from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from scipy.linalg import lstsq from math import factorial from scipy.ndimage import convolve1d from ._arraytools import axis_slice def savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder, deriv=0, delta=1.0, pos=None, use="conv"): """Compute the coefficients for a 1-d Savitzky-Golay FIR filter. Parameters ---------- window_length : int The length of the filter window (i.e. the number of coefficients). `window_length` must be an odd positive integer. polyorder : int The order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. `polyorder` must be less than `window_length`. deriv : int, optional The order of the derivative to compute. This must be a nonnegative integer. The default is 0, which means to filter the data without differentiating. delta : float, optional The spacing of the samples to which the filter will be applied. This is only used if deriv > 0. pos : int or None, optional If pos is not None, it specifies evaluation position within the window. The default is the middle of the window. use : str, optional Either 'conv' or 'dot'. This argument chooses the order of the coefficients. The default is 'conv', which means that the coefficients are ordered to be used in a convolution. With use='dot', the order is reversed, so the filter is applied by dotting the coefficients with the data set. Returns ------- coeffs : 1-d ndarray The filter coefficients. References ---------- A. Savitzky, M. J. E. Golay, Smoothing and Differentiation of Data by Simplified Least Squares Procedures. Analytical Chemistry, 1964, 36 (8), pp 1627-1639. See Also -------- savgol_filter Examples -------- >>> savgol_coeffs(5, 2) array([-0.08571429, 0.34285714, 0.48571429, 0.34285714, -0.08571429]) >>> savgol_coeffs(5, 2, deriv=1) array([ 2.00000000e-01, 1.00000000e-01, 2.00607895e-16, -1.00000000e-01, -2.00000000e-01]) Note that use='dot' simply reverses the coefficients. >>> savgol_coeffs(5, 2, pos=3) array([ 0.25714286, 0.37142857, 0.34285714, 0.17142857, -0.14285714]) >>> savgol_coeffs(5, 2, pos=3, use='dot') array([-0.14285714, 0.17142857, 0.34285714, 0.37142857, 0.25714286]) `x` contains data from the parabola x = t**2, sampled at t = -1, 0, 1, 2, 3. `c` holds the coefficients that will compute the derivative at the last position. When dotted with `x` the result should be 6. >>> x = array([1, 0, 1, 4, 9]) >>> c = savgol_coeffs(5, 2, pos=4, deriv=1, use='dot') >>> 6.0000000000000018 """ # An alternative method for finding the coefficients when deriv=0 is # t = np.arange(window_length) # unit = (t == pos).astype(int) # coeffs = np.polyval(np.polyfit(t, unit, polyorder), t) # The method implemented here is faster. # To recreate the table of sample coefficients shown in the chapter on # the Savitzy-Golay filter in the Numerical Recipes book, use # window_length = nL + nR + 1 # pos = nL + 1 # c = savgol_coeffs(window_length, M, pos=pos, use='dot') if polyorder >= window_length: raise ValueError("polyorder must be less than window_length.") halflen, rem = divmod(window_length, 2) if rem == 0: raise ValueError("window_length must be odd.") if pos is None: pos = halflen if not (0 <= pos < window_length): raise ValueError("pos must be nonnegative and less than " "window_length.") if use not in ['conv', 'dot']: raise ValueError("`use` must be 'conv' or 'dot'") # Form the design matrix A. The columns of A are powers of the integers # from -pos to window_length - pos - 1. The powers (i.e. rows) range # from 0 to polyorder. (That is, A is a vandermonde matrix, but not # necessarily square.) x = np.arange(-pos, window_length - pos) if use == "conv": # Reverse so that result can be used in a convolution. x = x[::-1] order = np.arange(polyorder + 1).reshape(-1, 1) if order.size == 1: # Avoid spurious DeprecationWarning in numpy 1.8.0 for # ``[1] ** [[2]]``, see numpy gh-4145. A = np.atleast_2d(x ** order[0, 0]) else: A = x ** order # y determines which order derivative is returned. y = np.zeros(polyorder + 1) # The coefficient assigned to y[deriv] scales the result to take into # account the order of the derivative and the sample spacing. y[deriv] = factorial(deriv) / (delta ** deriv) # Find the least-squares solution of A*c = y coeffs, _, _, _ = lstsq(A, y) return coeffs def _polyder(p, m): """Differentiate polynomials represented with coefficients. p must be a 1D or 2D array. In the 2D case, each column gives the coefficients of a polynomial; the first row holds the coefficients associated with the highest power. m must be a nonnegative integer. (numpy.polyder doesn't handle the 2D case.) """ if m == 0: result = p else: n = len(p) if n <= m: result = np.zeros_like(p[:1, ...]) else: dp = p[:-m].copy() for k in range(m): rng = np.arange(n - k - 1, m - k - 1, -1) dp *= rng.reshape((n - m,) + (1,) * (p.ndim - 1)) result = dp return result def _fit_edge(x, window_start, window_stop, interp_start, interp_stop, axis, polyorder, deriv, delta, y): """ Given an n-d array `x` and the specification of a slice of `x` from `window_start` to `window_stop` along `axis`, create an interpolating polynomial of each 1-d slice, and evaluate that polynomial in the slice from `interp_start` to `interp_stop`. Put the result into the corresponding slice of `y`. """ # Get the edge into a (window_length, -1) array. x_edge = axis_slice(x, start=window_start, stop=window_stop, axis=axis) if axis == 0 or axis == -x.ndim: xx_edge = x_edge swapped = False else: xx_edge = x_edge.swapaxes(axis, 0) swapped = True xx_edge = xx_edge.reshape(xx_edge.shape[0], -1) # Fit the edges. poly_coeffs has shape (polyorder + 1, -1), # where '-1' is the same as in xx_edge. poly_coeffs = np.polyfit(np.arange(0, window_stop - window_start), xx_edge, polyorder) if deriv > 0: poly_coeffs = _polyder(poly_coeffs, deriv) # Compute the interpolated values for the edge. i = np.arange(interp_start - window_start, interp_stop - window_start) values = np.polyval(poly_coeffs, i.reshape(-1, 1)) / (delta ** deriv) # Now put the values into the appropriate slice of y. # First reshape values to match y. shp = list(y.shape) shp[0], shp[axis] = shp[axis], shp[0] values = values.reshape(interp_stop - interp_start, *shp[1:]) if swapped: values = values.swapaxes(0, axis) # Get a view of the data to be replaced by values. y_edge = axis_slice(y, start=interp_start, stop=interp_stop, axis=axis) y_edge[...] = values def _fit_edges_polyfit(x, window_length, polyorder, deriv, delta, axis, y): """ Use polynomial interpolation of x at the low and high ends of the axis to fill in the halflen values in y. This function just calls _fit_edge twice, once for each end of the axis. """ halflen = window_length // 2 _fit_edge(x, 0, window_length, 0, halflen, axis, polyorder, deriv, delta, y) n = x.shape[axis] _fit_edge(x, n - window_length, n, n - halflen, n, axis, polyorder, deriv, delta, y) def savgol_filter(x, window_length, polyorder, deriv=0, delta=1.0, axis=-1, mode='interp', cval=0.0): """ Apply a Savitzky-Golay filter to an array. This is a 1-d filter. If `x` has dimension greater than 1, `axis` determines the axis along which the filter is applied. Parameters ---------- x : array_like The data to be filtered. If `x` is not a single or double precision floating point array, it will be converted to type `numpy.float64` before filtering. window_length : int The length of the filter window (i.e. the number of coefficients). `window_length` must be a positive odd integer. polyorder : int The order of the polynomial used to fit the samples. `polyorder` must be less than `window_length`. deriv : int, optional The order of the derivative to compute. This must be a nonnegative integer. The default is 0, which means to filter the data without differentiating. delta : float, optional The spacing of the samples to which the filter will be applied. This is only used if deriv > 0. Default is 1.0. axis : int, optional The axis of the array `x` along which the filter is to be applied. Default is -1. mode : str, optional Must be 'mirror', 'constant', 'nearest', 'wrap' or 'interp'. This determines the type of extension to use for the padded signal to which the filter is applied. When `mode` is 'constant', the padding value is given by `cval`. See the Notes for more details on 'mirror', 'constant', 'wrap', and 'nearest'. When the 'interp' mode is selected (the default), no extension is used. Instead, a degree `polyorder` polynomial is fit to the last `window_length` values of the edges, and this polynomial is used to evaluate the last `window_length // 2` output values. cval : scalar, optional Value to fill past the edges of the input if `mode` is 'constant'. Default is 0.0. Returns ------- y : ndarray, same shape as `x` The filtered data. See Also -------- savgol_coeffs Notes ----- Details on the `mode` options: 'mirror': Repeats the values at the edges in reverse order. The value closest to the edge is not included. 'nearest': The extension contains the nearest input value. 'constant': The extension contains the value given by the `cval` argument. 'wrap': The extension contains the values from the other end of the array. For example, if the input is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], and `window_length` is 7, the following shows the extended data for the various `mode` options (assuming `cval` is 0):: mode | Ext | Input | Ext -----------+---------+------------------------+--------- 'mirror' | 4 3 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 7 6 5 'nearest' | 1 1 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 8 8 8 'constant' | 0 0 0 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 0 0 0 'wrap' | 6 7 8 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 1 2 3 Examples -------- >>> np.set_printoptions(precision=2) # For compact display. >>> x = np.array([2, 2, 5, 2, 1, 0, 1, 4, 9]) Filter with a window length of 5 and a degree 2 polynomial. Use the defaults for all other parameters. >>> y = savgol_filter(x, 5, 2) array([ 1.66, 3.17, 3.54, 2.86, 0.66, 0.17, 1. , 4. , 9. ]) Note that the last five values in x are samples of a parabola, so when mode='interp' (the default) is used with polyorder=2, the last three values are unchanged. Compare that to, for example, `mode='nearest'`: >>> savgol_filter(x, 5, 2, mode='nearest') array([ 1.74, 3.03, 3.54, 2.86, 0.66, 0.17, 1. , 4.6 , 7.97]) """ if mode not in ["mirror", "constant", "nearest", "interp", "wrap"]: raise ValueError("mode must be 'mirror', 'constant', 'nearest' " "'wrap' or 'interp'.") x = np.asarray(x) # Ensure that x is either single or double precision floating point. if x.dtype != np.float64 and x.dtype != np.float32: x = x.astype(np.float64) coeffs = savgol_coeffs(window_length, polyorder, deriv=deriv, delta=delta) if mode == "interp": # Do not pad. Instead, for the elements within `window_length // 2` # of the ends of the sequence, use the polynomial that is fitted to # the last `window_length` elements. y = convolve1d(x, coeffs, axis=axis, mode="constant") _fit_edges_polyfit(x, window_length, polyorder, deriv, delta, axis, y) else: # Any mode other than 'interp' is passed on to ndimage.convolve1d. y = convolve1d(x, coeffs, axis=axis, mode=mode, cval=cval) return y