""" Matrix Market I/O in Python. """ # # Author: Pearu Peterson # Created: October, 2004 # # References: # http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/ # from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import os import sys from numpy import asarray, real, imag, conj, zeros, ndarray, concatenate, \ ones, ascontiguousarray, vstack, savetxt, fromfile, fromstring from numpy.compat import asbytes, asstr from scipy.lib.six import string_types __all__ = ['mminfo','mmread','mmwrite', 'MMFile'] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mminfo(source): """ Queries the contents of the Matrix Market file 'filename' to extract size and storage information. Parameters ---------- source : file Matrix Market filename (extension .mtx) or open file object Returns ------- rows,cols : int Number of matrix rows and columns entries : int Number of non-zero entries of a sparse matrix or rows*cols for a dense matrix format : str Either 'coordinate' or 'array'. field : str Either 'real', 'complex', 'pattern', or 'integer'. symm : str Either 'general', 'symmetric', 'skew-symmetric', or 'hermitian'. """ return MMFile.info(source) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mmread(source): """ Reads the contents of a Matrix Market file 'filename' into a matrix. Parameters ---------- source : file Matrix Market filename (extensions .mtx, .mtz.gz) or open file object. Returns ------- a: Sparse or full matrix """ return MMFile().read(source) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mmwrite(target, a, comment='', field=None, precision=None): """ Writes the sparse or dense array `a` to a Matrix Market formatted file. Parameters ---------- target : file Matrix Market filename (extension .mtx) or open file object a : array like Sparse or dense 2D array comment : str, optional comments to be prepended to the Matrix Market file field : None or str, optional Either 'real', 'complex', 'pattern', or 'integer'. precision : None or int, optional Number of digits to display for real or complex values. """ MMFile().write(target, a, comment, field, precision) ################################################################################ class MMFile (object): __slots__ = ( '_rows', '_cols', '_entries', '_format', '_field', '_symmetry') @property def rows(self): return self._rows @property def cols(self): return self._cols @property def entries(self): return self._entries @property def format(self): return self._format @property def field(self): return self._field @property def symmetry(self): return self._symmetry @property def has_symmetry(self): return self._symmetry in (self.SYMMETRY_SYMMETRIC, self.SYMMETRY_SKEW_SYMMETRIC, self.SYMMETRY_HERMITIAN) # format values FORMAT_COORDINATE = 'coordinate' FORMAT_ARRAY = 'array' FORMAT_VALUES = (FORMAT_COORDINATE, FORMAT_ARRAY) @classmethod def _validate_format(self, format): if format not in self.FORMAT_VALUES: raise ValueError('unknown format type %s, must be one of %s' % (format, self.FORMAT_VALUES)) # field values FIELD_INTEGER = 'integer' FIELD_REAL = 'real' FIELD_COMPLEX = 'complex' FIELD_PATTERN = 'pattern' FIELD_VALUES = (FIELD_INTEGER, FIELD_REAL, FIELD_COMPLEX, FIELD_PATTERN) @classmethod def _validate_field(self, field): if field not in self.FIELD_VALUES: raise ValueError('unknown field type %s, must be one of %s' % (field, self.FIELD_VALUES)) # symmetry values SYMMETRY_GENERAL = 'general' SYMMETRY_SYMMETRIC = 'symmetric' SYMMETRY_SKEW_SYMMETRIC = 'skew-symmetric' SYMMETRY_HERMITIAN = 'hermitian' SYMMETRY_VALUES = (SYMMETRY_GENERAL, SYMMETRY_SYMMETRIC, SYMMETRY_SKEW_SYMMETRIC, SYMMETRY_HERMITIAN) @classmethod def _validate_symmetry(self, symmetry): if symmetry not in self.SYMMETRY_VALUES: raise ValueError('unknown symmetry type %s, must be one of %s' % (symmetry, self.SYMMETRY_VALUES)) DTYPES_BY_FIELD = { FIELD_INTEGER: 'i', FIELD_REAL: 'd', FIELD_COMPLEX: 'D', FIELD_PATTERN: 'd'} #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def reader(): pass #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def writer(): pass #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def info(self, source): source, close_it = self._open(source) try: # read and validate header line line = source.readline() mmid, matrix, format, field, symmetry = \ [asstr(part.strip().lower()) for part in line.split()] if not mmid.startswith('%%matrixmarket'): raise ValueError('source is not in Matrix Market format') if not matrix == 'matrix': raise ValueError("Problem reading file header: " + line) # ??? Is this necessary? I don't see 'dense' or 'sparse' in the spec # http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/formats.html if format == 'dense': format = self.FORMAT_ARRAY elif format == 'sparse': format = self.FORMAT_COORDINATE # skip comments while line.startswith(b'%'): line = source.readline() line = line.split() if format == self.FORMAT_ARRAY: if not len(line) == 2: raise ValueError("Header line not of length 2: " + line) rows, cols = map(int, line) entries = rows * cols else: if not len(line) == 3: raise ValueError("Header line not of length 3: " + line) rows, cols, entries = map(int, line) return (rows, cols, entries, format, field, symmetry) finally: if close_it: source.close() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _open(filespec, mode='rb'): """ Return an open file stream for reading based on source. If source is a file name, open it (after trying to find it with mtx and gzipped mtx extensions). Otherwise, just return source. """ close_it = False if isinstance(filespec, string_types): close_it = True # open for reading if mode[0] == 'r': # determine filename plus extension if not os.path.isfile(filespec): if os.path.isfile(filespec+'.mtx'): filespec = filespec + '.mtx' elif os.path.isfile(filespec+'.mtx.gz'): filespec = filespec + '.mtx.gz' elif os.path.isfile(filespec+'.mtx.bz2'): filespec = filespec + '.mtx.bz2' # open filename if filespec.endswith('.gz'): import gzip stream = gzip.open(filespec, mode) elif filespec.endswith('.bz2'): import bz2 stream = bz2.BZ2File(filespec, 'rb') else: stream = open(filespec, mode) # open for writing else: if filespec[-4:] != '.mtx': filespec = filespec + '.mtx' stream = open(filespec, mode) else: stream = filespec return stream, close_it #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _get_symmetry(a): m,n = a.shape if m != n: return MMFile.SYMMETRY_GENERAL issymm = 1 isskew = 1 isherm = a.dtype.char in 'FD' for j in range(n): for i in range(j+1,n): aij,aji = a[i][j],a[j][i] if issymm and aij != aji: issymm = 0 if isskew and aij != -aji: isskew = 0 if isherm and aij != conj(aji): isherm = 0 if not (issymm or isskew or isherm): break if issymm: return MMFile.SYMMETRY_SYMMETRIC if isskew: return MMFile.SYMMETRY_SKEW_SYMMETRIC if isherm: return MMFile.SYMMETRY_HERMITIAN return MMFile.SYMMETRY_GENERAL #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _field_template(field, precision): return { MMFile.FIELD_REAL: '%%.%ie\n' % precision, MMFile.FIELD_INTEGER: '%i\n', MMFile.FIELD_COMPLEX: '%%.%ie %%.%ie\n' % (precision,precision) }.get(field, None) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._init_attrs(**kwargs) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def read(self, source): stream, close_it = self._open(source) try: self._parse_header(stream) return self._parse_body(stream) finally: if close_it: stream.close() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def write(self, target, a, comment='', field=None, precision=None): stream, close_it = self._open(target, 'wb') try: self._write(stream, a, comment, field, precision) finally: if close_it: stream.close() else: stream.flush() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _init_attrs(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize each attributes with the corresponding keyword arg value or a default of None """ attrs = self.__class__.__slots__ public_attrs = [attr[1:] for attr in attrs] invalid_keys = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(public_attrs) if invalid_keys: raise ValueError('found %s invalid keyword arguments, please only use %s' % (tuple(invalid_keys), public_attrs)) for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, kwargs.get(attr[1:], None)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parse_header(self, stream): rows, cols, entries, format, field, symmetry = \ self.__class__.info(stream) self._init_attrs(rows=rows, cols=cols, entries=entries, format=format, field=field, symmetry=symmetry) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parse_body(self, stream): rows, cols, entries, format, field, symm = (self.rows, self.cols, self.entries, self.format, self.field, self.symmetry) try: from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix except ImportError: coo_matrix = None dtype = self.DTYPES_BY_FIELD.get(field, None) has_symmetry = self.has_symmetry is_complex = field == self.FIELD_COMPLEX is_skew = symm == self.SYMMETRY_SKEW_SYMMETRIC is_herm = symm == self.SYMMETRY_HERMITIAN is_pattern = field == self.FIELD_PATTERN if format == self.FORMAT_ARRAY: a = zeros((rows,cols), dtype=dtype) line = 1 i,j = 0,0 while line: line = stream.readline() if not line or line.startswith(b'%'): continue if is_complex: aij = complex(*map(float,line.split())) else: aij = float(line) a[i,j] = aij if has_symmetry and i != j: if is_skew: a[j,i] = -aij elif is_herm: a[j,i] = conj(aij) else: a[j,i] = aij if i < rows-1: i = i + 1 else: j = j + 1 if not has_symmetry: i = 0 else: i = j if not (i in [0,j] and j == cols): raise ValueError("Parse error, did not read all lines.") elif format == self.FORMAT_COORDINATE and coo_matrix is None: # Read sparse matrix to dense when coo_matrix is not available. a = zeros((rows,cols), dtype=dtype) line = 1 k = 0 while line: line = stream.readline() if not line or line.startswith(b'%'): continue l = line.split() i,j = map(int,l[:2]) i,j = i-1,j-1 if is_complex: aij = complex(*map(float,l[2:])) else: aij = float(l[2]) a[i,j] = aij if has_symmetry and i != j: if is_skew: a[j,i] = -aij elif is_herm: a[j,i] = conj(aij) else: a[j,i] = aij k = k + 1 if not k == entries: ValueError("Did not read all entries") elif format == self.FORMAT_COORDINATE: # Read sparse COOrdinate format if entries == 0: # empty matrix return coo_matrix((rows, cols), dtype=dtype) try: if not _is_fromfile_compatible(stream): flat_data = fromstring(stream.read(), sep=' ') else: # fromfile works for normal files flat_data = fromfile(stream, sep=' ') except Exception: # fallback - fromfile fails for some file-like objects flat_data = fromstring(stream.read(), sep=' ') # TODO use iterator (e.g. xreadlines) to avoid reading # the whole file into memory if is_pattern: flat_data = flat_data.reshape(-1,2) I = ascontiguousarray(flat_data[:,0], dtype='intc') J = ascontiguousarray(flat_data[:,1], dtype='intc') V = ones(len(I), dtype='int8') # filler elif is_complex: flat_data = flat_data.reshape(-1,4) I = ascontiguousarray(flat_data[:,0], dtype='intc') J = ascontiguousarray(flat_data[:,1], dtype='intc') V = ascontiguousarray(flat_data[:,2], dtype='complex') V.imag = flat_data[:,3] else: flat_data = flat_data.reshape(-1,3) I = ascontiguousarray(flat_data[:,0], dtype='intc') J = ascontiguousarray(flat_data[:,1], dtype='intc') V = ascontiguousarray(flat_data[:,2], dtype='float') I -= 1 # adjust indices (base 1 -> base 0) J -= 1 if has_symmetry: mask = (I != J) # off diagonal mask od_I = I[mask] od_J = J[mask] od_V = V[mask] I = concatenate((I,od_J)) J = concatenate((J,od_I)) if is_skew: od_V *= -1 elif is_herm: od_V = od_V.conjugate() V = concatenate((V,od_V)) a = coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), shape=(rows, cols), dtype=dtype) else: raise NotImplementedError(format) return a #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _write(self, stream, a, comment='', field=None, precision=None): if isinstance(a, list) or isinstance(a, ndarray) or isinstance(a, tuple) or hasattr(a,'__array__'): rep = self.FORMAT_ARRAY a = asarray(a) if len(a.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Expected 2 dimensional array') rows,cols = a.shape entries = rows*cols if field is not None: if field == self.FIELD_INTEGER: a = a.astype('i') elif field == self.FIELD_REAL: if a.dtype.char not in 'fd': a = a.astype('d') elif field == self.FIELD_COMPLEX: if a.dtype.char not in 'FD': a = a.astype('D') else: from scipy.sparse import spmatrix if not isinstance(a,spmatrix): raise ValueError('unknown matrix type: %s' % type(a)) rep = 'coordinate' rows, cols = a.shape entries = a.getnnz() typecode = a.dtype.char if precision is None: if typecode in 'fF': precision = 8 else: precision = 16 if field is None: kind = a.dtype.kind if kind == 'i': field = 'integer' elif kind == 'f': field = 'real' elif kind == 'c': field = 'complex' else: raise TypeError('unexpected dtype kind ' + kind) if rep == self.FORMAT_ARRAY: symm = self._get_symmetry(a) else: symm = self.SYMMETRY_GENERAL # validate rep, field, and symmetry self.__class__._validate_format(rep) self.__class__._validate_field(field) self.__class__._validate_symmetry(symm) # write initial header line stream.write(asbytes('%%%%MatrixMarket matrix %s %s %s\n' % (rep,field,symm))) # write comments for line in comment.split('\n'): stream.write(asbytes('%%%s\n' % (line))) template = self._field_template(field, precision) # write dense format if rep == self.FORMAT_ARRAY: # write shape spec stream.write(asbytes('%i %i\n' % (rows,cols))) if field in (self.FIELD_INTEGER, self.FIELD_REAL): if symm == self.SYMMETRY_GENERAL: for j in range(cols): for i in range(rows): stream.write(asbytes(template % a[i,j])) else: for j in range(cols): for i in range(j,rows): stream.write(asbytes(template % a[i,j])) elif field == self.FIELD_COMPLEX: if symm == self.SYMMETRY_GENERAL: for j in range(cols): for i in range(rows): aij = a[i,j] stream.write(asbytes(template % (real(aij),imag(aij)))) else: for j in range(cols): for i in range(j,rows): aij = a[i,j] stream.write(asbytes(template % (real(aij),imag(aij)))) elif field == self.FIELD_PATTERN: raise ValueError('pattern type inconsisted with dense format') else: raise TypeError('Unknown field type %s' % field) # write sparse format else: if symm != self.SYMMETRY_GENERAL: raise NotImplementedError('symmetric matrices not yet supported') coo = a.tocoo() # convert to COOrdinate format # write shape spec stream.write(asbytes('%i %i %i\n' % (rows, cols, coo.nnz))) fmt = '%%.%dg' % precision if field == self.FIELD_PATTERN: IJV = vstack((coo.row, coo.col)).T elif field in [self.FIELD_INTEGER, self.FIELD_REAL]: IJV = vstack((coo.row, coo.col, coo.data)).T elif field == self.FIELD_COMPLEX: IJV = vstack((coo.row, coo.col, coo.data.real, coo.data.imag)).T else: raise TypeError('Unknown field type %s' % field) IJV[:,:2] += 1 # change base 0 -> base 1 savetxt(stream, IJV, fmt=fmt) def _is_fromfile_compatible(stream): """ Check whether stream is compatible with numpy.fromfile. Passing a gzipped file to fromfile/fromstring doesn't work with Python3 """ if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return True bad_cls = [] try: import gzip bad_cls.append(gzip.GzipFile) except ImportError: pass try: import bz2 bad_cls.append(bz2.BZ2File) except ImportError: pass bad_cls = tuple(bad_cls) return not isinstance(stream, bad_cls) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import time for filename in sys.argv[1:]: print('Reading',filename,'...', end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() t = time.time() mmread(filename) print('took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))