// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Richard Maunder 16/09/2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGLManip #define ROOT_TGLManip #include "TVirtualGL.h" #include "TPoint.h" #include "GuiTypes.h" #include "TGLUtil.h" class TGLPhysicalShape; class TGLVertex3; class TGLVector3; class TGLCamera; class TGLRect; class TGLBoundingBox; class TGLManip : public TVirtualGLManip { protected: TGLPhysicalShape *fShape; //! manipulated shape UInt_t fSelectedWidget; //! active width (axis) component Bool_t fActive; //! manipulator is active? // Mouse tracking - in WINDOW coords TPoint fFirstMouse; //! first (start) mouse position (in WINDOW coords) TPoint fLastMouse; //! last (latest) mouse position (in WINDOW coords) TGLManip(const TGLManip&); TGLManip& operator=(const TGLManip&); void CalcDrawScale(const TGLBoundingBox& box, const TGLCamera& camera, Double_t& base, TGLVector3 axis[3]) const; const UChar_t* ColorFor(UInt_t widget) const; public: TGLManip(); TGLManip(TGLPhysicalShape* shape); virtual ~TGLManip(); UInt_t GetSelectedWidget() const { return fSelectedWidget; } void SetSelectedWidget(UInt_t s) { fSelectedWidget = s; } Bool_t GetActive() const { return fActive; } void SetActive(Bool_t a) { fActive = a; } void Attach(TGLPhysicalShape* shape) { fShape = shape; } TGLPhysicalShape * GetAttached() const { return fShape; } virtual void Draw(const TGLCamera& camera) const = 0; // CRAPPY TVirtualGLManip TTTT, just override it here virtual Bool_t Select(const TGLCamera&, const TGLRect&, const TGLBoundingBox&) { return kFALSE; } virtual Bool_t HandleButton(const Event_t& event, const TGLCamera& camera); virtual Bool_t HandleMotion(const Event_t& event, const TGLCamera& camera); ClassDef(TGLManip, 0); // abstract base GL manipulator widget }; #endif