// @(#)root/gui:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 20/5/2003 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2021, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGFont #define ROOT_TGFont ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGFont and TGFontPool // // // // Encapsulate fonts used in the GUI system. // // TGFontPool provides a pool of fonts. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TNamed.h" #include "TGObject.h" #include "TRefCnt.h" class THashTable; class TObjString; class TGFont; // Flags passed to TGFont::MeasureChars and TGFont::ComputeTextLayout enum ETextLayoutFlags { kTextWholeWords = BIT(0), kTextAtLeastOne = BIT(1), kTextPartialOK = BIT(2), kTextIgnoreTabs = BIT(3), kTextIgnoreNewlines = BIT(4) }; enum EFontWeight { kFontWeightNormal = 0, kFontWeightMedium = 0, kFontWeightBold = 1, kFontWeightLight = 2, kFontWeightDemibold = 3, kFontWeightBlack = 4, kFontWeightUnknown = -1 }; enum EFontSlant { kFontSlantRoman = 0, kFontSlantItalic = 1, kFontSlantOblique = 2, kFontSlantUnknown = -1 }; struct FontMetrics_t { Int_t fAscent; // from baseline to top of font Int_t fDescent; // from baseline to bottom of font Int_t fLinespace; // the sum of the ascent and descent Int_t fMaxWidth; // width of widest character in font Bool_t fFixed; // true if monospace, false otherwise }; struct FontAttributes_t { const char *fFamily; // Font family. The most important field. Int_t fPointsize; // Pointsize of font, 0 for default size, or negative number meaning pixel size. Int_t fWeight; // Weight flag; see below for def'n. Int_t fSlant; // Slant flag; see below for def'n. Int_t fUnderline; // Non-zero for underline font. Int_t fOverstrike; // Non-zero for overstrike font. FontAttributes_t(): // default constructor fFamily (0), fPointsize (0), fWeight (kFontWeightNormal), fSlant (kFontSlantRoman), fUnderline (0), fOverstrike(0) { } FontAttributes_t(const FontAttributes_t& f): // copy constructor fFamily (f.fFamily), fPointsize (f.fPointsize), fWeight (f.fWeight), fSlant (f.fSlant), fUnderline (f.fUnderline), fOverstrike(f.fOverstrike) { } FontAttributes_t& operator=(const FontAttributes_t& f) // assignment operator { if (this != &f) { fFamily = f.fFamily; fPointsize = f.fPointsize; fWeight = f.fWeight; fSlant = f.fSlant; fUnderline = f.fUnderline; fOverstrike = f.fOverstrike; } return *this; } }; struct LayoutChunk_t; class TGTextLayout : public TObject { friend class TGFont; protected: const TGFont *fFont; // The font used when laying out the text. const char *fString; // The string that was layed out. Int_t fWidth; // The maximum width of all lines in the text layout. Int_t fNumChunks; // Number of chunks actually used in following array. LayoutChunk_t *fChunks; // Array of chunks. The actual size will be maxChunks. TGTextLayout(const TGTextLayout &tlayout) = delete; void operator=(const TGTextLayout &tlayout) = delete; public: TGTextLayout(): fFont(nullptr), fString(""), fWidth(0), fNumChunks(0), fChunks(NULL) {} virtual ~TGTextLayout(); void DrawText(Drawable_t dst, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t firstChar, Int_t lastChar) const; void UnderlineChar(Drawable_t dst, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t underline) const; Int_t PointToChar(Int_t x, Int_t y) const; Int_t CharBbox(Int_t index, Int_t *x, Int_t *y, Int_t *w, Int_t *h) const; Int_t DistanceToText(Int_t x, Int_t y) const; Int_t IntersectText(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t w, Int_t h) const; void ToPostscript(TString *dst) const; ClassDef(TGTextLayout,0) // Keep track of string measurement information. }; // The following class is used to keep track of the generic information about a font. class TGFont : public TNamed, public TRefCnt { friend class TGFontPool; friend class TGTextLayout; private: FontStruct_t fFontStruct; // Low level graphics fontstruct FontH_t fFontH; // Font handle (derived from fontstruct) FontMetrics_t fFM; // Cached font metrics FontAttributes_t fFA; // Actual font attributes obtained when the font was created TObjString *fNamedHash; // Pointer to the named object TGFont was based on Int_t fTabWidth; // Width of tabs in this font (pixels). Int_t fUnderlinePos; // Offset from baseline to origin of underline bar // (used for drawing underlines on a non-underlined font). Int_t fUnderlineHeight; // Height of underline bar (used for drawing // underlines on a non-underlined font). char fTypes[256]; // Array giving types of all characters in // the font, used when displaying control characters. Int_t fWidths[256]; // Array giving widths of all possible characters in the font. Int_t fBarHeight; // Height of underline or overstrike bar // (used for simulating a native underlined or strikeout font). protected: TGFont(const char *name) : TNamed(name,""), TRefCnt(), fFontStruct(0), fFontH(0), fFM(), fFA(), fNamedHash(0), fTabWidth(0), fUnderlinePos(0), fUnderlineHeight(0), fBarHeight(0) { SetRefCount(1); for (Int_t i=0; i<256; i++) { fWidths[i] = 0; fTypes[i] = ' '; } } TGFont(const TGFont &) = delete; void operator=(const TGFont &) = delete; LayoutChunk_t *NewChunk(TGTextLayout *layout, int *maxPtr, const char *start, int numChars, int curX, int newX, int y) const; public: virtual ~TGFont(); FontH_t GetFontHandle() const { return fFontH; } FontStruct_t GetFontStruct() const { return fFontStruct; } FontStruct_t operator()() const; void GetFontMetrics(FontMetrics_t *m) const; FontAttributes_t GetFontAttributes() const { return fFA; } Int_t PostscriptFontName(TString *dst) const; Int_t TextWidth(const char *string, Int_t numChars = -1) const; Int_t XTextWidth(const char *string, Int_t numChars = -1) const; Int_t TextHeight() const { return fFM.fLinespace; } void UnderlineChars(Drawable_t dst, GContext_t gc, const char *string, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t firstChar, Int_t lastChar) const; TGTextLayout *ComputeTextLayout(const char *string, Int_t numChars, Int_t wrapLength, Int_t justify, Int_t flags, UInt_t *width, UInt_t *height) const; Int_t MeasureChars(const char *source, Int_t numChars, Int_t maxLength, Int_t flags, Int_t *length) const; void DrawCharsExp(Drawable_t dst, GContext_t gc, const char *source, Int_t numChars, Int_t x, Int_t y) const; void DrawChars(Drawable_t dst, GContext_t gc, const char *source, Int_t numChars, Int_t x, Int_t y) const; void Print(Option_t *option="") const; virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * = ""); ClassDef(TGFont,0) // GUI font description }; struct FontStateMap_t; struct XLFDAttributes_t; class TGFontPool : public TGObject { private: THashTable *fList; // TGFont objects pool THashTable *fUidTable; // Hash table for some used string values like family names, etc. THashTable *fNamedTable; // Map a name to a set of attributes for a font TGFontPool(const TGFontPool& fp) = delete; TGFontPool& operator=(const TGFontPool& fp) = delete; protected: const char *GetUid(const char *string); Bool_t ParseXLFD(const char *string, XLFDAttributes_t *xa); TGFont *GetFontFromAttributes(FontAttributes_t *fa, TGFont *fontPtr); int FindStateNum(const FontStateMap_t *map, const char *strKey); const char *FindStateString(const FontStateMap_t *map, int numKey); Bool_t FieldSpecified(const char *field); TGFont *GetNativeFont(const char *name, Bool_t fixedDefault = kTRUE); TGFont *MakeFont(TGFont *font, FontStruct_t fontStruct, const char *fontName); public: TGFontPool(TGClient *client); virtual ~TGFontPool(); TGFont *GetFont(const char *font, Bool_t fixedDefault = kTRUE); TGFont *GetFont(const TGFont *font); TGFont *GetFont(FontStruct_t font); TGFont *GetFont(const char *family, Int_t ptsize, Int_t weight, Int_t slant); void FreeFont(const TGFont *font); TGFont *FindFont(FontStruct_t font) const; TGFont *FindFontByHandle(FontH_t font) const; char **GetAttributeInfo(const FontAttributes_t *fa); void FreeAttributeInfo(char **info); char **GetFontFamilies(); void FreeFontFamilies(char **f); Bool_t ParseFontName(const char *string, FontAttributes_t *fa); const char *NameOfFont(TGFont *font); void Print(Option_t *option="") const; ClassDef(TGFontPool,0) // Font pool }; #endif