// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Author: George Lewis, Kyle Cranmer /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef HISTFACTORY_CHANNEL_H #define HISTFACTORY_CHANNEL_H #include #include #include #include "RooStats/HistFactory/Data.h" #include "RooStats/HistFactory/Sample.h" #include "RooStats/HistFactory/Systematics.h" namespace RooStats{ namespace HistFactory { class Channel { public: friend class Measurement; Channel(); Channel(const Channel& other); Channel(std::string Name, std::string InputFile=""); // set name of channel void SetName( const std::string& Name ) { fName = Name; } // get name of channel std::string GetName() { return fName; } // set name of input file containing histograms void SetInputFile( const std::string& file ) { fInputFile = file; } // get name of input file std::string GetInputFile() { return fInputFile; } // set path for histograms in input file void SetHistoPath( const std::string& file ) { fHistoPath = file; } // get path to histograms in input file std::string GetHistoPath() { return fHistoPath; } // set data object void SetData( const RooStats::HistFactory::Data& data ) { fData = data; } void SetData( std::string HistoName, std::string InputFile, std::string HistoPath="" ); void SetData( double Val ); void SetData( TH1* hData ); // get data object RooStats::HistFactory::Data& GetData() { return fData; } // add additional data object void AddAdditionalData( const RooStats::HistFactory::Data& data ) { fAdditionalData.push_back(data); } // retrieve vector of additional data objects std::vector& GetAdditionalData() { return fAdditionalData; } void SetStatErrorConfig( double RelErrorThreshold, Constraint::Type ConstraintType ); void SetStatErrorConfig( double RelErrorThreshold, std::string ConstraintType ); // define treatment of statistical uncertainties void SetStatErrorConfig( RooStats::HistFactory::StatErrorConfig Config ) { fStatErrorConfig = Config; } // get information about threshold for statistical uncertainties and constraint term HistFactory::StatErrorConfig& GetStatErrorConfig() { return fStatErrorConfig; } void AddSample( RooStats::HistFactory::Sample sample ); // get vector of samples for this channel std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Sample >& GetSamples() { return fSamples; } void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void PrintXML( std::string Directory, std::string Prefix="" ); void CollectHistograms(); bool CheckHistograms(); protected: std::string fName; std::string fInputFile; std::string fHistoPath; HistFactory::Data fData; // One can add additional datasets // These are simply added to the xml under a different name std::vector fAdditionalData; HistFactory::StatErrorConfig fStatErrorConfig; std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Sample > fSamples; // Open a file and copy a histogram TH1* GetHistogram( std::string InputFile, std::string HistoPath, std::string HistoName ); }; extern Channel BadChannel; } // namespace HistFactory } // namespace RooStats #endif