// Author: Stefan Schmitt
// DESY, 10/08/11
// Version 17.5, in parallel to changes in TUnfold
// History:
// Version 17.4, in parallel to changes in TUnfoldBinning
// Version 17.3, support for repeated bins with the same width
// Version 17.2, XML interface for class TUnfoldBinning
#ifndef ROOT_TUnfoldBinningXML
#define ROOT_TUnfoldBinningXML
// //
// //
// TUnfoldBinningXML, an auxillary class to read and write //
// complex binning schemes in XML //
// //
// Citation: S.Schmitt, JINST 7 (2012) T10003 [arXiv:1205.6201] //
// //
This file is part of TUnfold.
TUnfold is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TUnfold is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TUnfold. If not, see .
#include "TUnfoldBinning.h"
class TXMLNode;
class TXMLDocument;
class TUnfoldBinningXML : public TUnfoldBinning {
/********************** XML interface to read binning schemes *************/
static TUnfoldBinningXML *ImportXML(const TXMLDocument *document,const char *name); // import binning scheme
static Int_t ExportXML(const TUnfoldBinning &binning,std::ostream &out,Bool_t writeHeader,Bool_t writeFooter,Int_t indent=0); // append binning scheme to file
Int_t ExportXML(const char *fileName) const; // export this binning scheme
static void WriteDTD(const char *fileName="tunfoldbinning.dtd"); // write DTD file
static void WriteDTD(std::ostream &out); // write DTD to stream
/// construct a new binning scheme, for use with the root streamer
TUnfoldBinningXML (const char *name=0,Int_t nBins=0,const char *binNames=0)
: TUnfoldBinning (name,nBins,binNames) { }
static TUnfoldBinningXML *ImportXMLNode(TXMLNode *node); // import the given node as binning scheme
void AddAxisXML(TXMLNode *node); // import axis information
ClassDef(TUnfoldBinningXML, TUnfold_CLASS_VERSION) //Complex binning schemes for TUnfoldDensity