// @(#)root/treeplayer:$Id$ // Author: Markus Frank 01/02/2006 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers and al. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TFormLeafInfoReference #define ROOT_TFormLeafInfoReference #include "TFormLeafInfo.h" // Forward declarations class TVirtualRefProxy; class TFormLeafInfoReference : public TFormLeafInfo { typedef TVirtualRefProxy Proxy; public: Proxy* fProxy; //! Cached pointer to reference proxy TBranch* fBranch; //! Cached pointer to branch object public: // Initializing constructor TFormLeafInfoReference(TClass* classptr, TStreamerElement* element, int off); // Copy constructor TFormLeafInfoReference(const TFormLeafInfoReference& orig); // Default destructor virtual ~TFormLeafInfoReference(); // Exception safe swap. void Swap(TFormLeafInfoReference &other); // Exception safe assignment operator. TFormLeafInfoReference &operator=(const TFormLeafInfoReference &orig); // Virtual copy constructor virtual TFormLeafInfo* DeepCopy() const; // Access to the info's proxy Proxy* GetProxy() const { return fProxy; } // Access to the info's connected branch TBranch* GetBranch() const { return fBranch; } // Access to the info's connected branch void SetBranch(TBranch* branch) { fBranch = branch; if ( fNext ) fNext->SetBranch(branch); } // Access to the offset of the data virtual Int_t GetOffset() const { return fOffset; } // Return true only if the underlying data is an integral value virtual Bool_t IsInteger() const { return kFALSE; } // Return true only if the underlying data is a string virtual Bool_t IsString() const { return kFALSE; } // Return true only if the underlying data is a reference virtual Bool_t IsReference() const { return kTRUE; } // Access to target class pointer (if available) virtual TClass* GetClass() const; // Access to the value class of the reference proxy virtual TClass* GetValueClass(TLeaf* from); // Access to the value class from the object pointer virtual TClass* GetValueClass(void* from); // Return the address of the local value virtual void *GetLocalValuePointer( TLeaf *from, Int_t instance = 0); // Return the address of the local value virtual void *GetLocalValuePointer(char *from, Int_t instance = 0); // Return true if any of underlying data has a array size counter virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const; // Return the size of the underlying array for the current entry in the TTree. virtual Int_t ReadCounterValue(char *where); // Return the current size of the array container virtual Int_t GetCounterValue(TLeaf* leaf); // Access value of referenced object (macro from TFormLeafInfo.g) DECLARE_GETVAL; // Read value of referenced object DECLARE_READVAL; // TFormLeafInfo overload: Update (and propagate) cached information virtual Bool_t Update(); }; #endif /* ROOT_TFormLeafInfoReference */