""" Check the speed of 2d convolution. """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import from itertools import product import time import numpy as np from numpy.testing import Tester, TestCase, assert_allclose from scipy.signal import convolve2d, correlate2d def bench_convolve2d(): np.random.seed(1234) # sample a bunch of pairs of 2d arrays tm_start = time.clock() pairs = [] for ma, na, mb, nb in product((1, 2, 8, 13, 30), repeat=4): a = np.random.randn(ma, na) b = np.random.randn(mb, nb) pairs.append((a, b)) tm_end = time.clock() tm_total = tm_end - tm_start print('time to sample random pairs of 2d arrays:') print(tm_total) print() fns = (convolve2d, correlate2d) modes = ('full', 'valid', 'same') boundaries = ('fill', 'wrap', 'symm') # compute 2d convolutions and correlations for each 2d array pair tm_start = time.clock() for a, b in pairs: for fn, mode, boundary in product(fns, modes, boundaries): if mode == 'valid': if b.shape[0] > a.shape[0] or b.shape[1] > a.shape[1]: continue fn(a, b, mode=mode, boundary=boundary) tm_end = time.clock() tm_total = tm_end - tm_start print('time to compute 2d convolutions:') print(tm_total) print()