// @(#)root/io:$Id$ // Author: Markus Frank 28/10/04 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGenCollectionProxy #define ROOT_TGenCollectionProxy #include "TBuffer.h" #include "TVirtualCollectionProxy.h" #include "TCollectionProxyInfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include class TObjArray; class TCollectionProxyFactory; class TGenCollectionProxy : public TVirtualCollectionProxy { // Friend declaration friend class TCollectionProxyFactory; public: #ifdef R__HPUX typedef const std::type_info& Info_t; #else typedef const std::type_info& Info_t; #endif enum { // Those 'bits' are used in conjunction with CINT's bit to store the 'type' // info into one int kBIT_ISSTRING = 0x20000000, // We can optimized a value operation when the content are strings kBIT_ISTSTRING = 0x40000000 }; /** @class TGenCollectionProxy::Value TGenCollectionProxy.h TGenCollectionProxy.h * * Small helper to describe the Value_type or the key_type * of an STL container. * * @author M.Frank * @version 1.0 * @date 10/10/2004 */ struct Value { ROOT::NewFunc_t fCtor; ///< Method cache for containee constructor ROOT::DesFunc_t fDtor; ///< Method cache for containee destructor ROOT::DelFunc_t fDelete; ///< Method cache for containee delete UInt_t fCase; ///< type of data of Value_type UInt_t fProperties; ///< Additional properties of the value type (kNeedDelete) TClassRef fType; ///< TClass reference of Value_type in collection EDataType fKind; ///< kind of ROOT-fundamental type size_t fSize; ///< fSize of the contained object // Default copy constructor has the correct implementation. // Initializing constructor Value(const std::string& info, Bool_t silent); // Delete individual item from STL container void DeleteItem(void* ptr); Bool_t IsValid(); }; /**@class StreamHelper * * Helper class to facilitate I/O * * @author M.Frank * @version 1.0 * @date 10/10/2004 */ union StreamHelper { Bool_t boolean; Char_t s_char; Short_t s_short; Int_t s_int; Long_t s_long; Long64_t s_longlong; Float_t flt; Double_t dbl; UChar_t u_char; UShort_t u_short; UInt_t u_int; ULong_t u_long; ULong64_t u_longlong; void* p_void; void** pp_void; char* kchar; TString* tstr; void* ptr() { return *(&this->p_void); } std::string* str() { return (std::string*)this; } const char* c_str() { return ((std::string*)this)->c_str(); } const char* c_pstr() { return (*(std::string**)this)->c_str(); } void set(void* p) { *(&this->p_void) = p; } void read_std_string(TBuffer& b) { TString s; s.Streamer(b); ((std::string*)this)->assign(s.Data()); } void* read_tstring(TBuffer& b) { *((TString*)this) = ""; ((TString*)this)->Streamer(b); return this; } void read_std_string_pointer(TBuffer& b) { TString s; std::string* str2 = (std::string*)ptr(); if (!str2) str2 = new std::string(); s.Streamer(b); *str2 = s; set(str2); } void write_std_string_pointer(TBuffer& b) { const char* c; if (ptr()) { std::string* strptr = (*(std::string**)this); c = (const char*)(strptr->c_str()); } else c = ""; TString(c).Streamer(b); } void read_any_object(Value* v, TBuffer& b) { void* p = ptr(); if ( p ) { if ( v->fDelete ) { // Compiled content: call Destructor (*v->fDelete)(p); } else if ( v->fType ) { // Emulated content: call TClass::Delete v->fType->Destructor(p); } else if ( v->fDtor ) { (*v->fDtor)(p); ::operator delete(p); } else { ::operator delete(p); } } set( b.ReadObjectAny(v->fType) ); } void read_tstring_pointer(Bool_t vsn3, TBuffer& b) { TString* s = (TString*)ptr(); if ( vsn3 ) { if ( !s ) s = new TString(); else s->Clear(); s->Streamer(b); set(s); return; } if ( s ) delete s; set( b.ReadObjectAny(TString::Class()) ); } void write_tstring_pointer(TBuffer& b) { b.WriteObjectAny(ptr(), TString::Class()); } }; /** @class TGenCollectionProxy::Method TGenCollectionProxy.h TGenCollectionProxy.h * * Small helper to execute (compiler) generated function for the * access to STL or other containers. * * @author M.Frank * @version 1.0 * @date 10/10/2004 */ class Method { public: typedef void* (*Call_t)(void*); Call_t call; Method() : call(0) { } Method(Call_t c) : call(c) { } Method(const Method& m) : call(m.call) { } Method &operator=(const Method& m) { call = m.call; return *this; } void* invoke(void* obj) const { return (*call)(obj); } }; /** @class TGenCollectionProxy::Method TGenCollectionProxy.h TGenCollectionProxy.h * * Small helper to execute (compiler) generated function for the * access to STL or other containers. * * @author M.Frank * @version 1.0 * @date 10/10/2004 */ class Method0 { public: typedef void* (*Call_t)(); Call_t call; Method0() : call(0) { } Method0(Call_t c) : call(c) { } Method0(const Method0& m) : call(m.call) { } Method0 &operator=(const Method0& m) { call = m.call; return *this; } void* invoke() const { return (*call)(); } }; /** @class TGenCollectionProxy::TStaging * * Small helper to stage the content of an associative * container when reading and before inserting it in the * actual collection. * * @author Ph.Canal * @version 1.0 * @date 20/08/2010 */ class TStaging { void *fTarget; ///< Pointer to the collection we are staging for. void *fContent; ///< Pointer to the content size_t fReserved; ///< Amount of space already reserved. size_t fSize; ///< Number of elements size_t fSizeOf; ///< size of each elements TStaging(const TStaging&); ///< Not implemented. TStaging &operator=(const TStaging&); ///< Not implemented. public: TStaging(size_t size, size_t size_of) : fTarget(0), fContent(0), fReserved(0), fSize(size), fSizeOf(size_of) { // Usual constructor. Reserves the required number of elements. fReserved = fSize; fContent = ::malloc(fReserved * fSizeOf); } ~TStaging() { // Usual destructor ::free(fContent); } void *GetContent() { // Return the location of the array of content. return fContent; } void *GetEnd() { // Return the 'end' of the array of content. return ((char*)fContent) + fSize*fSizeOf; } size_t GetSize() { // Return the number of elements. return fSize; } void *GetTarget() { // Get the address of the collection we are staging for. return fTarget; } void Resize(size_t nelement) { if (fReserved < nelement) { fReserved = nelement; fContent = ::realloc(fContent,fReserved * fSizeOf); } fSize = nelement; } void SetTarget(void *target) { // Set the collection we are staging for. fTarget = target; } }; protected: typedef ROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Environ Env_t; typedef ROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::EnvironBase EnvironBase_t; typedef std::vector Staged_t; ///< Collection of pre-allocated staged array for associative containers. typedef std::vector Proxies_t; mutable TObjArray *fReadMemberWise; ///< Array of bundle of TStreamerInfoActions to stream out (read) mutable std::map *fConversionReadMemberWise; ///< Array of bundle of TStreamerInfoActions to stream out (read) derived from another class. mutable TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence *fWriteMemberWise; typedef void (*Sizing_t)(void *obj, size_t size); typedef void* (*Feedfunc_t)(void *from, void *to, size_t size); typedef void* (*Collectfunc_t)(void *from, void *to); typedef void* (*ArrIterfunc_t)(void *from, size_t size); std::string fName; ///< Name of the class being proxied. Bool_t fPointers; ///< Flag to indicate if containee has pointers (key or value) Method fClear; ///< Method cache for container accessors: clear container Method fSize; ///< Container accessors: size of container Sizing_t fResize; ///< Container accessors: resize container Method fFirst; ///< Container accessors: generic iteration: first Method fNext; ///< Container accessors: generic iteration: next ArrIterfunc_t fConstruct; ///< Container accessors: block construct Sizing_t fDestruct; ///< Container accessors: block destruct Feedfunc_t fFeed; ///< Container accessors: block feed Collectfunc_t fCollect; ///< Method to collect objects from container Method0 fCreateEnv; ///< Method to allocate an Environment holder. std::atomic fValue; ///< Descriptor of the container value type Value* fVal; ///< Descriptor of the Value_type Value* fKey; ///< Descriptor of the key_type EnvironBase_t*fEnv; ///< Address of the currently proxied object int fValOffset; ///< Offset from key to value (in maps) int fValDiff; ///< Offset between two consecutive value_types (memory layout). Proxies_t fProxyList; ///< Stack of recursive proxies Proxies_t fProxyKept; ///< Optimization: Keep proxies once they were created Staged_t fStaged; ///< Optimization: Keep staged array once they were created int fSTL_type; ///< STL container type Info_t fTypeinfo; ///< Type information TClass* fOnFileClass; ///< On file class CreateIterators_t fFunctionCreateIterators; CopyIterator_t fFunctionCopyIterator; Next_t fFunctionNextIterator; DeleteIterator_t fFunctionDeleteIterator; DeleteTwoIterators_t fFunctionDeleteTwoIterators; // Late initialization of collection proxy TGenCollectionProxy* Initialize(Bool_t silent) const; // Some hack to avoid const-ness. virtual TGenCollectionProxy* InitializeEx(Bool_t silent); // Call to delete/destruct individual contained item. virtual void DeleteItem(Bool_t force, void* ptr) const; // Allow to check function pointers. void CheckFunctions() const; private: TGenCollectionProxy(); // not implemented on purpose. public: // Virtual copy constructor. virtual TVirtualCollectionProxy* Generate() const; // Copy constructor. TGenCollectionProxy(const TGenCollectionProxy& copy); private: // Assignment operator TGenCollectionProxy &operator=(const TGenCollectionProxy&); // Not Implemented public: // Initializing constructor TGenCollectionProxy(Info_t typ, size_t iter_size); TGenCollectionProxy(const ROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo &info, TClass *cl); // Standard destructor. virtual ~TGenCollectionProxy(); // Return a pointer to the TClass representing the container. virtual TClass *GetCollectionClass() const; // Return the type of collection see TClassEdit::ESTLType virtual Int_t GetCollectionType() const; // Return the offset between two consecutive value_types (memory layout). virtual ULong_t GetIncrement() const; // Return the sizeof the collection object. virtual UInt_t Sizeof() const; // Push new proxy environment. virtual void PushProxy(void *objstart); // Pop old proxy environment. virtual void PopProxy(); // Return true if the content is of type 'pointer to'. virtual Bool_t HasPointers() const; // Return a pointer to the TClass representing the content. virtual TClass *GetValueClass() const; // If the content is a simple numerical value, return its type (see TDataType). virtual EDataType GetType() const; // Return the address of the value at index 'idx'. virtual void *At(UInt_t idx); // Clear the container. virtual void Clear(const char *opt = ""); // Resize the container. virtual void Resize(UInt_t n, Bool_t force_delete); // Return the current size of the container. virtual UInt_t Size() const; // Block allocation of containees. virtual void* Allocate(UInt_t n, Bool_t forceDelete); // Insert data into the container where data is a C-style array of the actual type contained in the collection // of the given size. For associative container (map, etc.), the data type is the pair. virtual void Insert(const void *data, void *container, size_t size); // Block commit of containees. virtual void Commit(void* env); // Streamer function. virtual void Streamer(TBuffer &refBuffer); // Streamer I/O overload. virtual void Streamer(TBuffer &refBuffer, void *pObject, int siz); // TClassStreamer I/O overload. virtual void operator()(TBuffer &refBuffer, void *pObject); // Routine to read the content of the buffer into 'obj'. virtual void ReadBuffer(TBuffer &b, void *obj); virtual void ReadBuffer(TBuffer &b, void *obj, const TClass *onfileClass); virtual void SetOnFileClass( TClass* cl ) { fOnFileClass = cl; } virtual TClass* GetOnFileClass() const { return fOnFileClass; } // MemberWise actions virtual TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence *GetConversionReadMemberWiseActions(TClass *oldClass, Int_t version); virtual TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence *GetReadMemberWiseActions(Int_t version); virtual TStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence *GetWriteMemberWiseActions(); // Set of functions to iterate easily throught the collection virtual CreateIterators_t GetFunctionCreateIterators(Bool_t read = kTRUE); // typedef void (*CreateIterators_t)(void *collection, void **begin_arena, void **end_arena); // begin_arena and end_arena should contain the location of a memory arena of size fgIteratorSize. // If the collection iterator are of that size or less, the iterators will be constructed in place in those location (new with placement) // Otherwise the iterators will be allocated via a regular new and their address returned by modifying the value of begin_arena and end_arena. virtual CopyIterator_t GetFunctionCopyIterator(Bool_t read = kTRUE); // typedef void* (*CopyIterator_t)(void **dest, const void *source); // Copy the iterator source, into dest. dest should contain the location of a memory arena of size fgIteratorSize. // If the collection iterator is of that size or less, the iterator will be constructed in place in this location (new with placement) // Otherwise the iterator will be allocated via a regular new. // The actual address of the iterator is returned in both case. virtual Next_t GetFunctionNext(Bool_t read = kTRUE); // typedef void* (*Next_t)(void *iter, const void *end); // iter and end should be pointers to respectively an iterator to be incremented and the result of collection.end() // If the iterator has not reached the end of the collection, 'Next' increment the iterator 'iter' and return 0 if // the iterator reached the end. // If the end was not reached, 'Next' returns the address of the content pointed to by the iterator before the // incrementation ; if the collection contains pointers, 'Next' will return the value of the pointer. virtual DeleteIterator_t GetFunctionDeleteIterator(Bool_t read = kTRUE); virtual DeleteTwoIterators_t GetFunctionDeleteTwoIterators(Bool_t read = kTRUE); // typedef void (*DeleteIterator_t)(void *iter); // typedef void (*DeleteTwoIterators_t)(void *begin, void *end); // If the size of the iterator is greater than fgIteratorArenaSize, call delete on the addresses, // Otherwise just call the iterator's destructor. }; template struct AnyCollectionProxy : public TGenCollectionProxy { AnyCollectionProxy() : TGenCollectionProxy(typeid(T::Cont_t),sizeof(T::Iter_t)) { // Constructor. fValDiff = sizeof(T::Value_t); fValOffset = T::value_offset(); fSize.call = T::size; fResize = T::resize; fNext.call = T::next; fFirst.call = T::first; fClear.call = T::clear; fConstruct = T::construct; fDestruct = T::destruct; fFeed = T::feed; CheckFunctions(); } virtual ~AnyCollectionProxy() { } }; #endif