporation data files. The new data files are updated with floating levels, multipolarity and mixing ratio data. The new files are in Z*.txt files. The README for the new data is the file README-LevelGammaData_Extended. 6 November 2015 Dennis Wright PhotonEvaporation3.2 ----------------------------------------------------------- - package Laurent Desorgher's new version of photon evaporation database which is meant to be consistent with the 4.3 version of the radioactive decay database. It is also formatted to remove scientific notation where possible and to remove trailing zeros. 19 February 2014 Dennis Wright PhotonEvaporation3.1 ----------------------------------------------------------- - contains Laurent Desorgher's corrections of of +X, +Y, ... levels for compliance with latest isomer list - problem report 1565: propagate bug fix in NUDAT2 to PhotonEvaporation: 212Bi (z83.a212, line 8), change strength of gamma transition (415.272 keV to ground state) from 4.4 to 0.4. 3 September 2013 Laurent Desorgher PhotonEvaporation3.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- - update to August 2012 version of ENSDF 7 November 2013 Dennis Wright ----------------------------------------------------------- - update README with Michel Maire's corrections