/* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* * wisdom.c -- manage the wisdom */ #include #include #include #include struct wisdom { int n; int flags; fftw_direction dir; enum fftw_wisdom_category category; int istride; int ostride; enum fftw_node_type type; /* this is the wisdom */ int signature; /* this is the wisdom */ struct wisdom *next; }; /* list of wisdom */ static struct wisdom *wisdom_list = (struct wisdom *) 0; int fftw_wisdom_lookup(int n, int flags, fftw_direction dir, enum fftw_wisdom_category category, int istride, int ostride, enum fftw_node_type *type, int *signature, int replacep) { struct wisdom *p; if (!(flags & FFTW_USE_WISDOM)) return 0; /* simply ignore if wisdom is disabled */ flags |= FFTW_MEASURE; /* * always use (only) wisdom from * measurements */ for (p = wisdom_list; p; p = p->next) { if (p->n == n && p->flags == flags && p->dir == dir && p->istride == istride && p->ostride == ostride && p->category == category) { /* found wisdom */ if (replacep) { /* replace old wisdom with new */ p->type = *type; p->signature = *signature; } else { *type = p->type; *signature = p->signature; } return 1; } } return 0; } void fftw_wisdom_add(int n, int flags, fftw_direction dir, enum fftw_wisdom_category category, int istride, int ostride, enum fftw_node_type type, int signature) { struct wisdom *p; if (!(flags & FFTW_USE_WISDOM)) return; /* simply ignore if wisdom is disabled */ if (!(flags & FFTW_MEASURE)) return; /* only measurements produce wisdom */ if (fftw_wisdom_lookup(n, flags, dir, category, istride, ostride, &type, &signature, 1)) return; /* wisdom overwrote old wisdom */ p = (struct wisdom *) fftw_malloc(sizeof(struct wisdom)); p->n = n; p->flags = flags; p->dir = dir; p->category = category; p->istride = istride; p->ostride = ostride; p->type = type; p->signature = signature; /* remember this wisdom */ p->next = wisdom_list; wisdom_list = p; } void fftw_forget_wisdom(void) { while (wisdom_list) { struct wisdom *p; p = wisdom_list; wisdom_list = wisdom_list->next; fftw_free(p); } } /* * user-visible routines, to convert wisdom into strings etc. */ static const char *WISDOM_FORMAT_VERSION = "FFTW-" FFTW_VERSION; static void (*emit) (char c, void *data); static void emit_string(const char *s, void *data) { while (*s) emit(*s++, data); } static void emit_int(int n, void *data) { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "%d", n); emit_string(buf, data); } /* dump wisdom in lisp-like format */ void fftw_export_wisdom(void (*emitter) (char c, void *), void *data) { struct wisdom *p; /* install the output handler */ emit = emitter; emit('(', data); emit_string(WISDOM_FORMAT_VERSION, data); for (p = wisdom_list; p; p = p->next) { emit(' ', data); /* separator to make the output nicer */ emit('(', data); emit_int((int) p->n, data); emit(' ', data); emit_int((int) p->flags, data); emit(' ', data); emit_int((int) p->dir, data); emit(' ', data); emit_int((int) p->category, data); emit(' ', data); emit_int((int) p->istride, data); emit(' ', data); emit_int((int) p->ostride, data); emit(' ', data); emit_int((int) p->type, data); emit(' ', data); emit_int((int) p->signature, data); emit(')', data); } emit(')', data); } /* input part */ static int next_char; static int (*get_input) (void *data); static fftw_status input_error; static void read_char(void *data) { next_char = get_input(data); if (next_char == 0 || next_char == EOF) input_error = FFTW_FAILURE; } /* skip blanks, newlines, tabs, etc */ static void eat_blanks(void *data) { while (isspace(next_char)) read_char(data); } static int read_int(void *data) { int sign = 1; int n = 0; eat_blanks(data); if (next_char == '-') { sign = -1; read_char(data); eat_blanks(data); } if (!isdigit(next_char)) { /* error, no digit */ input_error = FFTW_FAILURE; return 0; } while (isdigit(next_char)) { n = n * 10 + (next_char - '0'); read_char(data); } return sign * n; } #define EXPECT(c) { eat_blanks(data); if (input_error == FFTW_FAILURE || next_char != c) return FFTW_FAILURE; read_char(data); } #define EXPECT_INT(n) { n = read_int(data); if (input_error == FFTW_FAILURE) return FFTW_FAILURE; } #define EXPECT_STRING(s) { const char *s1 = s; while (*s1) { EXPECT(*s1); ++s1; } } fftw_status fftw_import_wisdom(int (*g) (void *), void *data) { int n; int flags; fftw_direction dir; int dir_int; enum fftw_wisdom_category category; int category_int; enum fftw_node_type type; int type_int; int signature; int istride, ostride; get_input = g; input_error = FFTW_SUCCESS; read_char(data); eat_blanks(data); EXPECT('('); eat_blanks(data); EXPECT_STRING(WISDOM_FORMAT_VERSION); eat_blanks(data); while (next_char != ')') { EXPECT('('); EXPECT_INT(n); EXPECT_INT(flags); /* paranoid respect for enumerated types */ EXPECT_INT(dir_int); dir = (fftw_direction) dir_int; EXPECT_INT(category_int); category = (enum fftw_wisdom_category) category_int; EXPECT_INT(istride); EXPECT_INT(ostride); EXPECT_INT(type_int); type = (enum fftw_node_type) type_int; EXPECT_INT(signature); eat_blanks(data); EXPECT(')'); /* the wisdom has been read properly. Add it */ fftw_wisdom_add(n, flags, dir, category, istride, ostride, type, signature); /* prepare for next morsel of wisdom */ eat_blanks(data); } return FFTW_SUCCESS; }