/// @file Lu2Mf-converter.cpp /// @brief Code for the Lu2Mf-converter executable: LUCID -> MAFalda //// Standard includes. //#include #include //#include //#include //#include //#include // //// ROOT includes. //#include "TString.h" //#include "TFile.h" //#include "TH1D.h" // //// Toolkit includes. //#include "Cl2MfConverter.h" using namespace std; //// Forward declaration of helper functions. //void checkParameters(int, char**, TString *); /// @brief Lu2Mf-converter: Converts LUCID data to the MAFalda format. /// /// @author T. Whyntie (CERN\@school - t.whyntie@qmul.ac.uk) /// @date April 2014 /// /// @param[in] argc Input argument numbers. /// @param[in] argv Input argument values. int main(int argc, char ** argv) { bool dbg = true; // // Check the input arguments. // TString tempScratchDir = ""; // checkParameters(argc, argv, &tempScratchDir); cout << "" << endl << "==============================" << endl << " CERN@school: Lu2Mf-converter " << endl << "==============================" << endl << "*" << endl; // // cout << "* Cluster log file name: '" << argv[1] << "'" << endl; // cout << "* XML metadata file name: '" << argv[2] << "'" << endl; // cout << "* Output directory: '" << argv[3] << "'" << endl; // cout << "* Frames per ROOT file: " << argv[4] << endl; // // // Determine the number of frames per ROOT file to write. // Int_t num_frames_per_root_file = atoi(argv[4]); // // // Determine the number of frames to read. // Int_t num_frames_to_read(0); // if (argc > 5) num_frames_to_read = atoi(argv[5]); // if (num_frames_to_read == -1 || argc <= 5) { // cout << "* Reading all frames." << endl; // } // if (num_frames_to_read > 0) { // cout << "* No. of frames to read: " << num_frames_to_read << endl; // } // cout << endl; // // // Instantiate the converter object // Cl2MfConverter converter(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], num_frames_per_root_file, num_frames_to_read, dbg);; return 0; } /* /// @brief Checks the validity of the input arguments. /// /// @param[in] argc Input argument numbers. /// @param[in] argv Input argument values. /// @param[in] tempScratchDir Temporary scratch directory. /// /// @todo Check the output directory exists and is valid. void checkParameters(int argc, char ** argv, TString * tempScratchDir){ if(argc < 5) { cout << endl << "ERROR: insufficient input arguments!" << endl << endl << "Usage: " << endl << endl << "./Cl2Mf-converter " << "[Cluster log file] " << "[XML config file] " << "[output directory] " << "[number of frames/ROOT file] " << "{no. of frames to read}" << endl << endl; exit(1); } }//end of checkParameters helper function. */