#============================================================================= # Allpix: simulation of the LUCID experiment (batch mode) #============================================================================= # The laboratory # SSTL, Surrey, United Kingdom /allpix/lab/setLatitude 51.241850 deg /allpix/lab/setLongitude -0.617168 deg /allpix/lab/setAltitude 69.2 m /allpix/lab/setRollAngle 0.0 deg /allpix/lab/setPitchAngle 0.0 deg /allpix/lab/setYawAngle 0.0 deg # The LUCID TPX0 detector /allpix/det/setId 10000 /allpix/det/setPosition 0.0 18.3 18.3 mm /allpix/det/setRotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 deg /allpix/det/setFoilThickness 0.0174 mm # The LUCID TPX1 detector /allpix/det/setId 10001 /allpix/det/setPosition 18.3 18.3 0.0 mm /allpix/det/setRotation 0.0 -90.0 0.0 deg /allpix/det/setFoilThickness 0.0174 mm # The LUCID TPX2 detector. /allpix/det/setId 10002 /allpix/det/setPosition -18.3 18.3 0.0 mm /allpix/det/setRotation 0.0 90.0 0.0 deg /allpix/det/setFoilThickness 0.0174 mm # The LUCID TPX3 detector /allpix/det/setId 10003 /allpix/det/setPosition 0.0 18.3 -18.3 mm /allpix/det/setRotation 0.0 180.0 0.0 deg /allpix/det/setFoilThickness 0.0174 mm # The LUCID TPX4 detector /allpix/det/setId 10004 /allpix/det/setPosition -3.01 -7.600 0.0 mm /allpix/det/setRotation 90.0 0.0 90.0 deg /allpix/det/setFoilThickness 0.0174 mm # The test structure - the LUCID experiment. /allpix/extras/setTestStructure LUCID /allpix/extras/setTestStructurePosition 0.0 0.0 0.0 mm /allpix/extras/setTestStructureRotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 deg /allpix/extras/setTestStructureShieldingThickness 0.68 mm # We're in space, of course. /allpix/extras/setWorldMaterial Vacuum # The maximum step length (applies only to the sensor). /allpix/det/setMaxStepLengthSensor 10 um # Initialize the simulation. /run/initialize # Build the detectors. /allpix/det/update ############################### # General Particle Source (GPS) ############################### # GPS #/gps/particle gamma #/gps/ene/type Mono #/gps/energy 17 keV #/gps/pos/type Point ##/gps/pos/centre 0.0 0.0 150.0 mm ## Place at the centre of the top left pixel ##/gps/pos/centre -7012.5 -7012.5 200.0 um #/gps/pos/centre 0.0 49. 0.0 mm #/gps/direction 0 -1 0 # Spherical source for outerspace /gps/ene/type Mono /gps/energy 40 MeV /gps/particle proton /gps/pos/type Surface /gps/pos/shape Sphere /gps/pos/centre 0. 0. 0. mm /gps/pos/radius 49.9 mm /gps/pos/confine PseudoDetector_phys /gps/ang/type cos /gps/source/list /allpix/lab/setSourceId Sphere, p+ 40 MeV ######################################################################## # Run the simulation with the number of events specified. /run/beamOn 10000 ########################################################################