""" Collection of physical constants and conversion factors. Most constants are in SI units, so you can do print '10 mile per minute is', 10*mile/minute, 'm/s or', 10*mile/(minute*knot), 'knots' The list is not meant to be comprehensive, but just a convenient list for everyday use. """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import """ BasSw 2006 physical constants: imported from CODATA unit conversion: see e.g. NIST special publication 811 Use at own risk: double-check values before calculating your Mars orbit-insertion burn. Some constants exist in a few variants, which are marked with suffixes. The ones without any suffix should be the most common one. """ import math as _math from .codata import value as _cd import numpy as _np # mathematical constants pi = _math.pi golden = golden_ratio = (1 + _math.sqrt(5)) / 2 # SI prefixes yotta = 1e24 zetta = 1e21 exa = 1e18 peta = 1e15 tera = 1e12 giga = 1e9 mega = 1e6 kilo = 1e3 hecto = 1e2 deka = 1e1 deci = 1e-1 centi = 1e-2 milli = 1e-3 micro = 1e-6 nano = 1e-9 pico = 1e-12 femto = 1e-15 atto = 1e-18 zepto = 1e-21 # binary prefixes kibi = 2**10 mebi = 2**20 gibi = 2**30 tebi = 2**40 pebi = 2**50 exbi = 2**60 zebi = 2**70 yobi = 2**80 # physical constants c = speed_of_light = _cd('speed of light in vacuum') mu_0 = 4e-7*pi epsilon_0 = 1 / (mu_0*c*c) h = Planck = _cd('Planck constant') hbar = h / (2 * pi) G = gravitational_constant = _cd('Newtonian constant of gravitation') g = _cd('standard acceleration of gravity') e = elementary_charge = _cd('elementary charge') R = gas_constant = _cd('molar gas constant') alpha = fine_structure = _cd('fine-structure constant') N_A = Avogadro = _cd('Avogadro constant') k = Boltzmann = _cd('Boltzmann constant') sigma = Stefan_Boltzmann = _cd('Stefan-Boltzmann constant') Wien = _cd('Wien wavelength displacement law constant') Rydberg = _cd('Rydberg constant') # weight in kg gram = 1e-3 metric_ton = 1e3 grain = 64.79891e-6 lb = pound = 7000 * grain # avoirdupois oz = ounce = pound / 16 stone = 14 * pound long_ton = 2240 * pound short_ton = 2000 * pound troy_ounce = 480 * grain # only for metals / gems troy_pound = 12 * troy_ounce carat = 200e-6 m_e = electron_mass = _cd('electron mass') m_p = proton_mass = _cd('proton mass') m_n = neutron_mass = _cd('neutron mass') m_u = u = atomic_mass = _cd('atomic mass constant') # angle in rad degree = pi / 180 arcmin = arcminute = degree / 60 arcsec = arcsecond = arcmin / 60 # time in second minute = 60.0 hour = 60 * minute day = 24 * hour week = 7 * day year = 365 * day Julian_year = 365.25 * day # length in meter inch = 0.0254 foot = 12 * inch yard = 3 * foot mile = 1760 * yard mil = inch / 1000 pt = point = inch / 72 # typography survey_foot = 1200.0 / 3937 survey_mile = 5280 * survey_foot nautical_mile = 1852.0 fermi = 1e-15 angstrom = 1e-10 micron = 1e-6 au = astronomical_unit = 149597870691.0 light_year = Julian_year * c parsec = au / arcsec # pressure in pascal atm = atmosphere = _cd('standard atmosphere') bar = 1e5 torr = mmHg = atm / 760 psi = pound * g / (inch * inch) # area in meter**2 hectare = 1e4 acre = 43560 * foot**2 # volume in meter**3 litre = liter = 1e-3 gallon = gallon_US = 231 * inch**3 # US # pint = gallon_US / 8 fluid_ounce = fluid_ounce_US = gallon_US / 128 bbl = barrel = 42 * gallon_US # for oil gallon_imp = 4.54609e-3 # uk fluid_ounce_imp = gallon_imp / 160 # speed in meter per second kmh = 1e3 / hour mph = mile / hour mach = speed_of_sound = 340.5 # approx value at 15 degrees in 1 atm. is this a common value? knot = nautical_mile / hour # temperature in kelvin zero_Celsius = 273.15 degree_Fahrenheit = 1/1.8 # only for differences # energy in joule eV = electron_volt = elementary_charge # * 1 Volt calorie = calorie_th = 4.184 calorie_IT = 4.1868 erg = 1e-7 Btu_th = pound * degree_Fahrenheit * calorie_th / gram Btu = Btu_IT = pound * degree_Fahrenheit * calorie_IT / gram ton_TNT = 1e9 * calorie_th # Wh = watt_hour # power in watt hp = horsepower = 550 * foot * pound * g # force in newton dyn = dyne = 1e-5 lbf = pound_force = pound * g kgf = kilogram_force = g # * 1 kg # functions for conversions that are not linear def C2K(C): """ Convert Celsius to Kelvin Parameters ---------- C : array_like Celsius temperature(s) to be converted. Returns ------- K : float or array of floats Equivalent Kelvin temperature(s). Notes ----- Computes ``K = C + zero_Celsius`` where `zero_Celsius` = 273.15, i.e., (the absolute value of) temperature "absolute zero" as measured in Celsius. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants.constants import C2K >>> C2K(_np.array([-40, 40.0])) array([ 233.15, 313.15]) """ return _np.asanyarray(C) + zero_Celsius def K2C(K): """ Convert Kelvin to Celsius Parameters ---------- K : array_like Kelvin temperature(s) to be converted. Returns ------- C : float or array of floats Equivalent Celsius temperature(s). Notes ----- Computes ``C = K - zero_Celsius`` where `zero_Celsius` = 273.15, i.e., (the absolute value of) temperature "absolute zero" as measured in Celsius. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants.constants import K2C >>> K2C(_np.array([233.15, 313.15])) array([-40., 40.]) """ return _np.asanyarray(K) - zero_Celsius def F2C(F): """ Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius Parameters ---------- F : array_like Fahrenheit temperature(s) to be converted. Returns ------- C : float or array of floats Equivalent Celsius temperature(s). Notes ----- Computes ``C = (F - 32) / 1.8``. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants.constants import F2C >>> F2C(_np.array([-40, 40.0])) array([-40. , 4.44444444]) """ return (_np.asanyarray(F) - 32) / 1.8 def C2F(C): """ Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Parameters ---------- C : array_like Celsius temperature(s) to be converted. Returns ------- F : float or array of floats Equivalent Fahrenheit temperature(s). Notes ----- Computes ``F = 1.8 * C + 32``. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants.constants import C2F >>> C2F(_np.array([-40, 40.0])) array([ -40., 104.]) """ return 1.8 * _np.asanyarray(C) + 32 def F2K(F): """ Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin Parameters ---------- F : array_like Fahrenheit temperature(s) to be converted. Returns ------- K : float or array of floats Equivalent Kelvin temperature(s). Notes ----- Computes ``K = (F - 32)/1.8 + zero_Celsius`` where `zero_Celsius` = 273.15, i.e., (the absolute value of) temperature "absolute zero" as measured in Celsius. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants.constants import F2K >>> F2K(_np.array([-40, 104])) array([ 233.15, 313.15]) """ return C2K(F2C(_np.asanyarray(F))) def K2F(K): """ Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit Parameters ---------- K : array_like Kelvin temperature(s) to be converted. Returns ------- F : float or array of floats Equivalent Fahrenheit temperature(s). Notes ----- Computes ``F = 1.8 * (K - zero_Celsius) + 32`` where `zero_Celsius` = 273.15, i.e., (the absolute value of) temperature "absolute zero" as measured in Celsius. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants.constants import K2F >>> K2F(_np.array([233.15, 313.15])) array([ -40., 104.]) """ return C2F(K2C(_np.asanyarray(K))) # optics def lambda2nu(lambda_): """ Convert wavelength to optical frequency Parameters ---------- lambda : array_like Wavelength(s) to be converted. Returns ------- nu : float or array of floats Equivalent optical frequency. Notes ----- Computes ``nu = c / lambda`` where c = 299792458.0, i.e., the (vacuum) speed of light in meters/second. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants.constants import lambda2nu >>> lambda2nu(_np.array((1, speed_of_light))) array([ 2.99792458e+08, 1.00000000e+00]) """ return _np.asanyarray(c) / lambda_ def nu2lambda(nu): """ Convert optical frequency to wavelength. Parameters ---------- nu : array_like Optical frequency to be converted. Returns ------- lambda : float or array of floats Equivalent wavelength(s). Notes ----- Computes ``lambda = c / nu`` where c = 299792458.0, i.e., the (vacuum) speed of light in meters/second. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants.constants import nu2lambda >>> nu2lambda(_np.array((1, speed_of_light))) array([ 2.99792458e+08, 1.00000000e+00]) """ return c / _np.asanyarray(nu)