// @(#)root/gui:$Id$ // Author: Valeriy Onuchin & Fons Rademakers 18/10/2000 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2021, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGImageMap #define ROOT_TGImageMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGImageMap (with TGRegion and TGRegionWithId help classes) // // // // A TGImageMap provides the functionality like a clickable image in // // a web browser with sensitive regions (MAP HTML tag). // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TGButton.h" #include "TPoint.h" #include "TGDimension.h" class TGRegionData; class TGPopupMenu; class TGToolTip; class TArrayS; class TGRegion : public TObject { protected: TGRegionData *fData; // data describing region TGRegion(Bool_t); TGRegion CopyRegion() const; public: enum ERegionType { kRectangle, kEllipse }; TGRegion(); TGRegion(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, ERegionType = kRectangle); TGRegion(Int_t n, TPoint *points, Bool_t winding = kFALSE); TGRegion(Int_t n, Int_t *x, Int_t *y, Bool_t winding = kFALSE); TGRegion(const TArrayS &x, const TArrayS &y, Bool_t winding = kFALSE); TGRegion(const TGRegion ®); virtual ~TGRegion(); Bool_t Contains(const TPoint &p) const; Bool_t Contains(Int_t x, Int_t y) const; TGRegion Unite(const TGRegion &r) const; TGRegion Intersect(const TGRegion &r) const; TGRegion Subtract(const TGRegion &r) const; TGRegion Eor(const TGRegion &r) const; TGDimension GetDimension() const; TGPosition GetPosition() const; Bool_t IsNull() const; Bool_t IsEmpty() const; TGRegion operator|(const TGRegion &r) const { return Unite(r); } TGRegion operator+(const TGRegion &r) const { return Unite(r); } TGRegion operator&(const TGRegion &r) const { return Intersect(r); } TGRegion operator-(const TGRegion &r) const { return Subtract(r); } TGRegion operator^(const TGRegion &r) const { return Eor(r); } TGRegion& operator|=(const TGRegion &r) { return *this = *this | r; } TGRegion& operator+=(const TGRegion &r) { return *this = *this + r; } TGRegion& operator&=(const TGRegion &r) { return *this = *this & r; } TGRegion& operator-=(const TGRegion &r) { return *this = *this - r; } TGRegion& operator^=(const TGRegion &r) { return *this = *this ^ r; } Bool_t operator==(const TGRegion &r) const; Bool_t operator!=(const TGRegion &r) const { return !(operator==(r)); } TGRegion &operator=(const TGRegion &r); ClassDef(TGRegion,0) // Describes a region }; class TGRegionWithId : public TGRegion { private: TGRegionWithId& operator=(const TGRegionWithId&) = delete; protected: Int_t fId; // region id TGToolTip *fTip; // tooltip TGPopupMenu *fPopup; // popup menu public: TGRegionWithId(); TGRegionWithId(Int_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, ERegionType = kRectangle); TGRegionWithId(Int_t id, Int_t n, TPoint *points, Bool_t winding = kFALSE); TGRegionWithId(const TGRegionWithId ®); TGRegionWithId(const TGRegion ®, Int_t id); virtual ~TGRegionWithId(); Int_t GetId() const { return fId; } TGToolTip *GetToolTipText() const { return fTip; } void SetToolTipText(const char *text, Long_t delayms, const TGFrame *frame); TGPopupMenu *GetPopup() const { return fPopup; } void SetPopup(TGPopupMenu *popup) { fPopup = popup; } void DisplayPopup(); ClassDef(TGRegionWithId,0) // Region with id, tooltip text and popup menu }; class TGImageMap : public TGPictureButton { private: TGImageMap(const TGImageMap&) = delete; TGImageMap& operator=(const TGImageMap&) = delete; public: enum ENavMode { kNavRegions, kNavGrid }; protected: TList *fListOfRegions; // list of regions ENavMode fNavMode; // navigation mode ECursor fCursorMouseOver; // cursor shape in regions ECursor fCursorMouseOut; // cursor shape out of regions Int_t fLastVisited; // id of the last visited region TGToolTip *fMainTip; // tooltip text for main region TList *fTrash; // collect all objects that need to be cleaned up public: TGImageMap(const TGWindow *p = nullptr, const TGPicture *pic = nullptr); TGImageMap(const TGWindow *p, const TString &pic); virtual ~TGImageMap(); virtual Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event); virtual Bool_t HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event); virtual Bool_t HandleMotion(Event_t *event); ENavMode GetNavMode() { return fNavMode; } void AddRegion(const TGRegion ®ion, Int_t id); TGPopupMenu *CreatePopup(Int_t id); TGPopupMenu *GetPopup(Int_t id); void SetToolTipText(const char *text, Long_t delayms = 300); void SetToolTipText(Int_t id, const char *text, Long_t delayms = 300); void SetCursor(ECursor cursor = kHand) { fCursorMouseOver = cursor; } void SetPicture(const TGPicture * /*new_pic*/) { } // disabled virtual void RegionClicked(Int_t id); // *SIGNAL* virtual void DoubleClicked(Int_t id); // *SIGNAL* virtual void DoubleClicked(); // *SIGNAL* virtual void OnMouseOver(Int_t id); // *SIGNAL* virtual void OnMouseOut(Int_t id); // *SIGNAL* ClassDef(TGImageMap,0) // Clickable image (like MAP in HTML) }; R__EXTERN TGRegionWithId *gCurrentRegion; #endif