// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TEveRGBAPalette #define ROOT_TEveRGBAPalette #include "TEveUtil.h" #include "TObject.h" #include "TQObject.h" #include "TMath.h" class TEveRGBAPalette : public TObject, public TQObject, public TEveRefCnt { friend class TEveRGBAPaletteEditor; friend class TEveRGBAPaletteSubEditor; friend class TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay; public: enum ELimitAction_e { kLA_Cut, kLA_Mark, kLA_Clip, kLA_Wrap }; private: TEveRGBAPalette(const TEveRGBAPalette&); // Not implemented TEveRGBAPalette& operator=(const TEveRGBAPalette&); // Not implemented protected: Double_t fUIf; // UI representation calculated as: d = fUIf*i + fUIc Double_t fUIc; // UI representation calculated as: d = fUIf*i + fUIc Int_t fLowLimit; // Low limit for Min/Max values (used by editor) Int_t fHighLimit; // High limit for Min/Max values (used by editor) Int_t fMinVal; Int_t fMaxVal; Bool_t fUIDoubleRep; // Represent UI parts with real values. Bool_t fInterpolate; // Interpolate colors for signal values. Bool_t fShowDefValue; // Flags whether signals with default value should be shown. Bool_t fFixColorRange; // If true, map palette to low/high limit otherwise to min/max value. Int_t fUnderflowAction; Int_t fOverflowAction; Color_t fDefaultColor; // Color for when value is not specified UChar_t fDefaultRGBA[4]; Color_t fUnderColor; // Underflow color UChar_t fUnderRGBA[4]; Color_t fOverColor; // Overflow color UChar_t fOverRGBA[4]; mutable Int_t fNBins; // Number of signal-color entries. mutable Int_t fCAMin; // Minimal signal in color-array. mutable Int_t fCAMax; // Maximal signal in color-array. mutable UChar_t* fColorArray; //[4*fNBins] void SetupColor(Int_t val, UChar_t* pix) const; Double_t IntToDouble(Int_t i) const { return fUIf*i + fUIc; } Int_t DoubleToInt(Double_t d) const { return TMath::Nint((d - fUIc) / fUIf); } Double_t GetCAMinAsDouble() const { return IntToDouble(fCAMin); } Double_t GetCAMaxAsDouble() const { return IntToDouble(fCAMax); } static TEveRGBAPalette* fgDefaultPalette; public: TEveRGBAPalette(); TEveRGBAPalette(Int_t min, Int_t max, Bool_t interp=kTRUE, Bool_t showdef=kTRUE, Bool_t fixcolrng=kFALSE); virtual ~TEveRGBAPalette(); void SetupColorArray() const; void ClearColorArray(); Bool_t WithinVisibleRange(Int_t val) const; const UChar_t* ColorFromValue(Int_t val) const; void ColorFromValue(Int_t val, UChar_t* pix, Bool_t alpha=kTRUE) const; Bool_t ColorFromValue(Int_t val, Int_t defVal, UChar_t* pix, Bool_t alpha=kTRUE) const; Int_t GetMinVal() const { return fMinVal; } Int_t GetMaxVal() const { return fMaxVal; } void SetLimits(Int_t low, Int_t high); void SetLimitsScaleMinMax(Int_t low, Int_t high); void SetMinMax(Int_t min, Int_t max); void SetMin(Int_t min); void SetMax(Int_t max); Int_t GetLowLimit() const { return fLowLimit; } Int_t GetHighLimit() const { return fHighLimit; } // ================================================================ Bool_t GetUIDoubleRep() const { return fUIDoubleRep; } void SetUIDoubleRep(Bool_t b, Double_t f=1, Double_t c=0); Bool_t GetInterpolate() const { return fInterpolate; } void SetInterpolate(Bool_t b); Bool_t GetShowDefValue() const { return fShowDefValue; } void SetShowDefValue(Bool_t v) { fShowDefValue = v; } Bool_t GetFixColorRange() const { return fFixColorRange; } void SetFixColorRange(Bool_t v); Int_t GetUnderflowAction() const { return fUnderflowAction; } Int_t GetOverflowAction() const { return fOverflowAction; } void SetUnderflowAction(Int_t a) { fUnderflowAction = a; } void SetOverflowAction(Int_t a) { fOverflowAction = a; } // ================================================================ Color_t GetDefaultColor() const { return fDefaultColor; } Color_t* PtrDefaultColor() { return &fDefaultColor; } UChar_t* GetDefaultRGBA() { return fDefaultRGBA; } const UChar_t* GetDefaultRGBA() const { return fDefaultRGBA; } void SetDefaultColor(Color_t ci); void SetDefaultColorPixel(Pixel_t pix); void SetDefaultColorRGBA(UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b, UChar_t a=255); // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Color_t GetUnderColor() const { return fUnderColor; } Color_t* PtrUnderColor() { return &fUnderColor; } UChar_t* GetUnderRGBA() { return fUnderRGBA; } const UChar_t* GetUnderRGBA() const { return fUnderRGBA; } void SetUnderColor(Color_t ci); void SetUnderColorPixel(Pixel_t pix); void SetUnderColorRGBA(UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b, UChar_t a=255); // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Color_t GetOverColor() const { return fOverColor; } Color_t* PtrOverColor() { return &fOverColor; } UChar_t* GetOverRGBA() { return fOverRGBA; } const UChar_t* GetOverRGBA() const { return fOverRGBA; } void SetOverColor(Color_t ci); void SetOverColorPixel(Pixel_t pix); void SetOverColorRGBA(UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b, UChar_t a=255); virtual void OnZeroRefCount() { delete this; } // ================================================================ void MinMaxValChanged(); // *SIGNAL* ClassDef(TEveRGBAPalette, 0); // A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes. }; /******************************************************************************/ // Inlines for TEveRGBAPalette /******************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________________ inline Bool_t TEveRGBAPalette::WithinVisibleRange(Int_t val) const { if ((val < fMinVal && fUnderflowAction == kLA_Cut) || (val > fMaxVal && fOverflowAction == kLA_Cut)) return kFALSE; else return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline const UChar_t* TEveRGBAPalette::ColorFromValue(Int_t val) const { // Here we expect that kLA_Cut has been checked; we further check // for kLA_Wrap and kLA_Clip otherwise we proceed as for kLA_Mark. if (!fColorArray) SetupColorArray(); if (val < fMinVal) { if (fUnderflowAction == kLA_Wrap) val = (val+1-fCAMin)%fNBins + fCAMax; else if (fUnderflowAction == kLA_Clip) val = fMinVal; else return fUnderRGBA; } else if(val > fMaxVal) { if (fOverflowAction == kLA_Wrap) val = (val-1-fCAMax)%fNBins + fCAMin; else if (fOverflowAction == kLA_Clip) val = fMaxVal; else return fOverRGBA; } return fColorArray + 4 * (val - fCAMin); } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline void TEveRGBAPalette::ColorFromValue(Int_t val, UChar_t* pix, Bool_t alpha) const { const UChar_t* c = ColorFromValue(val); pix[0] = c[0]; pix[1] = c[1]; pix[2] = c[2]; if (alpha) pix[3] = c[3]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline Bool_t TEveRGBAPalette::ColorFromValue(Int_t val, Int_t defVal, UChar_t* pix, Bool_t alpha) const { if (val == defVal) { if (fShowDefValue) { pix[0] = fDefaultRGBA[0]; pix[1] = fDefaultRGBA[1]; pix[2] = fDefaultRGBA[2]; if (alpha) pix[3] = fDefaultRGBA[3]; return kTRUE; } else { return kFALSE; } } if (WithinVisibleRange(val)) { ColorFromValue(val, pix, alpha); return kTRUE; } else { return kFALSE; } } #endif