// @(#)root/thread:$Id$ // Author: Bertrand Bellenot 20/10/2004 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TWin32Condition #define ROOT_TWin32Condition ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TWin32Condition // // // // This class provides an interface to the win32 condition variable // // routines. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TConditionImp.h" #include "Windows4Root.h" #ifndef __CINT__ typedef struct { int waiters_count_; // Number of waiting threads. CRITICAL_SECTION waiters_count_lock_; // Serialize access to . HANDLE sema_; // Semaphore used to queue up threads waiting for the condition to // become signaled. HANDLE waiters_done_; // An auto-reset event used by the broadcast/signal thread to wait // for all the waiting thread(s) to wake up and be released from the // semaphore. size_t was_broadcast_; // Keeps track of whether we were broadcasting or signaling. This // allows us to optimize the code if we're just signaling. } pthread_cond_t; #else struct pthread_cond_t; #endif class TMutexImp; class TWin32Mutex; class TWin32Condition : public TConditionImp { private: pthread_cond_t fCond; // the pthread condition variable TWin32Mutex *fMutex; // mutex used around Wait() and TimedWait() public: TWin32Condition(TMutexImp *m); virtual ~TWin32Condition(); Int_t Wait(); Int_t TimedWait(ULong_t secs, ULong_t nanoSecs = 0); Int_t Signal(); Int_t Broadcast(); ClassDef(TWin32Condition,0) // Posix condition variable }; #endif