""" SciPy: A scientific computing package for Python ================================================ Documentation is available in the docstrings and online at http://docs.scipy.org. Contents -------- SciPy imports all the functions from the NumPy namespace, and in addition provides: Subpackages ----------- Using any of these subpackages requires an explicit import. For example, ``import scipy.cluster``. :: cluster --- Vector Quantization / Kmeans fftpack --- Discrete Fourier Transform algorithms integrate --- Integration routines interpolate --- Interpolation Tools io --- Data input and output lib --- Python wrappers to external libraries lib.lapack --- Wrappers to LAPACK library linalg --- Linear algebra routines misc --- Various utilities that don't have another home. ndimage --- n-dimensional image package odr --- Orthogonal Distance Regression optimize --- Optimization Tools signal --- Signal Processing Tools sparse --- Sparse Matrices sparse.linalg --- Sparse Linear Algebra sparse.linalg.dsolve --- Linear Solvers sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack --- :Interface to the UMFPACK library: Conjugate Gradient Method (LOBPCG) sparse.linalg.eigen.lobpcg --- Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method (LOBPCG) [*] special --- Airy Functions [*] lib.blas --- Wrappers to BLAS library [*] sparse.linalg.eigen --- Sparse Eigenvalue Solvers [*] stats --- Statistical Functions [*] lib --- Python wrappers to external libraries [*] lib.lapack --- Wrappers to LAPACK library [*] integrate --- Integration routines [*] ndimage --- n-dimensional image package [*] linalg --- Linear algebra routines [*] spatial --- Spatial data structures and algorithms special --- Airy Functions stats --- Statistical Functions Utility tools ------------- :: test --- Run scipy unittests show_config --- Show scipy build configuration show_numpy_config --- Show numpy build configuration __version__ --- Scipy version string __numpy_version__ --- Numpy version string """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import __all__ = ['test'] from numpy import show_config as show_numpy_config if show_numpy_config is None: raise ImportError("Cannot import scipy when running from numpy source directory.") from numpy import __version__ as __numpy_version__ # Import numpy symbols to scipy name space import numpy as _num linalg = None from numpy import * from numpy.random import rand, randn from numpy.fft import fft, ifft from numpy.lib.scimath import * __all__ += _num.__all__ __all__ += ['randn', 'rand', 'fft', 'ifft'] del _num # Remove the linalg imported from numpy so that the scipy.linalg package can be # imported. del linalg __all__.remove('linalg') # We first need to detect if we're being called as part of the scipy # setup procedure itself in a reliable manner. try: __SCIPY_SETUP__ except NameError: __SCIPY_SETUP__ = False if __SCIPY_SETUP__: import sys as _sys _sys.stderr.write('Running from scipy source directory.\n') del _sys else: try: from scipy.__config__ import show as show_config except ImportError: msg = """Error importing scipy: you cannot import scipy while being in scipy source directory; please exit the scipy source tree first, and relaunch your python intepreter.""" raise ImportError(msg) from scipy.version import version as __version__ from scipy.lib._version import NumpyVersion as _NumpyVersion if _NumpyVersion(__numpy_version__) < '1.5.1': import warnings warnings.warn("Numpy 1.5.1 or above is recommended for this version of " "scipy (detected version %s)" % __numpy_version__, UserWarning) del _NumpyVersion from numpy.testing import Tester test = Tester().test bench = Tester().bench