// @(#)root/tree:$Id$ // Author: Axel Naumann, 2010-08-02 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2013, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TTreeReaderValue #define ROOT_TTreeReaderValue //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TTreeReaderValue // // // // A simple interface for reading data from trees or chains. // // // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TString.h" #include "TDictionary.h" #include "TBranchProxy.h" #include #include #include class TBranch; class TBranchElement; class TLeaf; class TTreeReader; namespace ROOT { namespace Internal { /** \class TTreeReaderValueBase Base class of TTreeReaderValue. */ class TTreeReaderValueBase { public: // Status flags, 0 is good enum ESetupStatus { kSetupNotSetup = -7, /// No initialization has happened yet. kSetupTreeDestructed = -8, /// The TTreeReader has been destructed / not set. kSetupMakeClassModeMismatch = -9, // readers disagree on whether TTree::SetMakeBranch() should be on kSetupMissingCounterBranch = -6, /// The array cannot find its counter branch: Array[CounterBranch] kSetupMissingBranch = -5, /// The specified branch cannot be found. kSetupInternalError = -4, /// Some other error - hopefully the error message helps. kSetupMissingDictionary = -3, /// To read this branch, we need a dictionary. kSetupMismatch = -2, /// Mismatch of branch type and reader template type. kSetupNotACollection = -1, /// The branch class type is not a collection. kSetupMatch = 0, /// This branch has been set up, branch data type and reader template type match, reading should succeed. kSetupMatchBranch = 7, /// This branch has been set up, branch data type and reader template type match, reading should succeed. //kSetupMatchConversion = 1, /// This branch has been set up, the branch data type can be converted to the reader template type, reading should succeed. //kSetupMatchConversionCollection = 2, /// This branch has been set up, the data type of the branch's collection elements can be converted to the reader template type, reading should succeed. //kSetupMakeClass = 3, /// This branch has been set up, enabling MakeClass mode for it, reading should succeed. // kSetupVoidPtr = 4, kSetupNoCheck = 5, kSetupMatchLeaf = 6 /// This branch (or TLeaf, really) has been set up, reading should succeed. }; enum EReadStatus { kReadSuccess = 0, // data read okay kReadNothingYet, // data now yet accessed kReadError // problem reading data }; EReadStatus ProxyRead() { return (this->*fProxyReadFunc)(); } EReadStatus ProxyReadDefaultImpl(); typedef Bool_t (ROOT::Detail::TBranchProxy::*BranchProxyRead_t)(); template ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderValueBase::EReadStatus ProxyReadTemplate(); /// Return true if the branch was setup \em and \em read correctly. /// Use GetSetupStatus() to only check the setup status. Bool_t IsValid() const { return fProxy && 0 == (int)fSetupStatus && 0 == (int)fReadStatus; } /// Return this TTreeReaderValue's setup status. /// Use this method to check e.g. whether the TTreeReaderValue is correctly setup and ready for reading. ESetupStatus GetSetupStatus() const { return fSetupStatus; } virtual EReadStatus GetReadStatus() const { return fReadStatus; } /// If we are reading a leaf, return the corresponding TLeaf. TLeaf* GetLeaf() { return fLeaf; } void* GetAddress(); const char* GetBranchName() const { return fBranchName; } virtual ~TTreeReaderValueBase(); protected: TTreeReaderValueBase(TTreeReader* reader, const char* branchname, TDictionary* dict); TTreeReaderValueBase(const TTreeReaderValueBase&); TTreeReaderValueBase& operator=(const TTreeReaderValueBase&); void RegisterWithTreeReader(); void NotifyNewTree(TTree* newTree); TBranch* SearchBranchWithCompositeName(TLeaf *&myleaf, TDictionary *&branchActualType, std::string &err); virtual void CreateProxy(); static const char* GetBranchDataType(TBranch* branch, TDictionary* &dict, TDictionary const *curDict); virtual const char* GetDerivedTypeName() const = 0; Detail::TBranchProxy* GetProxy() const { return fProxy; } void MarkTreeReaderUnavailable() { fTreeReader = 0; fSetupStatus = kSetupTreeDestructed; } /// Stringify the template argument. static std::string GetElementTypeName(const std::type_info& ti); int fHaveLeaf : 1; // Whether the data is in a leaf int fHaveStaticClassOffsets : 1; // Whether !fStaticClassOffsets.empty() EReadStatus fReadStatus : 2; // read status of this data access ESetupStatus fSetupStatus = kSetupNotSetup; // setup status of this data access TString fBranchName; // name of the branch to read data from. TString fLeafName; TTreeReader* fTreeReader; // tree reader we belong to TDictionary* fDict; // type that the branch should contain Detail::TBranchProxy* fProxy = nullptr; // proxy for this branch, owned by TTreeReader TLeaf* fLeaf = nullptr; std::vector fStaticClassOffsets; typedef EReadStatus (TTreeReaderValueBase::*Read_t)(); Read_t fProxyReadFunc = &TTreeReaderValueBase::ProxyReadDefaultImpl; /// class R__CLING_PTRCHECK(off) TTreeReaderValue final: public ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderValueBase { // R__CLING_PTRCHECK is disabled because pointer / types are checked by CreateProxy(). public: using NonConstT_t = typename std::remove_const::type; TTreeReaderValue() = delete; TTreeReaderValue(TTreeReader& tr, const char* branchname): TTreeReaderValueBase(&tr, branchname, TDictionary::GetDictionary(typeid(NonConstT_t))) {} /// Return a pointer to the value of the current entry. /// Return a nullptr and print an error if no entry has been loaded yet. /// The returned address is guaranteed to stay constant while a given TTree is being read from a given file, /// unless the branch addresses are manipulated directly (e.g. through TTree::SetBranchAddress()). /// The address might also change when the underlying TTree/TFile is switched, e.g. when a TChain switches files. T *Get() { if (!fProxy) { Error("TTreeReaderValue::Get()", "Value reader not properly initialized, did you call " "TTreeReader::Set(Next)Entry() or TTreeReader::Next()?"); return nullptr; } void *address = GetAddress(); // Needed to figure out if it's a pointer return fProxy->IsaPointer() ? *(T **)address : (T *)address; } /// Return a pointer to the value of the current entry. /// Equivalent to Get(). T* operator->() { return Get(); } /// Return a reference to the value of the current entry. /// Equivalent to dereferencing the pointer returned by Get(). Behavior is undefined if no entry has been loaded yet. /// Most likely a crash will occur. T& operator*() { return *Get(); } protected: // FIXME: use IsA() instead once we have ClassDefTInline /// Get the template argument as a string. virtual const char* GetDerivedTypeName() const { static const std::string sElementTypeName = GetElementTypeName(typeid(T)); return sElementTypeName.data(); } // FIXME: re-introduce once we have ClassDefTInline! //ClassDefT(TTreeReaderValue, 0);//Accessor to data via TTreeReader }; #endif // ROOT_TTreeReaderValue