// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 06/01/2009 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGLIsoMesh #define ROOT_TGLIsoMesh #include #include "RtypesCore.h" #include "TAxis.h" class TGLBoxCut; namespace Rgl { namespace Mc { /* TIsoMesh - set of vertices, per-vertex normals, "triangles". Each "triangle" is a triplet of indices, pointing into vertices and normals arrays. For example, triangle t = {1, 4, 6} has vertices &fVerts[1 * 3], &fVerts[4 * 3], &fVerts[6 * 3]; and normals &fNorms[1 * 3], &fNorms[4 * 3], &fNorms[6 * 3] "V" parameter should be Float_t or Double_t (or some integral type?). Prefix "T" in a class name only for code-style checker. */ template class TIsoMesh { public: UInt_t AddVertex(const V *v) { const UInt_t index = UInt_t(fVerts.size() / 3); fVerts.push_back(v[0]); fVerts.push_back(v[1]); fVerts.push_back(v[2]); return index; } void AddNormal(const V *n) { fNorms.push_back(n[0]); fNorms.push_back(n[1]); fNorms.push_back(n[2]); } UInt_t AddTriangle(const UInt_t *t) { const UInt_t index = UInt_t(fTris.size() / 3); fTris.push_back(t[0]); fTris.push_back(t[1]); fTris.push_back(t[2]); return index; } void Swap(TIsoMesh &rhs) { std::swap(fVerts, rhs.fVerts); std::swap(fNorms, rhs.fNorms); std::swap(fTris, rhs.fTris); } void ClearMesh() { fVerts.clear(); fNorms.clear(); fTris.clear(); } std::vector fVerts; std::vector fNorms; std::vector fTris; }; /* TGridGeometry describes ranges and cell steps (scales are already in steps and ranges). */ template class TGridGeometry { public: enum EVertexPosition{ kBinCenter, kBinEdge }; TGridGeometry() : fMinX(0), fStepX(0), fMinY(0), fStepY(0), fMinZ(0), fStepZ(0), fXScaleInverted(1.), fYScaleInverted(1.), fZScaleInverted(1.) { //Default constructor. } TGridGeometry(const TAxis *x, const TAxis *y, const TAxis *z, Double_t xs = 1., Double_t ys = 1., Double_t zs = 1., EVertexPosition pos = kBinCenter) : fMinX(0), fStepX(0), fMinY(0), fStepY(0), fMinZ(0), fStepZ(0), fXScaleInverted(1.), fYScaleInverted(1.), fZScaleInverted(1.) { //Define geometry using TAxis. if (pos == kBinCenter) { fMinX = V(x->GetBinCenter(x->GetFirst())); fStepX = V((x->GetBinCenter(x->GetLast()) - fMinX) / (x->GetNbins() - 1)); fMinY = V(y->GetBinCenter(y->GetFirst())); fStepY = V((y->GetBinCenter(y->GetLast()) - fMinY) / (y->GetNbins() - 1)); fMinZ = V(z->GetBinCenter(z->GetFirst())); fStepZ = V((z->GetBinCenter(z->GetLast()) - fMinZ) / (z->GetNbins() - 1)); fMinX *= xs, fStepX *= xs; fMinY *= ys, fStepY *= ys; fMinZ *= zs, fStepZ *= zs; } else if (pos == kBinEdge) { fMinX = V(x->GetBinLowEdge(x->GetFirst())); fStepX = V((x->GetBinUpEdge(x->GetLast()) - fMinX) / (x->GetNbins())); fMinY = V(y->GetBinLowEdge(y->GetFirst())); fStepY = V((y->GetBinUpEdge(y->GetLast()) - fMinY) / (y->GetNbins())); fMinZ = V(z->GetBinLowEdge(z->GetFirst())); fStepZ = V((z->GetBinUpEdge(z->GetLast()) - fMinZ) / (z->GetNbins())); fMinX *= xs, fStepX *= xs; fMinY *= ys, fStepY *= ys; fMinZ *= zs, fStepZ *= zs; } fXScaleInverted = 1. / xs; fYScaleInverted = 1. / ys; fZScaleInverted = 1. / zs; } V fMinX; V fStepX; V fMinY; V fStepY; V fMinZ; V fStepZ; V fXScaleInverted; V fYScaleInverted; V fZScaleInverted; }; }//namespace Mc //Auxilary functions to draw an iso mesh in different modes. void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ns, const std::vector &ts); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ns, const std::vector &ts); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &fTS); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &fTS); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ns, const std::vector &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ns, const std::vector &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box); void DrawMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ts, const TGLBoxCut &box); void DrawMapleMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ns, const std::vector &ts); void DrawMapleMesh(const std::vector &vs, const std::vector &ns, const std::vector &ts, const TGLBoxCut & box); }//namespace Rgl #endif