// @(#)root/gviz3d:$Id$ // Author: Tomasz Sosnicki 18/09/09 /************************************************************************ * Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TStructViewerGUI #define ROOT_TStructViewerGUI #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class TGeoMedium; class TStructViewer; class TGeoVolume; class TStructNode; class TCanvas; class TGCheckButton; class TGTextButton; class TGRadioButton; class TStructNodeEditor; class TStructNodeProperty; class TGLPhysicalShape; class TString; class TGTextEntry; class TStructViewerGUI : public TGMainFrame { private: TStructViewer *fParent; // Pointer to Viewer GUI TGeoVolume *fTopVolume; // Main volume containing all others volumes TStructNode *fNodePtr; // Root node which represents the main pointer UInt_t fMaxSlices; // Maximum number of slices used to build a collection node UInt_t fMouseX; // Position of ToolTip on x-axis UInt_t fMouseY; // Position of ToolTip on y-axis TStructNode *fSelectedObject; // Pointer to actual selected object on scene TList fUndoList; // List with nodes pointers which were top nodes TList fRedoList; // List with nodes pointers which were top nodes TList fVisibleObjects; // List with pointer to nodes which are visible Float_t fMaxRatio; // Maximum ratio used to scale objetcs TList *fColors; // Pointer to the list with color properties static TGeoMedium *fgMedium; // Material and medium TExMap fVolumes; // Map with pointers to Volumes associated with nodes static UInt_t fgCounter; // Volume counter // layout TCanvas *fCanvas; // Canvas used to store and paint objects TGLEmbeddedViewer *fGLViewer; // GLViewer in frame TGToolTip *fToolTip; // ToolTip is showed when user mouse is over the object TGCheckButton *fShowLinksCheckButton; // Enable/Disable lines between nodes TGLabel *fNodeNameLabel; // Label with name of node TGLabel *fNodeTypelabel; // Label with classname TGLabel *fMembersCountLabel; // Label with number of members in node TGLabel *fAllMembersCountLabel; // Label with daugthers members TGLabel *fSizeLabel; // Label with size of node TGLabel *fTotalSizeLabel; // Label with size of node and daughters nodes TGLabel *fLevelLabel; // Label with level where the node is placed TGTextButton *fUndoButton; // Button which can restore last top node TGTextButton *fRedoButton; // Button which can repeat last node change TGRadioButton *fScaleBySizeButton; // Sets sorting method to size TGRadioButton *fScaleByMembersButton; // Sets sorting method to members TGTextEntry *fPointerTextEntry; // Sets address of pointer TGTextEntry *fPointerTypeTextEntry; // Sets type of pointer TStructNodeEditor *fEditor; // Frame with a node editor TGNumberEntry *fBoxHeightEntry; // Height of boxes TGCheckButton *fAutoRefesh; // Automatic redraw the scene TGNumberEntry *fLevelDistanceEntry; // Distance between levels private: void CalculatePosistion(TStructNode* parent); void CheckMaxObjects(TStructNode* parent); void Divide(TList* list, Float_t x1, Float_t x2, Float_t y1, Float_t y2); void DrawNode(TStructNode* node); void DrawLink(TStructNode* parent); void DrawVolumes(TStructNode* visObj); TStructNodeProperty* FindNodeProperty(TStructNode* node); void Scale(TStructNode* parent); void UnCheckMaxObjects(); void UpdateLabels( TStructNode* node ); public: TStructViewerGUI(TStructViewer* parent, TStructNode* nodePtr, TList* colors, const TGWindow *p = NULL, UInt_t w = 800, UInt_t h = 600); ~TStructViewerGUI(); void AutoRefreshButtonSlot(Bool_t on); void BoxHeightValueSetSlot(Long_t h); void CloseWindow(); void ColorSelectedSlot(Pixel_t pixel); void DoubleClickedSlot(); void Draw(Option_t* option = ""); TCanvas *GetCanvas(); Int_t GetColor(TStructNode* node); TStructNodeProperty* GetDefaultColor(); Bool_t GetLinksVisibility() const; TStructNode *GetNodePtr() const; void GLWidgetProcessedEventSlot(Event_t* event); void LevelDistValueSetSlot(Long_t dist); void MouseOverSlot(TGLPhysicalShape* shape); void RedoButtonSlot(); void ResetButtonSlot(); void ScaleByChangedSlot(); void SetLinksVisibility(Bool_t val); void SetNodePtr(TStructNode* val); void SetPointerButtonSlot(); void ShowLinksToggled(Bool_t on); void UndoButtonSlot(); void Update(Bool_t resetCamera = false); void UpdateButtonSlot(); ClassDef(TStructViewerGUI, 0); // A GUI fo 3D struct viewer }; #endif