#============================================================================= # Allpix: the CERN@school Timepix detector with a Potassium-40 source #============================================================================= # The laboratory. /allpix/lab/setLatitude 51.261015 deg /allpix/lab/setLongitude 1.084127 deg /allpix/lab/setAltitude 48.0 m /allpix/lab/setRollAngle 0.0 deg /allpix/lab/setPitchAngle 0.0 deg /allpix/lab/setYawAngle 0.0 deg # The CERN@school Mk1 detector /allpix/det/setId 900 #/allpix/det/setPosition -1.305 0.0 23.075 mm /allpix/det/setPosition -1.305 0.0 0.075 mm /allpix/det/setRotation 90.0 180.0 0.0 deg /allpix/det/setFoilThickness 0.0174 mm /allpix/det/setLowTHL 13. keV # The test structure - the KCl source /allpix/extras/setTestStructure SourceTestBench /allpix/extras/setTestStructurePosition 0.0 -10.0 -15.0 mm /allpix/extras/setTestStructureRotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 deg /allpix/extras/setTestStructureShieldingThickness 0.0 mm # Max step lenght. Applies only to the sensor /allpix/det/setMaxStepLengthSensor 10 um # Initialize the simulation. /run/initialize # Build the detectors. /allpix/det/update ######################################################################## /tracking/verbose 0 ################################ # General Particle Source (GPS) ################################ # A disc of K-40 ions, to match the test structure source. /gps/ene/mono 0. MeV /gps/particle ion /gps/ion 19 40 /grdm/fBeta 1 /gps/pos/type Volume /gps/pos/shape Cylinder /gps/pos/centre 0. -14.5 -15. mm /gps/pos/halfz 0.001 mm /gps/pos/radius 27.5 mm /gps/pos/rot1 1 0 0 /gps/pos/rot2 0 0 1 /gps/ang/type iso /gps/source/list /allpix/lab/setSourceId KCl (test bench) ######################################################################## # Run the simulation with the number of events specified. /run/beamOn 1000 ########################################################################