// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$ // Author: Federico Carminati 22/04/2004 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TComplex #define ROOT_TComplex ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TComplex // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_Riosfwd #include "Riosfwd.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMath #include "TMath.h" #endif class TComplex { protected: Double_t fRe; // real part Double_t fIm; // imaginary part public: // ctors and dtors TComplex(): fRe(0), fIm(0) {} TComplex(Double_t re, Double_t im=0, Bool_t polar=kFALSE); virtual ~TComplex() {} // constants static TComplex I() {return TComplex(0,1);} static TComplex One() {return TComplex(1,0);} // getters and setters Double_t Re() const {return fRe;} Double_t Im() const {return fIm;} Double_t Rho() const {return TMath::Sqrt(fRe*fRe+fIm*fIm);} Double_t Rho2() const {return fRe*fRe+fIm*fIm;} Double_t Theta() const {return (fIm||fRe)?TMath::ATan2(fIm,fRe):0;} TComplex operator()(Double_t x, Double_t y, Bool_t polar=kFALSE) { if (polar) { fRe = x*TMath::Cos(y); fIm = x*TMath::Sin(y); } else { fRe = x; fIm = y; } return *this; } // Simple operators complex - complex TComplex operator *(const TComplex & c) const {return TComplex(fRe*c.fRe-fIm*c.fIm,fRe*c.fIm+fIm*c.fRe);} TComplex operator +(const TComplex & c) const {return TComplex(fRe+c.fRe, fIm+c.fIm);} TComplex operator /(const TComplex & c) const {return TComplex(fRe*c.fRe+fIm*c.fIm,-fRe*c.fIm+fIm*c.fRe)/c.Rho2();} TComplex operator -(const TComplex & c) const {return TComplex(fRe-c.fRe, fIm-c.fIm);} TComplex operator *=(const TComplex & c) {return ((*this) = (*this) * c);} TComplex operator +=(const TComplex & c) {return ((*this) = (*this) + c);} TComplex operator /=(const TComplex & c) {return ((*this) = (*this) / c);} TComplex operator -=(const TComplex & c) {return ((*this) = (*this) - c);} TComplex operator -() {return TComplex(-fRe,-fIm);} TComplex operator +() {return *this;} // Simple operators complex - double TComplex operator *(Double_t c) const {return TComplex(fRe*c,fIm*c);} TComplex operator +(Double_t c) const {return TComplex(fRe+c, fIm);} TComplex operator /(Double_t c) const {return TComplex(fRe/c,fIm/c);} TComplex operator -(Double_t c) const {return TComplex(fRe-c, fIm);} // Simple operators double - complex friend TComplex operator *(Double_t d, const TComplex & c) {return TComplex(d*c.fRe,d*c.fIm);} friend TComplex operator +(Double_t d, const TComplex & c) {return TComplex(d+c.fRe, c.fIm);} friend TComplex operator /(Double_t d, const TComplex & c) {return TComplex(d*c.fRe,-d*c.fIm)/c.Rho2();} friend TComplex operator -(Double_t d, const TComplex & c) {return TComplex(d-c.fRe, -c.fIm);} // Convertors operator Double_t () const {return fRe;} operator Float_t () const {return static_cast<Float_t>(fRe);} operator Int_t () const {return static_cast<Int_t>(fRe);} // TMath:: extensions static TComplex Sqrt(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(TMath::Sqrt(c.Rho()),0.5*c.Theta(),kTRUE);} static TComplex Exp(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(TMath::Exp(c.fRe),c.fIm,kTRUE);} static TComplex Log(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(0.5*TMath::Log(c.Rho2()),c.Theta());} static TComplex Log2(const TComplex &c) {return Log(c)/TMath::Log(2);} static TComplex Log10(const TComplex &c) {return Log(c)/TMath::Log(10);} static TComplex Sin(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(TMath::Sin(c.fRe)*TMath::CosH(c.fIm), TMath::Cos(c.fRe)*TMath::SinH(c.fIm));} static TComplex Cos(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(TMath::Cos(c.fRe)*TMath::CosH(c.fIm), -TMath::Sin(c.fRe)*TMath::SinH(c.fIm));} static TComplex Tan(const TComplex &c) {TComplex cc=Cos(c); return Sin(c)*Conjugate(cc)/cc.Rho2();} static TComplex ASin(const TComplex &c) {return -I()*Log(I()*c+TMath::Sign(1.,c.Im())*Sqrt(1.-c*c));} static TComplex ACos(const TComplex &c) {return -I()*Log(c+TMath::Sign(1.,c.Im())*Sqrt(c*c-1.));} static TComplex ATan(const TComplex &c) {return -0.5*I()*Log((1.+I()*c)/(1.-I()*c));} static TComplex SinH(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(TMath::SinH(c.fRe)*TMath::Cos(c.fIm), TMath::CosH(c.fRe)*TMath::Sin(c.fIm));} static TComplex CosH(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(TMath::CosH(c.fRe)*TMath::Cos(c.fIm), TMath::SinH(c.fRe)*TMath::Sin(c.fIm));} static TComplex TanH(const TComplex &c) {TComplex cc=CosH(c); return SinH(c)*Conjugate(cc)/cc.Rho2();} static TComplex ASinH(const TComplex &c) {return Log(c+TMath::Sign(1.,c.Im())*Sqrt(c*c+1.));} static TComplex ACosH(const TComplex &c) {return Log(c+TMath::Sign(1.,c.Im())*Sqrt(c*c-1.));} static TComplex ATanH(const TComplex &c) {return 0.5*Log((1.+c)/(1.-c));} static Double_t Abs(const TComplex &c) {return c.Rho();} static TComplex Power(const TComplex& x, const TComplex& y) {Double_t lrho=TMath::Log(x.Rho()); Double_t theta=x.Theta(); return TComplex(TMath::Exp(lrho*y.Re()-theta*y.Im()), lrho*y.Im()+theta*y.Re(),kTRUE);} static TComplex Power(const TComplex& x, Double_t y) {return TComplex(TMath::Power(x.Rho(),y),x.Theta()*y,kTRUE);} static TComplex Power(Double_t x, const TComplex& y) {Double_t lrho=TMath::Log(TMath::Abs(x)); Double_t theta=(x>0)?0:TMath::Pi(); return TComplex(TMath::Exp(lrho*y.Re()-theta*y.Im()), lrho*y.Im()+theta*y.Re(),kTRUE);} static TComplex Power(const TComplex& x, Int_t y) {return TComplex(TMath::Power(x.Rho(),y),x.Theta()*y,kTRUE);} static Int_t Finite(const TComplex& c) {return TMath::Min(TMath::Finite(c.Re()),TMath::Finite(c.Im()));} static Int_t IsNaN(const TComplex& c) {return TMath::Max(TMath::IsNaN(c.Re()),TMath::IsNaN(c.Im()));} static TComplex Min(const TComplex &a, const TComplex &b) {return a.Rho()<=b.Rho()?a:b;} static TComplex Max(const TComplex &a, const TComplex &b) {return a.Rho()>=b.Rho()?a:b;} static TComplex Normalize(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(1.,c.Theta(),kTRUE);} static TComplex Conjugate(const TComplex &c) {return TComplex(c.Re(),-c.Im());} static TComplex Range(const TComplex &lb, const TComplex &ub, const TComplex &c) {return Max(lb,Min(c,ub));} // I/O friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const TComplex& c); friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, TComplex& c); ClassDef(TComplex,1) //Complex Class }; #endif