OS = linux #---- compilers ---- #export G77 = gfortran-4.0.1 export G77 = gfortran export CC = gcc # export CXX = c++ export AS = as # these are the lines to change:------- export JDK_ROOT=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk- export MRUI_ROOT=/home/helene/work/jmrui # #---- global variables ---- export DEBUG= -g -O2 -fPIC -m64 export CXXFLAGS = $(DEBUG) -ansi export CFLAGS = $(DEBUG) -ansi -D_REENTRANT # export FFLAGS = $(DEBUG) -fugly -complex -fno -f90 -D_REENTRANT export FFLAGS = $(DEBUG) -D_REENTRANT export INCLUDE=-I. -I$(JDK_ROOT)/include/$(OS) -I$(JDK_ROOT)/include export LDFLAGS = -shared export LDLIBS = -L$(LIB_DIR) # WARNING!!! The following line should NOT be used to compile a library # using Fortran code export LIB_LDLIBS = -llapack -lblas /usr/lib/libf2c.a -lm -lc export FFT_DIR = fft export MAKEFILENAME = make -f MakeFft.$(OS)