from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import token
import symbol
import parser

def issequence(t):
    return isinstance(t, (list, tuple))

def int_to_symbol(i):
    """ Convert numeric symbol or token to a desriptive name.
        return symbol.sym_name[i]
    except KeyError:
        return token.tok_name[i]

def translate_symbols(ast_tuple):
    """ Translate numeric grammar symbols in an ast_tuple descriptive names.

        This simply traverses the tree converting any integer value to values
        found in symbol.sym_name or token.tok_name.
    new_list = []
    for item in ast_tuple:
        if isinstance(item, int):
        elif issequence(item):
    if isinstance(ast_tuple, tuple):
        return tuple(new_list)
        return new_list

def ast_to_string(ast_seq):
    """* Traverse an ast tree sequence, printing out all leaf nodes.

         This effectively rebuilds the expression the tree was built
         from.  I guess its probably missing whitespace.  How bout
         indent stuff and new lines?  Haven't checked this since we're
         currently only dealing with simple expressions.
    output = ''
    for item in ast_seq:
        if isinstance(item, str):
            output = output + item
        elif issequence(item):
            output = output + ast_to_string(item)
    return output

def build_atom(expr_string):
    """ Build an ast for an atom from the given expr string.

        If expr_string is not a string, it is converted to a string
        before parsing to an ast_tuple.
    # the [1][1] indexing below starts atoms at the third level
    # deep in the resulting parse tree.  parser.expr will return
    # a tree rooted with eval_input -> test_list -> test ...
    # I'm considering test to be the root of atom symbols.
    # It might be a better idea to move down a little in the
    # parse tree. Any benefits? Right now, this works fine.
    if isinstance(expr_string, str):
        ast = parser.expr(expr_string).totuple()[1][1]
        ast = parser.expr(repr(expr_string)).totuple()[1][1]
    return ast

def atom_tuple(expr_string):
    return build_atom(expr_string)

def atom_list(expr_string):
    return tuples_to_lists(build_atom(expr_string))

def find_first_pattern(ast_tuple,pattern_list):
    """* Find the first occurrence of a pattern one of a list of patterns
        in ast_tuple.

        Used for testing at the moment.

        ast_tuple    -- tuple or list created by ast.totuple() or ast.tolist().
        pattern_list -- A single pattern or list of patterns to search
                        for in the ast_tuple.  If a single pattern is
                        used, it MUST BE A IN A TUPLE format.
            found -- true/false indicating whether pattern was found
            data  -- dictionary of data from first matching pattern in tree.
                     (see match function by Jeremy Hylton).
    found,data = 0,{}

    # convert to a list if input wasn't a list
    if not isinstance(pattern_list, list):
        pattern_list = [pattern_list]

    # look for any of the patterns in a list of patterns
    for pattern in pattern_list:
        found,data = match(pattern,ast_tuple)
        if found:

    # if we didn't find the pattern, search sub-trees of the parse tree
    if not found:
        for item in ast_tuple:
            if issequence(item):
                # only search sub items if they are a list or tuple.
                found, data = find_first_pattern(item,pattern_list)
            if found:
    return found,data

name_pattern = (token.NAME, ['var'])

def remove_duplicates(lst):
    output = []
    for item in lst:
        if item not in output:
    return output

reserved_names = ['sin']

def remove_reserved_names(lst):
    """ These are functions names -- don't create variables for them
        There is a more reobust approach, but this ought to work pretty
    output = []
    for item in lst:
        if item not in reserved_names:
    return output

def harvest_variables(ast_list):
    """ Retrieve all the variables that need to be defined.
    variables = []
    if issequence(ast_list):
        found,data = match(name_pattern,ast_list)
        if found:
        for item in ast_list:
            if issequence(item):
    variables = remove_duplicates(variables)
    variables = remove_reserved_names(variables)
    return variables

def match(pattern, data, vars=None):
    """match `data' to `pattern', with variable extraction.

        Pattern to match against, possibly containing variables.

        Data to be checked and against which variables are extracted.

        Dictionary of variables which have already been found.  If not
        provided, an empty dictionary is created.

    The `pattern' value may contain variables of the form ['varname'] which
    are allowed to match anything.  The value that is matched is returned as
    part of a dictionary which maps 'varname' to the matched value.  'varname'
    is not required to be a string object, but using strings makes patterns
    and the code which uses them more readable.

    This function returns two values: a boolean indicating whether a match
    was found and a dictionary mapping variable names to their associated

    From the Demo/Parser/ file
    if vars is None:
        vars = {}
    if isinstance(pattern, list):       # 'variables' are ['varname']
        vars[pattern[0]] = data
        return 1, vars
    if not isinstance(pattern, tuple):
        return (pattern == data), vars
    if len(data) != len(pattern):
        return 0, vars
    for pattern, data in zip(pattern, data):
        same, vars = match(pattern, data, vars)
        if not same:
    return same, vars

def tuples_to_lists(ast_tuple):
    """ Convert an ast object tree in tuple form to list form.
    if not issequence(ast_tuple):
        return ast_tuple

    new_list = []
    for item in ast_tuple:
    return new_list

A little tree I built to help me understand the parse trees.
       |                                           |
      304                -------------------------307-------------------------
       |                 |             |           |             |           |
   1 'result'          9 '['          308        12 ','         308      10 ']'
                                       |                         |
                             ---------309--------          -----309--------
                             |                  |          |              |
                          291|304            291|304    291|304           |
                             |                  |          |              |
                            1 'a1'   11 ':'   1 'a2'     2 '10'         11 ':'