// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 06/01/2009 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGLMarchingCubes #define ROOT_TGLMarchingCubes #include #include "TH3.h" #include "TGLIsoMesh.h" #include "TKDEAdapter.h" /* Implementation of "marching cubes" algortihm for GL module. Used by TGLTF3Painter and TGLIsoPainter. Good and clear algorithm explanation can be found here: http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/polygonise/ */ class TF3; class TKDEFGT; namespace Rgl { namespace Mc { /* Some routines, values and tables for marching cube method. */ extern const UInt_t eInt[256]; extern const Float_t vOff[8][3]; extern const UChar_t eConn[12][2]; extern const Float_t eDir[12][3]; extern const Int_t conTbl[256][16]; /* "T" prefix in class names is only for code-style checker. */ /* TCell is a cube from marching cubes algorithm. It has "type" - defines, which vertices are under iso level, which are above. Vertices numeration: |z | 4____________7 /| /| / | / | / | / | / | / | 5____|_______6 | | 0_______|____3______ y | / | / | / | / | / | / |/ |/ 1____________2 / /x TCell's "type" is 8-bit number, one bit per vertex. So, if vertex 1 and 2 are under iso-surface, type will be: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (bit number) [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0] bit pattern type == 6. Edges numeration: |z | |_____7______ /| /| / | / | 4/ 8 6 11 / | / | /____|5______/ | | |_____3_|____|______ y | / | / 9 / 10 / | /0 | /2 |/ |/ /____________/ / 1 /x There are 12 edges, any of them can be intersected by iso-surface (not all 12 simultaneously). Edge's intersection is a vertex in iso-mesh's vertices array, cell holds index of this vertex in fIds array. fVals holds "scalar field" or density values in vertices [0, 7]. "V" parameter is the type to hold such values. */ template class TCell { public: TCell() : fType(), fIds(), fVals() { //TCell ctor. //Such mem-initializer list can produce //warnings with some versions of MSVC, //but this list is what I want. } UInt_t fType; UInt_t fIds[12]; V fVals[8]; }; /* TSlice of marching cubes' grid. Has W * H cells. If you have TH3 hist, GetNbinsX() is W and GetNbinsY() is H. */ template class TSlice { public: TSlice() { } void ResizeSlice(UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { fCells.resize(w * h); } std::vector > fCells; private: TSlice(const TSlice &rhs); TSlice & operator = (const TSlice &rhs); }; /* Mesh builder requires generic "data source": it can be a wrapped TH3 object, a wrapped TF3 object or some "density estimator" object. Mesh builder inherits this data source type. TH3Adapter is one of such data sources. It has _direct_ access to TH3 internal data. GetBinContent(i, j, k) is a virtual function and it calls two other virtual functions - this is very expensive if you call GetBinContent several million times as I do in marching cubes. "H" parameter is one of TH3 classes, "E" is the type of internal data. For example, H == TH3C, E == Char_t. */ template class TH3Adapter { protected: typedef E ElementType_t; TH3Adapter() : fSrc(0), fW(0), fH(0), fD(0), fSliceSize(0) { } UInt_t GetW()const { return fW - 2; } UInt_t GetH()const { return fH - 2; } UInt_t GetD()const { return fD - 2; } void SetDataSource(const H *hist) { fSrc = hist->GetArray(); fW = hist->GetNbinsX() + 2; fH = hist->GetNbinsY() + 2; fD = hist->GetNbinsZ() + 2; fSliceSize = fW * fH; } void FetchDensities()const{}//Do nothing. ElementType_t GetData(UInt_t i, UInt_t j, UInt_t k)const { i += 1; j += 1; k += 1; return fSrc[k * fSliceSize + j * fW + i]; } const ElementType_t *fSrc; UInt_t fW; UInt_t fH; UInt_t fD; UInt_t fSliceSize; }; /* TF3Adapter. Lets TMeshBuilder to use TF3 as a 3d array. TF3Adapter, TF3EdgeSplitter (see below) and TMeshBuilder need TGridGeometry, so TGridGeometry is a virtual base. */ class TF3Adapter : protected virtual TGridGeometry { protected: typedef Double_t ElementType_t; TF3Adapter() : fTF3(0), fW(0), fH(0), fD(0) { } UInt_t GetW()const { return fW; } UInt_t GetH()const { return fH; } UInt_t GetD()const { return fD; } void SetDataSource(const TF3 *f); void FetchDensities()const{}//Do nothing. Double_t GetData(UInt_t i, UInt_t j, UInt_t k)const; const TF3 *fTF3;//TF3 data source. //TF3 grid's dimensions. UInt_t fW; UInt_t fH; UInt_t fD; }; /* TSourceAdapterSelector is aux. class used by TMeshBuilder to select "data-source" base depending on data-source type. */ template class TSourceAdapterSelector; template<> class TSourceAdapterSelector { public: typedef TH3Adapter Type_t; }; template<> class TSourceAdapterSelector { public: typedef TH3Adapter Type_t; }; template<> class TSourceAdapterSelector { public: typedef TH3Adapter Type_t; }; template<> class TSourceAdapterSelector { public: typedef TH3Adapter Type_t; }; template<> class TSourceAdapterSelector { public: typedef TH3Adapter Type_t; }; template<> class TSourceAdapterSelector { public: typedef TF3Adapter Type_t; }; template<> class TSourceAdapterSelector { public: typedef Fgt::TKDEAdapter Type_t; }; /* Edge splitter is the second base class for TMeshBuilder. Its task is to split cell's edge by adding new vertex into mesh. Default splitter is used by TH3 and KDE. */ template V GetOffset(E val1, E val2, V iso) { const V delta = val2 - val1; if (!delta) return 0.5f; return (iso - val1) / delta; } template class TDefaultSplitter : protected virtual TGridGeometry { protected: void SetNormalEvaluator(const H * /*source*/) { } void SplitEdge(TCell & cell, TIsoMesh * mesh, UInt_t i, V x, V y, V z, V iso)const { V v[3]; const V offset = GetOffset(cell.fVals[eConn[i][0]], cell.fVals[eConn[i][1]], iso); v[0] = x + (vOff[eConn[i][0]][0] + offset * eDir[i][0]) * this->fStepX; v[1] = y + (vOff[eConn[i][0]][1] + offset * eDir[i][1]) * this->fStepY; v[2] = z + (vOff[eConn[i][0]][2] + offset * eDir[i][2]) * this->fStepZ; cell.fIds[i] = mesh->AddVertex(v); } }; /* TF3's edge splitter. Calculates new vertex and surface normal in this vertex using TF3. */ class TF3EdgeSplitter : protected virtual TGridGeometry { protected: TF3EdgeSplitter() : fTF3(0) { } void SetNormalEvaluator(const TF3 *tf3) { fTF3 = tf3; } void SplitEdge(TCell & cell, TIsoMesh * mesh, UInt_t i, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t iso)const; const TF3 *fTF3; }; /* TSplitterSelector is aux. class to select "edge-splitter" base for TMeshBuilder. */ template class TSplitterSelector; template class TSplitterSelector { public: typedef TDefaultSplitter Type_t; }; template class TSplitterSelector { public: typedef TDefaultSplitter Type_t; }; template class TSplitterSelector { public: typedef TDefaultSplitter Type_t; }; template class TSplitterSelector { public: typedef TDefaultSplitter Type_t; }; template class TSplitterSelector { public: typedef TDefaultSplitter Type_t; }; template class TSplitterSelector { public: typedef TDefaultSplitter Type_t; }; template class TSplitterSelector { public: typedef TF3EdgeSplitter Type_t; }; /* Mesh builder. Polygonizes scalar field - TH3, TF3 or something else (some density estimator as data-source). ValueType is Float_t or Double_t - the type of vertex' x,y,z components. */ template class TMeshBuilder : public TSourceAdapterSelector::Type_t, public TSplitterSelector::Type_t { private: //Two base classes. typedef typename TSourceAdapterSelector::Type_t DataSourceBase_t; typedef typename TSplitterSelector::Type_t SplitterBase_t; //Using declarations required, since these are //type-dependant names in template. using DataSourceBase_t::GetW; using DataSourceBase_t::GetH; using DataSourceBase_t::GetD; using DataSourceBase_t::GetData; using SplitterBase_t::SplitEdge; typedef typename DataSourceBase_t::ElementType_t ElementType_t; typedef TCell CellType_t; typedef TSlice SliceType_t; typedef TIsoMesh MeshType_t; public: TMeshBuilder(Bool_t averagedNormals, ValueType eps = 1e-7) : fAvgNormals(averagedNormals), fMesh(0), fIso(), fEpsilon(eps) { } void BuildMesh(const DataSource *src, const TGridGeometry &geom, MeshType_t *mesh, ValueType iso); private: Bool_t fAvgNormals; SliceType_t fSlices[2]; MeshType_t *fMesh; ValueType fIso; ValueType fEpsilon; void NextStep(UInt_t depth, const SliceType_t *prevSlice, SliceType_t *curr)const; void BuildFirstCube(SliceType_t *slice)const; void BuildRow(SliceType_t *slice)const; void BuildCol(SliceType_t *slice)const; void BuildSlice(SliceType_t *slice)const; void BuildFirstCube(UInt_t depth, const SliceType_t *prevSlice, SliceType_t *slice)const; void BuildRow(UInt_t depth, const SliceType_t *prevSlice, SliceType_t *slice)const; void BuildCol(UInt_t depth, const SliceType_t *prevSlice, SliceType_t *slice)const; void BuildSlice(UInt_t depth, const SliceType_t *prevSlice, SliceType_t *slice)const; void BuildNormals()const; TMeshBuilder(const TMeshBuilder &rhs); TMeshBuilder & operator = (const TMeshBuilder &rhs); }; }//namespace Mc }//namespace Rgl #endif