// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$
// Authors: W. Brown, M. Fischler, L. Moneta    2005  

  *                                                                    *
  * Copyright (c) 2005 , LCG ROOT MathLib Team                         *
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  *                                                                    *

// Header file Point2Dfwd
// Created by: Lorenzo Moneta  at Mon Apr 16 2007

#ifndef ROOT_Math_Point2Dfwd 
#define ROOT_Math_Point2Dfwd  1

// forward declareations of position vectors (Points) and type defs definitions

namespace ROOT { 

   namespace Math { 

      template<class CoordSystem, class Tag> class PositionVector2D; 

      template<typename T> class Cartesian2D;  
      template<typename T> class Polar2D;  

      class DefaultCoordinateSystemTag; 
         2D Point based on the cartesian coordinates x,y,z in double precision
      typedef PositionVector2D< Cartesian2D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > XYPoint; 
      typedef XYPoint XYPointD; 

         2D Point based on the cartesian corrdinates x,y,z in single precision
      typedef PositionVector2D< Cartesian2D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > XYPointF; 

         2D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in double precision. 
      typedef PositionVector2D< Polar2D<double>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > Polar2DPoint; 
      typedef Polar2DPoint Polar2DPointD; 

         2D Point based on the polar coordinates rho, theta, phi in single precision. 
      typedef PositionVector2D< Polar2D<float>, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > Polar2DPointF; 

   } // end namespace Math

} // end namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Math_Point2Dfwd  */