// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Author: George Lewis, Kyle Cranmer /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef HISTFACTORY_SYSTEMATICS_H #define HISTFACTORY_SYSTEMATICS_H #include #include #include #include "TH1.h" #include "RooStats/HistFactory/HistRef.h" namespace RooStats{ namespace HistFactory { namespace Constraint { enum Type{ Gaussian, Poisson }; std::string Name( Type type ); Type GetType( const std::string& Name ); } // Base class for common functions /* class Systematic { public: virtual void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); virtual void writeToFile(const std::string& FileName, const std::string& Directory); }; */ class OverallSys { public: void SetName( const std::string& Name ) { fName = Name; } std::string GetName() { return fName; } void SetLow( double Low ) { fLow = Low; } void SetHigh( double High ) { fHigh = High; } double GetLow() { return fLow; } double GetHigh() { return fHigh; } void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void PrintXML(std::ostream&); protected: std::string fName; double fLow; double fHigh; }; class NormFactor { public: NormFactor(); void SetName( const std::string& Name ) { fName = Name; } std::string GetName() { return fName; } void SetVal( double Val ) { fVal = Val; } double GetVal() { return fVal; } void SetConst( bool Const=true ) { fConst = Const; } bool GetConst() { return fConst; } void SetLow( double Low ) { fLow = Low; } void SetHigh( double High ) { fHigh = High; } double GetLow() { return fLow; } double GetHigh() { return fHigh; } void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void PrintXML(std::ostream&); protected: std::string fName; double fVal; double fLow; double fHigh; bool fConst; }; class HistoSys { public: HistoSys() : fhLow(NULL), fhHigh(NULL) {;} HistoSys(const std::string& Name) : fName(Name), fhLow(NULL), fhHigh(NULL) {;} void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void PrintXML(std::ostream&); void writeToFile( const std::string& FileName, const std::string& DirName ); void SetHistoLow( TH1* Low ) { fhLow = Low; } void SetHistoHigh( TH1* High ) { fhHigh = High; } TH1* GetHistoLow(); TH1* GetHistoHigh(); void SetName( const std::string& Name ) { fName = Name; } std::string GetName() { return fName; } void SetInputFileLow( const std::string& InputFileLow ) { fInputFileLow = InputFileLow; } void SetInputFileHigh( const std::string& InputFileHigh ) { fInputFileHigh = InputFileHigh; } std::string GetInputFileLow() { return fInputFileLow; } std::string GetInputFileHigh() { return fInputFileHigh; } void SetHistoNameLow( const std::string& HistoNameLow ) { fHistoNameLow = HistoNameLow; } void SetHistoNameHigh( const std::string& HistoNameHigh ) { fHistoNameHigh = HistoNameHigh; } std::string GetHistoNameLow() { return fHistoNameLow; } std::string GetHistoNameHigh() { return fHistoNameHigh; } void SetHistoPathLow( const std::string& HistoPathLow ) { fHistoPathLow = HistoPathLow; } void SetHistoPathHigh( const std::string& HistoPathHigh ) { fHistoPathHigh = HistoPathHigh; } std::string GetHistoPathLow() { return fHistoPathLow; } std::string GetHistoPathHigh() { return fHistoPathHigh; } protected: std::string fName; std::string fInputFileLow; std::string fHistoNameLow; std::string fHistoPathLow; std::string fInputFileHigh; std::string fHistoNameHigh; std::string fHistoPathHigh; // The Low and High Histograms HistRef fhLow; HistRef fhHigh; }; class HistoFactor { public: void SetName( const std::string& Name ) { fName = Name; } std::string GetName() { return fName; } void SetInputFileLow( const std::string& InputFileLow ) { fInputFileLow = InputFileLow; } void SetInputFileHigh( const std::string& InputFileHigh ) { fInputFileHigh = InputFileHigh; } std::string GetInputFileLow() { return fInputFileLow; } std::string GetInputFileHigh() { return fInputFileHigh; } void SetHistoNameLow( const std::string& HistoNameLow ) { fHistoNameLow = HistoNameLow; } void SetHistoNameHigh( const std::string& HistoNameHigh ) { fHistoNameHigh = HistoNameHigh; } std::string GetHistoNameLow() { return fHistoNameLow; } std::string GetHistoNameHigh() { return fHistoNameHigh; } void SetHistoPathLow( const std::string& HistoPathLow ) { fHistoPathLow = HistoPathLow; } void SetHistoPathHigh( const std::string& HistoPathHigh ) { fHistoPathHigh = HistoPathHigh; } std::string GetHistoPathLow() { return fHistoPathLow; } std::string GetHistoPathHigh() { return fHistoPathHigh; } void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void writeToFile( const std::string& FileName, const std::string& DirName ); void PrintXML(std::ostream&); TH1* GetHistoLow(); TH1* GetHistoHigh(); void SetHistoLow( TH1* Low ) { fhLow = Low; } void SetHistoHigh( TH1* High ) { fhHigh = High; } protected: std::string fName; std::string fInputFileLow; std::string fHistoNameLow; std::string fHistoPathLow; std::string fInputFileHigh; std::string fHistoNameHigh; std::string fHistoPathHigh; // The Low and High Histograms HistRef fhLow; HistRef fhHigh; }; class ShapeSys { public: void SetName( const std::string& Name ) { fName = Name; } std::string GetName() { return fName; } void SetInputFile( const std::string& InputFile ) { fInputFile = InputFile; } std::string GetInputFile() { return fInputFile; } void SetHistoName( const std::string& HistoName ) { fHistoName = HistoName; } std::string GetHistoName() { return fHistoName; } void SetHistoPath( const std::string& HistoPath ) { fHistoPath = HistoPath; } std::string GetHistoPath() { return fHistoPath; } void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void PrintXML(std::ostream&); void writeToFile( const std::string& FileName, const std::string& DirName ); TH1* GetErrorHist(); void SetErrorHist(TH1* hError) { fhError = hError; } void SetConstraintType( Constraint::Type ConstrType ) { fConstraintType = ConstrType; } Constraint::Type GetConstraintType() { return fConstraintType; } protected: std::string fName; std::string fInputFile; std::string fHistoName; std::string fHistoPath; Constraint::Type fConstraintType; // The histogram holding the error HistRef fhError; }; class ShapeFactor { public: ShapeFactor(); void SetName( const std::string& Name ) { fName = Name; } std::string GetName() { return fName; } void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void PrintXML(std::ostream&); void writeToFile( const std::string& FileName, const std::string& DirName); void SetInitialShape(TH1* shape) { fhInitialShape = shape; } TH1* GetInitialShape() { return fhInitialShape; } void SetConstant(bool constant) { fConstant = constant; } bool IsConstant() { return fConstant; } bool HasInitialShape() { return fHasInitialShape; } void SetInputFile( const std::string& InputFile ) { fInputFile = InputFile; fHasInitialShape=true; } std::string GetInputFile() { return fInputFile; } void SetHistoName( const std::string& HistoName ) { fHistoName = HistoName; fHasInitialShape=true; } std::string GetHistoName() { return fHistoName; } void SetHistoPath( const std::string& HistoPath ) { fHistoPath = HistoPath; fHasInitialShape=true; } std::string GetHistoPath() { return fHistoPath; } protected: std::string fName; bool fConstant; // A histogram representing // the initial shape bool fHasInitialShape; std::string fHistoName; std::string fHistoPath; std::string fInputFile; TH1* fhInitialShape; }; class StatError { public: StatError() : fActivate(false), fUseHisto(false), fhError(NULL) {;} void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void PrintXML(std::ostream&); void writeToFile( const std::string& FileName, const std::string& DirName ); void Activate( bool IsActive=true ) { fActivate = IsActive; } bool GetActivate() { return fActivate; } void SetUseHisto( bool UseHisto=true ) { fUseHisto = UseHisto; } bool GetUseHisto() { return fUseHisto; } void SetInputFile( const std::string& InputFile ) { fInputFile = InputFile; } std::string GetInputFile() { return fInputFile; } void SetHistoName( const std::string& HistoName ) { fHistoName = HistoName; } std::string GetHistoName() { return fHistoName; } void SetHistoPath( const std::string& HistoPath ) { fHistoPath = HistoPath; } std::string GetHistoPath() { return fHistoPath; } TH1* GetErrorHist(); void SetErrorHist(TH1* Error) { fhError = Error; } protected: bool fActivate; bool fUseHisto; // Use an external histogram for the errors std::string fInputFile; std::string fHistoName; std::string fHistoPath; // The histogram holding the error HistRef fhError; }; class StatErrorConfig { public: StatErrorConfig() : fRelErrorThreshold( .05 ), fConstraintType( Constraint::Gaussian ) {;} void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void PrintXML(std::ostream&); void SetRelErrorThreshold( double Threshold ) { fRelErrorThreshold = Threshold; } double GetRelErrorThreshold() { return fRelErrorThreshold; } void SetConstraintType( Constraint::Type ConstrType ) { fConstraintType = ConstrType; } Constraint::Type GetConstraintType() { return fConstraintType; } protected: double fRelErrorThreshold; Constraint::Type fConstraintType; }; } } #endif