// @(#)root/meta:$Id$ // Author: Markus Frank 20/05/2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TRefProxy #define ROOT_TRefProxy #include "TVirtualRefProxy.h" #include "TClassRef.h" // Forward declarations class TFormLeafInfoReference; //______________________________________________________________________________ // // TRefProxy is a reference proxy, which allows to access ROOT references (TRef) // stored contained in other objects from TTree::Draw //______________________________________________________________________________ class TRefProxy : public TVirtualRefProxy { protected: TClassRef fClass; //! Pointer to the reference class (TRef::Class()) public: /// Default constructor TRefProxy() : fClass("TRef") {} /// Copy constructor TRefProxy(const TRefProxy& c) : TVirtualRefProxy(), fClass(c.fClass) {} /// Assignement operator TRefProxy &operator=(const TRefProxy& c) { fClass =c.fClass; return *this; } /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Release the reference proxy (virtual destructor) virtual void Release() { delete this; } /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Clone the reference proxy (virtual constructor) virtual TVirtualRefProxy* Clone() const { return new TRefProxy(*this);} /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Setter of reference class (executed when the proxy is adopted) virtual void SetClass(TClass *cl) { fClass = cl; } /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Getter of reference class (executed when the proxy is adopted) virtual TClass * GetClass() const { return fClass; } /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Access to value class virtual TClass* GetValueClass(void* data) const; /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Prepare reused reference object (e.g. ZERO data pointers) virtual void* GetPreparedReference(void* data) { return data; } /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Update (and propagate) cached information virtual Bool_t Update(); /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Flag to indicate if this is a container reference virtual Bool_t HasCounter() const { return kFALSE; } /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Access to container size (if container reference (ie TRefArray) etc) virtual Int_t GetCounterValue(TFormLeafInfoReference* /* info */, void* /* data */) { return 0; } /// TVirtualRefProxy overload: Access referenced object(-data) virtual void* GetObject(TFormLeafInfoReference* info, void* data, int instance); }; #endif // ROOT_TRefProxy