/***************************************************************************** * Project: RooFit * * Package: RooFitCore * * File: $Id$ * Authors: * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROO_FACTORY_WS_TOOL #define ROO_FACTORY_WS_TOOL #include "RooArgSet.h" #include "RooArgList.h" #include #include #include #include class RooAbsReal ; class RooAbsRealLValue ; class RooAbsPdf ; class RooWorkspace ; class RooRealVar ; class RooCategory ; class RooAddPdf ; class RooProdPdf ; class RooSimultaneous ; class RooDataHist ; class RooDataSet ; class RooAbsData ; class RooFactoryWSToolSpec ; class RooAbsCategoryLValue ; class RooAbsCategory ; class RooResolutionModel ; class RooAddition ; class RooProduct ; class RooRealSumPdf ; class RooFactoryWSTool : public TNamed, public RooPrintable { public: // Constructors, assignment etc RooFactoryWSTool(RooWorkspace& ws) ; virtual ~RooFactoryWSTool() ; // --- low level factory interface --- // Create variables RooRealVar* createVariable(const char* name, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) ; RooCategory* createCategory(const char* name, const char* stateNameList=0) ; // Create functions and p.d.f.s (any RooAbsArg) RooAbsArg* createArg(const char* className, const char* objName, const char* varList) ; // Create operator p.d.f.s RooAddPdf* add(const char *objName, const char* specList, Bool_t recursiveCoefs=kFALSE) ; RooRealSumPdf* amplAdd(const char *objName, const char* specList) ; RooProdPdf* prod(const char *objName, const char* pdfList) ; RooSimultaneous* simul(const char* objName, const char* indexCat, const char* pdfMap) ; // Create operator functions RooAddition* addfunc(const char *objName, const char* specList) ; RooProduct* prodfunc(const char *objName, const char* pdfList) ; RooWorkspace& ws() { return *_ws ; } // --- High level factory interface --- // Composite object construction language parser RooAbsArg* process(const char* expr) ; std::string processExpression(const char* expr) ; std::vector splitFunctionArgs(const char* funcExpr) ; // --- Internal stuff that must be public so that CINT can access it --- // CINT constructor interface static RooAbsArg& as_ARG(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->of()->asARG(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooAbsPdf& as_PDF(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asPDF(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooAbsReal& as_FUNC(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asFUNC(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooRealVar& as_VAR(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asVAR(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooAbsRealLValue& as_VARLV(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asVARLV(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooResolutionModel& as_RMODEL(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asRMODEL(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooCategory& as_CAT(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asCAT(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooAbsCategoryLValue& as_CATLV(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asCATLV(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooAbsCategory& as_CATFUNC(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asCATFUNC(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooArgSet as_SET(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asSET(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooArgList as_LIST(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asLIST(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooAbsData& as_DATA(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asDATA(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooDataHist& as_DHIST(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asDHIST(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static RooDataSet& as_DSET(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asDSET(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static TObject& as_OBJ(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asOBJ(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static const char* as_STRING(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asSTRING(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static Int_t as_INT(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asINT(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static Double_t as_DOUBLE(UInt_t idx) { checkIndex(idx) ; return of()->asDOUBLE(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static Int_t as_INT(UInt_t idx, Int_t defVal) { checkIndex(idx) ; if (idx>of()->_args.size()-1) return defVal ; return of()->asINT(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } static Double_t as_DOUBLE(UInt_t idx, Double_t defVal) { checkIndex(idx) ; if (idx>of()->_args.size()-1) return defVal ; return of()->asDOUBLE(of()->_args[idx].c_str()) ; } RooAbsArg& asARG(const char*) ; RooAbsPdf& asPDF(const char*) ; RooAbsReal& asFUNC(const char*) ; RooRealVar& asVAR(const char*) ; RooAbsRealLValue& asVARLV(const char*) ; RooResolutionModel& asRMODEL(const char*) ; RooCategory& asCAT(const char*) ; RooAbsCategoryLValue& asCATLV(const char*) ; RooAbsCategory& asCATFUNC(const char*) ; RooArgSet asSET(const char*) ; RooArgList asLIST(const char*) ; RooAbsData& asDATA(const char*) ; RooDataHist& asDHIST(const char*) ; RooDataSet& asDSET(const char*) ; TObject& asOBJ(const char*) ; const char* asSTRING(const char*) ; Int_t asINT(const char*) ; Double_t asDOUBLE(const char*) ; class IFace { public: virtual ~IFace() {} ; virtual std::string create(RooFactoryWSTool& ft, const char* typeName, const char* instanceName, std::vector args) = 0 ; } ; class SpecialsIFace : public IFace { public: virtual ~SpecialsIFace() {} ; std::string create(RooFactoryWSTool& ft, const char* typeName, const char* instanceName, std::vector args) ; } ; static void registerSpecial(const char* typeName, RooFactoryWSTool::IFace* iface) ; void logError() { _errorCount++ ; } const char* autoClassNamePostFix() const { return _autoClassPostFix.c_str() ; } void setAutoClassNamePostFix(const char* pfix) { _autoClassPostFix = pfix ; } protected: Bool_t checkSyntax(const char* arg) ; std::string varTag(std::string& func, std::vector& args) ; std::stack _autoNamePrefix ; std::map _typeAliases ; static void checkIndex(UInt_t index) ; std::string processCompositeExpression(const char* arg) ; std::string processSingleExpression(const char* arg) ; std::string processListExpression(const char* arg) ; std::string processAliasExpression(const char* arg) ; std::string processCreateVar(std::string& func, std::vector& args) ; std::string processCreateArg(std::string& func, std::vector& args) ; std::string processMetaArg(std::string& func, std::vector& args) ; TClass* resolveClassName(const char* className) ; // CINT constructor interface back end static RooFactoryWSTool* of() ; static RooFactoryWSTool* _of ; std::vector _args ; // Hooks for other tools static std::map& hooks() ; static std::map* _hooks ; RooWorkspace* _ws ; //! Associated workspace void clearError() { _errorCount = 0 ; } Int_t errorCount() { return _errorCount ; } Int_t _errorCount ; // Error counter for a given expression processing std::string _autoClassPostFix ; RooFactoryWSTool(const RooFactoryWSTool&) ; ClassDef(RooFactoryWSTool,0) // RooFit class code and instance factory } ; #endif