""" dltisys - Code related to discrete linear time-invariant systems """ # Author: Jeffrey Armstrong # April 4, 2011 from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from .ltisys import tf2ss, zpk2ss __all__ = ['dlsim', 'dstep', 'dimpulse'] def dlsim(system, u, t=None, x0=None): """ Simulate output of a discrete-time linear system. Parameters ---------- system : class instance or tuple An instance of the LTI class, or a tuple describing the system. The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and the interpretation: - 3: (num, den, dt) - 4: (zeros, poles, gain, dt) - 5: (A, B, C, D, dt) u : array_like An input array describing the input at each time `t` (interpolation is assumed between given times). If there are multiple inputs, then each column of the rank-2 array represents an input. t : array_like, optional The time steps at which the input is defined. If `t` is given, the final value in `t` determines the number of steps returned in the output. x0 : arry_like, optional The initial conditions on the state vector (zero by default). Returns ------- tout : ndarray Time values for the output, as a 1-D array. yout : ndarray System response, as a 1-D array. xout : ndarray, optional Time-evolution of the state-vector. Only generated if the input is a state-space systems. See Also -------- lsim, dstep, dimpulse, cont2discrete Examples -------- A simple integrator transfer function with a discrete time step of 1.0 could be implemented as: >>> from scipy import signal >>> tf = ([1.0,], [1.0, -1.0], 1.0) >>> t_in = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0] >>> u = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) >>> t_out, y = signal.dlsim(tf, u, t=t_in) >>> y array([ 0., 0., 0., 1.]) """ if len(system) == 3: a, b, c, d = tf2ss(system[0], system[1]) dt = system[2] elif len(system) == 4: a, b, c, d = zpk2ss(system[0], system[1], system[2]) dt = system[3] elif len(system) == 5: a, b, c, d, dt = system else: raise ValueError("System argument should be a discrete transfer " + "function, zeros-poles-gain specification, or " + "state-space system") if t is None: out_samples = max(u.shape) stoptime = (out_samples - 1) * dt else: stoptime = t[-1] out_samples = int(np.floor(stoptime / dt)) + 1 # Pre-build output arrays xout = np.zeros((out_samples, a.shape[0])) yout = np.zeros((out_samples, c.shape[0])) tout = np.linspace(0.0, stoptime, num=out_samples) # Check initial condition if x0 is None: xout[0,:] = np.zeros((a.shape[1],)) else: xout[0,:] = np.asarray(x0) # Pre-interpolate inputs into the desired time steps if t is None: u_dt = u else: if len(u.shape) == 1: u = u[:, np.newaxis] u_dt_interp = interp1d(t, u.transpose(), copy=False, bounds_error=True) u_dt = u_dt_interp(tout).transpose() # Simulate the system for i in range(0, out_samples - 1): xout[i+1,:] = np.dot(a, xout[i,:]) + np.dot(b, u_dt[i,:]) yout[i,:] = np.dot(c, xout[i,:]) + np.dot(d, u_dt[i,:]) # Last point yout[out_samples-1,:] = np.dot(c, xout[out_samples-1,:]) + \ np.dot(d, u_dt[out_samples-1,:]) if len(system) == 5: return tout, yout, xout else: return tout, yout def dimpulse(system, x0=None, t=None, n=None): """Impulse response of discrete-time system. Parameters ---------- system : tuple The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and the interpretation: * 3: (num, den, dt) * 4: (zeros, poles, gain, dt) * 5: (A, B, C, D, dt) x0 : array_like, optional Initial state-vector. Defaults to zero. t : array_like, optional Time points. Computed if not given. n : int, optional The number of time points to compute (if `t` is not given). Returns ------- t : ndarray A 1-D array of time points. yout : tuple of array_like Impulse response of system. Each element of the tuple represents the output of the system based on an impulse in each input. See Also -------- impulse, dstep, dlsim, cont2discrete """ # Determine the system type and set number of inputs and time steps if len(system) == 3: n_inputs = 1 dt = system[2] elif len(system) == 4: n_inputs = 1 dt = system[3] elif len(system) == 5: n_inputs = system[1].shape[1] dt = system[4] else: raise ValueError("System argument should be a discrete transfer " + "function, zeros-poles-gain specification, or " + "state-space system") # Default to 100 samples if unspecified if n is None: n = 100 # If time is not specified, use the number of samples # and system dt if t is None: t = np.linspace(0, n * dt, n, endpoint=False) # For each input, implement a step change yout = None for i in range(0, n_inputs): u = np.zeros((t.shape[0], n_inputs)) u[0,i] = 1.0 one_output = dlsim(system, u, t=t, x0=x0) if yout is None: yout = (one_output[1],) else: yout = yout + (one_output[1],) tout = one_output[0] return tout, yout def dstep(system, x0=None, t=None, n=None): """Step response of discrete-time system. Parameters ---------- system : a tuple describing the system. The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and the interpretation: * 3: (num, den, dt) * 4: (zeros, poles, gain, dt) * 5: (A, B, C, D, dt) x0 : array_like, optional Initial state-vector (default is zero). t : array_like, optional Time points (computed if not given). n : int, optional Number of time points to compute if `t` is not given. Returns ------- t : ndarray Output time points, as a 1-D array. yout : tuple of array_like Step response of system. Each element of the tuple represents the output of the system based on a step response to each input. See Also -------- step, dimpulse, dlsim, cont2discrete """ # Determine the system type and set number of inputs and time steps if len(system) == 3: n_inputs = 1 dt = system[2] elif len(system) == 4: n_inputs = 1 dt = system[3] elif len(system) == 5: n_inputs = system[1].shape[1] dt = system[4] else: raise ValueError("System argument should be a discrete transfer " + "function, zeros-poles-gain specification, or " + "state-space system") # Default to 100 samples if unspecified if n is None: n = 100 # If time is not specified, use the number of samples # and system dt if t is None: t = np.linspace(0, n * dt, n, endpoint=False) # For each input, implement a step change yout = None for i in range(0, n_inputs): u = np.zeros((t.shape[0], n_inputs)) u[:,i] = np.ones((t.shape[0],)) one_output = dlsim(system, u, t=t, x0=x0) if yout is None: yout = (one_output[1],) else: yout = yout + (one_output[1],) tout = one_output[0] return tout, yout