"""Schur decomposition functions.""" from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import numpy from numpy import asarray_chkfinite, single, asarray from scipy.lib.six import callable # Local imports. from . import misc from .misc import LinAlgError, _datacopied from .lapack import get_lapack_funcs from .decomp import eigvals __all__ = ['schur', 'rsf2csf'] _double_precision = ['i','l','d'] def schur(a, output='real', lwork=None, overwrite_a=False, sort=None, check_finite=True): """ Compute Schur decomposition of a matrix. The Schur decomposition is:: A = Z T Z^H where Z is unitary and T is either upper-triangular, or for real Schur decomposition (output='real'), quasi-upper triangular. In the quasi-triangular form, 2x2 blocks describing complex-valued eigenvalue pairs may extrude from the diagonal. Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like Matrix to decompose output : {'real', 'complex'}, optional Construct the real or complex Schur decomposition (for real matrices). lwork : int, optional Work array size. If None or -1, it is automatically computed. overwrite_a : bool, optional Whether to overwrite data in a (may improve performance). sort : {None, callable, 'lhp', 'rhp', 'iuc', 'ouc'}, optional Specifies whether the upper eigenvalues should be sorted. A callable may be passed that, given a eigenvalue, returns a boolean denoting whether the eigenvalue should be sorted to the top-left (True). Alternatively, string parameters may be used:: 'lhp' Left-hand plane (x.real < 0.0) 'rhp' Right-hand plane (x.real > 0.0) 'iuc' Inside the unit circle (x*x.conjugate() <= 1.0) 'ouc' Outside the unit circle (x*x.conjugate() > 1.0) Defaults to None (no sorting). check_finite : boolean, optional Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs. Returns ------- T : (M, M) ndarray Schur form of A. It is real-valued for the real Schur decomposition. Z : (M, M) ndarray An unitary Schur transformation matrix for A. It is real-valued for the real Schur decomposition. sdim : int If and only if sorting was requested, a third return value will contain the number of eigenvalues satisfying the sort condition. Raises ------ LinAlgError Error raised under three conditions: 1. The algorithm failed due to a failure of the QR algorithm to compute all eigenvalues 2. If eigenvalue sorting was requested, the eigenvalues could not be reordered due to a failure to separate eigenvalues, usually because of poor conditioning 3. If eigenvalue sorting was requested, roundoff errors caused the leading eigenvalues to no longer satisfy the sorting condition See also -------- rsf2csf : Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form """ if not output in ['real','complex','r','c']: raise ValueError("argument must be 'real', or 'complex'") if check_finite: a1 = asarray_chkfinite(a) else: a1 = asarray(a) if len(a1.shape) != 2 or (a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]): raise ValueError('expected square matrix') typ = a1.dtype.char if output in ['complex','c'] and typ not in ['F','D']: if typ in _double_precision: a1 = a1.astype('D') typ = 'D' else: a1 = a1.astype('F') typ = 'F' overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datacopied(a1, a)) gees, = get_lapack_funcs(('gees',), (a1,)) if lwork is None or lwork == -1: # get optimal work array result = gees(lambda x: None, a1, lwork=-1) lwork = result[-2][0].real.astype(numpy.int) if sort is None: sort_t = 0 sfunction = lambda x: None else: sort_t = 1 if callable(sort): sfunction = sort elif sort == 'lhp': sfunction = lambda x: (numpy.real(x) < 0.0) elif sort == 'rhp': sfunction = lambda x: (numpy.real(x) >= 0.0) elif sort == 'iuc': sfunction = lambda x: (abs(x) <= 1.0) elif sort == 'ouc': sfunction = lambda x: (abs(x) > 1.0) else: raise ValueError("sort parameter must be None, a callable, or " + "one of ('lhp','rhp','iuc','ouc')") result = gees(sfunction, a1, lwork=lwork, overwrite_a=overwrite_a, sort_t=sort_t) info = result[-1] if info < 0: raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal gees' % -info) elif info == a1.shape[0] + 1: raise LinAlgError('Eigenvalues could not be separated for reordering.') elif info == a1.shape[0] + 2: raise LinAlgError('Leading eigenvalues do not satisfy sort condition.') elif info > 0: raise LinAlgError("Schur form not found. Possibly ill-conditioned.") if sort_t == 0: return result[0], result[-3] else: return result[0], result[-3], result[1] eps = numpy.finfo(float).eps feps = numpy.finfo(single).eps _array_kind = {'b':0, 'h':0, 'B': 0, 'i':0, 'l': 0, 'f': 0, 'd': 0, 'F': 1, 'D': 1} _array_precision = {'i': 1, 'l': 1, 'f': 0, 'd': 1, 'F': 0, 'D': 1} _array_type = [['f', 'd'], ['F', 'D']] def _commonType(*arrays): kind = 0 precision = 0 for a in arrays: t = a.dtype.char kind = max(kind, _array_kind[t]) precision = max(precision, _array_precision[t]) return _array_type[kind][precision] def _castCopy(type, *arrays): cast_arrays = () for a in arrays: if a.dtype.char == type: cast_arrays = cast_arrays + (a.copy(),) else: cast_arrays = cast_arrays + (a.astype(type),) if len(cast_arrays) == 1: return cast_arrays[0] else: return cast_arrays def rsf2csf(T, Z, check_finite=True): """ Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form. Convert a quasi-diagonal real-valued Schur form to the upper triangular complex-valued Schur form. Parameters ---------- T : (M, M) array_like Real Schur form of the original matrix Z : (M, M) array_like Schur transformation matrix check_finite : boolean, optional Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs. Returns ------- T : (M, M) ndarray Complex Schur form of the original matrix Z : (M, M) ndarray Schur transformation matrix corresponding to the complex form See also -------- schur : Schur decompose a matrix """ if check_finite: Z, T = map(asarray_chkfinite, (Z, T)) else: Z,T = map(asarray, (Z,T)) if len(Z.shape) != 2 or Z.shape[0] != Z.shape[1]: raise ValueError("matrix must be square.") if len(T.shape) != 2 or T.shape[0] != T.shape[1]: raise ValueError("matrix must be square.") if T.shape[0] != Z.shape[0]: raise ValueError("matrices must be same dimension.") N = T.shape[0] arr = numpy.array t = _commonType(Z, T, arr([3.0],'F')) Z, T = _castCopy(t, Z, T) conj = numpy.conj dot = numpy.dot r_ = numpy.r_ transp = numpy.transpose for m in range(N-1, 0, -1): if abs(T[m,m-1]) > eps*(abs(T[m-1,m-1]) + abs(T[m,m])): k = slice(m-1, m+1) mu = eigvals(T[k,k]) - T[m,m] r = misc.norm([mu[0], T[m,m-1]]) c = mu[0] / r s = T[m,m-1] / r G = r_[arr([[conj(c), s]], dtype=t), arr([[-s, c]], dtype=t)] Gc = conj(transp(G)) j = slice(m-1, N) T[k,j] = dot(G, T[k,j]) i = slice(0, m+1) T[i,k] = dot(T[i,k], Gc) i = slice(0, N) Z[i,k] = dot(Z[i,k], Gc) T[m,m-1] = 0.0 return T, Z