/** * Author: * AAAuthor * * allpix Authors: * John Idarraga * Mathieu Benoit */ #include "__Digitizer.hh" #include "AllPixTrackerHit.hh" #include "G4DigiManager.hh" #include "G4VDigitizerModule.hh" #include "AllPixGeoDsc.hh" #include "TMath.h" #include "TF1.h" __Digitizer::__Digitizer(G4String modName, G4String hitsColName, G4String digitColName) : AllPixDigitizerInterface (modName) { // Registration of digits collection name collectionName.push_back(digitColName); m_hitsColName.push_back(hitsColName); // threshold m_digitIn.thl = 0.; } __Digitizer::~__Digitizer(){ } void __Digitizer::Digitize(){ // create the digits collection m_digitsCollection = new __DigitsCollection("__Digitizer", collectionName[0] ); // get the digiManager G4DigiManager * digiMan = G4DigiManager::GetDMpointer(); // BoxSD_0_HitsCollection G4int hcID = digiMan->GetHitsCollectionID(m_hitsColName[0]); AllPixTrackerHitsCollection * hitsCollection = 0; hitsCollection = (AllPixTrackerHitsCollection*)(digiMan->GetHitsCollection(hcID)); // temporary data structure map, G4double > pixelsContent; pair tempPixel; G4int nEntries = hitsCollection->entries(); // Example of detector description handle // provided by the interface AllPixGeoDsc * gD = GetDetectorGeoDscPtr(); gD->GetNPixelsX(); for(G4int itr = 0 ; itr < nEntries ; itr++) { tempPixel.first = (*hitsCollection)[itr]->GetPixelNbX(); tempPixel.second = (*hitsCollection)[itr]->GetPixelNbY(); pixelsContent[tempPixel] += (*hitsCollection)[itr]->GetEdep(); } // Now create digits, one per pixel // Second entry in the map is the energy deposit in the pixel map, G4double >::iterator pCItr = pixelsContent.begin(); // NOTE that there is a nice interface which provides useful info for hits. // For instance, the following member gives you the position of a hit with respect // to the center of the pixel. // G4ThreeVector vec = (*hitsCollection)[itr]->GetPosWithRespectToPixel(); // See class AllPixTrackerHit ! // Also, you have full access to the detector geometry from this scope // AllPixGeoDsc * GetDetectorGeoDscPtr() // provides you with a pointer to the geometry description. // See class AllPixGeoDsc ! for( ; pCItr != pixelsContent.end() ; pCItr++) { if((*pCItr).second > m_digitIn.thl) // over threshold ! { // Create one digit per pixel, I need to look at all the pixels first __Digit * digit = new __Digit; digit->SetPixelIDX((*pCItr).first.first); digit->SetPixelIDY((*pCItr).first.second); digit->IncreasePixelCounts(); // Counting mode m_digitsCollection->insert(digit); } } G4int dc_entries = m_digitsCollection->entries(); if(dc_entries > 0){ G4cout << "--------> Digits Collection : " << collectionName[0] << "(" << m_hitsColName[0] << ")" << " contains " << dc_entries << " digits" << G4endl; } StoreDigiCollection(m_digitsCollection); }