// @(#)root/gpad:$Id$ // Author: Paul Gessinger 25/08/2016 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2021, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TRatioPlot #define ROOT_TRatioPlot ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ROOT_TRatioPlot // // // // A collection of histograms // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TObject.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TGraph.h" class TH1; class TPad; class TVirtualPad; class TGraphAsymmErrors; class TGraphErrors; class TAxis; class TGaxis; class TLine; class TFitResultPtr; class TFitResult; class THStack; class TBrowser; class TRatioPlot : public TObject { private: TRatioPlot& operator=(const TRatioPlot&) = delete; TRatioPlot(const TRatioPlot &) = delete; enum CalculationMode { kDivideHist = 1, ///< Use `TH1::Divide` to create the ratio. kDivideGraph = 2, ///< Use `TGraphAsymmErrors::Divide` to create the ratio. kDifference = 3, ///< Calculate the difference between the histograms. kFitResidual = 4, ///< Calculate the fit residual between the histogram and a fit stored within it. kDifferenceSign = 5 ///< Calculate the difference divided by the error. }; enum ErrorMode { kErrorSymmetric = 1, ///< Use the regular `TH1::GetBinError` as the error kErrorAsymmetric = 2, ///< Use `TH1::GetBinErrorUp` and `TH1::GetBinErrorLow` for the error, depending on y values. kErrorFunc = 3 ///< Use the square root of the function value as the error. }; enum HideLabelMode { kHideUp = 1, ///< Hide the first label of the upper y axis when there is low space. kHideLow = 2, ///< Hide the last label of the lower y axis when there is low space. kNoHide = 3, ///< Do not hide labels when there is low space. kForceHideUp = 4, ///< Always hide the first label of the upper y axis kForceHideLow = 5 ///< Always hide the last label of the lower y axis }; protected: TVirtualPad *fParentPad = 0; ///< Stores the pad the ratio plot was created in TPad *fUpperPad = 0; ///< The pad which contains the upper plot part TPad *fLowerPad = 0; ///< The pad which contains the calculated lower plot part TPad *fTopPad = 0; ///< The Pad that drawn on top on the others to have consistent coordinates TH1 *fH1 = 0; ///< Stores the primary histogram TH1 *fH2 = 0; ///< Stores the secondary histogram, if there is one TObject *fHistDrawProxy = 0; ///< The object which is actually drawn, this might be TH1 or THStack Int_t fMode = 0; ///< Stores which calculation is supposed to be performed as specified by user option Int_t fErrorMode = TRatioPlot::ErrorMode::kErrorSymmetric; ///< Stores the error mode, sym, asym or func TString fOption = ""; ///< Stores the option which is given in the constructor as a string TString fH1DrawOpt = ""; ///< Stores draw option for h1 given in constructor TString fH2DrawOpt = ""; ///< Stores draw option for h2 given in constructor TString fGraphDrawOpt = ""; ///< Stores draw option for the lower plot graph given in constructor TString fFitDrawOpt = ""; ///< Stores draw option for the fit function in the fit residual case Float_t fSplitFraction = 0.3; ///< Stores the fraction at which the upper and lower pads meet TGraph *fRatioGraph = 0; ///< Stores the lower plot's graph TGraphErrors *fConfidenceInterval1 = 0; ///< Stores the graph for the 1 sigma band TGraphErrors *fConfidenceInterval2 = 0; ///< Stores the graph for the 2 sigma band Color_t fCi1Color = kGreen; ///< Stores the color for the 1 sigma band Color_t fCi2Color = kYellow; ///< Stores the color for the 2 sigma band Bool_t fShowConfidenceIntervals = kTRUE; ///< Stores whether to show the confidence interval bands. From Draw option Double_t fCl1 = 0.6827; ///< Stores the confidence level for the inner confidence interval band Double_t fCl2 = 0.9545; ///< Stores the confidence level for the outer confidence interval band Double_t fC1 = 1.; ///< Stores the scale factor for h1 (or THStack sum) Double_t fC2 = 1.; ///< Stores the scale factor for h2 TFitResult *fFitResult = 0; ///< Stores the explicit fit result given in the fit residual case. Can be 0 TAxis *fSharedXAxis = 0; ///< X axis that stores the range for both plots TGaxis *fUpperGXaxis = 0; ///< Upper graphical x axis TGaxis *fLowerGXaxis = 0; ///< Lower graphical x axis TGaxis *fUpperGYaxis = 0; ///< Upper graphical y axis TGaxis *fLowerGYaxis = 0; ///< Lower graphical y axis TGaxis *fUpperGXaxisMirror = 0; ///< Upper mirror of the x axis TGaxis *fLowerGXaxisMirror = 0; ///< Lower mirror of the x axis TGaxis *fUpperGYaxisMirror = 0; ///< Upper mirror of the y axis TGaxis *fLowerGYaxisMirror = 0; ///< Lower mirror of the y axis TAxis *fUpYaxis = 0; ///< Clone of the upper y axis TAxis *fLowYaxis = 0; ///< Clone of the lower y axis std::vector fGridlines; ///< Keeps TLine objects for the gridlines std::vector fGridlinePositions; ///< Stores the y positions for the gridlines Bool_t fShowGridlines = kTRUE; ///< Stores whether to show the gridlines at all Int_t fHideLabelMode = TRatioPlot::HideLabelMode::kHideLow; ///< Stores which label to hide if the margin is to narrow, if at all // store margins to be able do determine // what has changed when user drags Float_t fUpTopMargin = 0.1; ///< Stores the top margin of the upper pad Float_t fUpBottomMargin = 0.05; ///< Stores the bottom margin of the upper pad Float_t fLowTopMargin = 0.05; ///< Stores the top margin of the lower pad Float_t fLowBottomMargin = 0.3; ///< Stores the bottom margin of the lower pad Float_t fLeftMargin = 0.1; ///< Stores the common left margin of both pads Float_t fRightMargin = 0.1; ///< Stores the common right margin of both pads Float_t fInsetWidth = 0.0025; Bool_t fIsUpdating = kFALSE; ///< Keeps track of whether its currently updating to reject other calls until done Bool_t fIsPadUpdating = kFALSE; ///< Keeps track whether pads are updating during resizing virtual void SyncAxesRanges(); virtual void SetupPads(); virtual void CreateVisualAxes(); virtual Bool_t SyncPadMargins(); void SetPadMargins(); void CreateGridline(); Int_t BuildLowerPlot(); void ImportAxisAttributes(TGaxis* gaxis, TAxis* axis); Bool_t IsDrawn(); virtual void Init(TH1* h1, TH1* h2, Option_t *option = ""); public: TRatioPlot(); virtual ~TRatioPlot(); TRatioPlot(TH1* h1, TH1* h2, Option_t *option = "pois"); TRatioPlot(THStack* st, TH1* h2, Option_t *option = "pois"); TRatioPlot(TH1* h1, Option_t *option = "", TFitResult *fitres = 0); void SetH1DrawOpt(Option_t *opt); void SetH2DrawOpt(Option_t *opt); void SetGraphDrawOpt(Option_t *opt); void SetFitDrawOpt(Option_t *opt); void SetInsetWidth(Double_t width); virtual void Draw(Option_t *chopt=""); virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b); virtual void Paint(Option_t *opt = ""); // Slots for signal receiving void UnZoomed(); void RangeAxisChanged(); void SubPadResized(); // Getters TAxis *GetXaxis() const { return fSharedXAxis; } TAxis *GetUpYaxis() const { return fUpYaxis; } TAxis *GetLowYaxis() const { return fLowYaxis; } virtual TGraph *GetLowerRefGraph() const; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Shortcut for: /// /// ~~~{.cpp} /// rp->GetLowerRefGraph()->GetXaxis(); /// ~~~ TAxis *GetLowerRefXaxis() const { return GetLowerRefGraph()->GetXaxis(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Shortcut for: /// /// ~~~{.cpp} /// rp->GetLowerRefGraph()->GetYaxis(); /// ~~~ TAxis *GetLowerRefYaxis() const { return GetLowerRefGraph()->GetYaxis(); } virtual TObject *GetUpperRefObject() const; TAxis *GetUpperRefXaxis() const; TAxis *GetUpperRefYaxis() const; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get the output of the calculation in the form of a graph. The type of /// the return value depends on the input option that was given in the constructor. TGraph *GetCalculationOutputGraph() const { return fRatioGraph; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the graph for the 1 sigma confidence interval in the fit residual case TGraphErrors *GetConfidenceInterval1() const { return fConfidenceInterval1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the graph for the 2 sigma confidence interval in the fit residual case TGraphErrors *GetConfidenceInterval2() const { return fConfidenceInterval2; } TPad * GetUpperPad() const { return fUpperPad; } TPad * GetLowerPad() const { return fLowerPad; } // Setters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Explicitly specify the fit result that is to be used for fit residual calculation. /// If it is not provided, the last fit registered in the global fitter is used. /// The fit result can also be specified in the constructor. /// /// \param fitres The fit result coming from the fit function call void SetFitResult(TFitResultPtr fitres) { fFitResult = fitres.Get(); } // Setters for margins void SetUpTopMargin(Float_t margin); void SetUpBottomMargin(Float_t margin); void SetLowTopMargin(Float_t margin); void SetLowBottomMargin(Float_t margin); void SetLeftMargin(Float_t margin); void SetRightMargin(Float_t margin); void SetSeparationMargin(Float_t); Float_t GetSeparationMargin() const; void SetSplitFraction(Float_t sf); void SetConfidenceLevels(Double_t cl1, Double_t cl2); virtual void SetGridlines(Double_t *gridlines, Int_t numGridlines); virtual void SetGridlines(std::vector gridlines); void SetConfidenceIntervalColors(Color_t ci1 = kGreen, Color_t ci2 = kYellow); void SetC1(Double_t c1) { fC1 = c1; } void SetC2(Double_t c2) { fC2 = c2; } ClassDef(TRatioPlot, 1) //A ratio of histograms }; #endif