// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$ // Author: L. Moneta Wed Aug 30 11:04:59 2006 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2006 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * * * **********************************************************************/ // Header file for class DataOptions #ifndef ROOT_Fit_DataOptions #define ROOT_Fit_DataOptions namespace ROOT { namespace Fit { //___________________________________________________________________________________ /** DataOptions : simple structure holding the options on how the data are filled @ingroup FitData */ struct DataOptions { /** Default constructor: use the default options */ DataOptions () : fIntegral(false), fBinVolume(false), fNormBinVolume(false), fUseEmpty(false), fUseRange(false), fErrors1(false), fExpErrors(false), fCoordErrors(true), fAsymErrors(true) {} bool fIntegral; /// use integral of bin content instead of bin center (default is false) bool fBinVolume; /// normalize data by the bin volume (it is used in the Poisson likelihood fits) bool fNormBinVolume; /// normalize data by a normalized the bin volume (bin volume divided by a reference value) bool fUseEmpty; /// use empty bins (default is false) with a fixed error of 1 bool fUseRange; /// use the function range when creating the fit data (default is false) bool fErrors1; /// use all errors equal to 1, i.e. fit without errors (default is false) bool fExpErrors; /// use expected errors from the function and not from the data bool fCoordErrors; /// use errors on the x coordinates when available (default is true) bool fAsymErrors; /// use asymmetric errors in the value when available, selecting them according to the on sign of residual (default is true) }; } // end namespace Fit } // end namespace ROOT #endif /* ROOT_Fit_DataOptions */