# -*- encoding: iso-8859-1 -*- # above encoding b/c there's a non-ASCII character in the sample output # of intele # http://developer.intel.com/software/products/compilers/flin/ import sys from numpy.distutils.cpuinfo import cpu from numpy.distutils.ccompiler import simple_version_match from numpy.distutils.fcompiler import FCompiler, dummy_fortran_file compilers = ['IntelFCompiler', 'IntelVisualFCompiler', 'IntelItaniumFCompiler', 'IntelItaniumVisualFCompiler', 'IntelEM64TFCompiler'] def intel_version_match(type): # Match against the important stuff in the version string return simple_version_match(start=r'Intel.*?Fortran.*?(?:%s).*?Version' % (type,)) class BaseIntelFCompiler(FCompiler): def update_executables(self): f = dummy_fortran_file() self.executables['version_cmd'] = ['', '-FI', '-V', '-c', f + '.f', '-o', f + '.o'] class IntelFCompiler(BaseIntelFCompiler): compiler_type = 'intel' compiler_aliases = ('ifort',) description = 'Intel Fortran Compiler for 32-bit apps' version_match = intel_version_match('32-bit|IA-32') possible_executables = ['ifort', 'ifc'] executables = { 'version_cmd' : None, # set by update_executables 'compiler_f77' : [None, "-72", "-w90", "-w95"], 'compiler_f90' : [None], 'compiler_fix' : [None, "-FI"], 'linker_so' : ["", "-shared"], 'archiver' : ["ar", "-cr"], 'ranlib' : ["ranlib"] } pic_flags = ['-fPIC'] module_dir_switch = '-module ' # Don't remove ending space! module_include_switch = '-I' def get_flags(self): v = self.get_version() if v >= '10.0': # Use -fPIC instead of -KPIC. pic_flags = ['-fPIC'] else: pic_flags = ['-KPIC'] opt = pic_flags + ["-cm"] return opt def get_flags_free(self): return ["-FR"] def get_flags_opt(self): return ['-O3','-unroll'] def get_flags_arch(self): v = self.get_version() opt = [] if cpu.has_fdiv_bug(): opt.append('-fdiv_check') if cpu.has_f00f_bug(): opt.append('-0f_check') if cpu.is_PentiumPro() or cpu.is_PentiumII() or cpu.is_PentiumIII(): opt.extend(['-tpp6']) elif cpu.is_PentiumM(): opt.extend(['-tpp7','-xB']) elif cpu.is_Pentium(): opt.append('-tpp5') elif cpu.is_PentiumIV() or cpu.is_Xeon(): opt.extend(['-tpp7','-xW']) if v and v <= '7.1': if cpu.has_mmx() and (cpu.is_PentiumII() or cpu.is_PentiumIII()): opt.append('-xM') elif v and v >= '8.0': if cpu.is_PentiumIII(): opt.append('-xK') if cpu.has_sse3(): opt.extend(['-xP']) elif cpu.is_PentiumIV(): opt.append('-xW') if cpu.has_sse2(): opt.append('-xN') elif cpu.is_PentiumM(): opt.extend(['-xB']) if (cpu.is_Xeon() or cpu.is_Core2() or cpu.is_Core2Extreme()) and cpu.getNCPUs()==2: opt.extend(['-xT']) if cpu.has_sse3() and (cpu.is_PentiumIV() or cpu.is_CoreDuo() or cpu.is_CoreSolo()): opt.extend(['-xP']) if cpu.has_sse2(): opt.append('-arch SSE2') elif cpu.has_sse(): opt.append('-arch SSE') return opt def get_flags_linker_so(self): opt = FCompiler.get_flags_linker_so(self) v = self.get_version() if v and v >= '8.0': opt.append('-nofor_main') if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Here, it's -dynamiclib try: idx = opt.index('-shared') opt.remove('-shared') except ValueError: idx = 0 opt[idx:idx] = ['-dynamiclib', '-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup', '-Wl,-framework,Python'] return opt class IntelItaniumFCompiler(IntelFCompiler): compiler_type = 'intele' compiler_aliases = () description = 'Intel Fortran Compiler for Itanium apps' version_match = intel_version_match('Itanium|IA-64') #Intel(R) Fortran Itanium(R) Compiler for Itanium(R)-based applications #Version 9.1    Build 20060928 Package ID: l_fc_c_9.1.039 #Copyright (C) 1985-2006 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved. #30 DAY EVALUATION LICENSE possible_executables = ['ifort', 'efort', 'efc'] executables = { 'version_cmd' : None, 'compiler_f77' : [None, "-FI", "-w90", "-w95"], 'compiler_fix' : [None, "-FI"], 'compiler_f90' : [None], 'linker_so' : ['', "-shared"], 'archiver' : ["ar", "-cr"], 'ranlib' : ["ranlib"] } class IntelEM64TFCompiler(IntelFCompiler): compiler_type = 'intelem' compiler_aliases = () description = 'Intel Fortran Compiler for EM64T-based apps' version_match = intel_version_match('EM64T-based|Intel\\(R\\) 64') possible_executables = ['ifort', 'efort', 'efc'] executables = { 'version_cmd' : None, 'compiler_f77' : [None, "-FI", "-w90", "-w95"], 'compiler_fix' : [None, "-FI"], 'compiler_f90' : [None], 'linker_so' : ['', "-shared"], 'archiver' : ["ar", "-cr"], 'ranlib' : ["ranlib"] } def get_flags_arch(self): opt = [] if cpu.is_PentiumIV() or cpu.is_Xeon(): opt.extend(['-tpp7', '-xW']) return opt # Is there no difference in the version string between the above compilers # and the Visual compilers? class IntelVisualFCompiler(BaseIntelFCompiler): compiler_type = 'intelv' description = 'Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for 32-bit apps' version_match = intel_version_match('32-bit|IA-32') ar_exe = 'lib.exe' possible_executables = ['ifl'] executables = { 'version_cmd' : None, 'compiler_f77' : [None,"-FI","-w90","-w95"], 'compiler_fix' : [None,"-FI","-4L72","-w"], 'compiler_f90' : [None], 'linker_so' : ['', "-shared"], 'archiver' : [ar_exe, "/verbose", "/OUT:"], 'ranlib' : None } compile_switch = '/c ' object_switch = '/Fo' #No space after /Fo! library_switch = '/OUT:' #No space after /OUT:! module_dir_switch = '/module:' #No space after /module: module_include_switch = '/I' def get_flags(self): opt = ['/nologo','/MD','/nbs','/Qlowercase','/us'] return opt def get_flags_free(self): return ["-FR"] def get_flags_debug(self): return ['/4Yb','/d2'] def get_flags_opt(self): return ['/O3','/Qip','/Qipo','/Qipo_obj'] def get_flags_arch(self): opt = [] if cpu.is_PentiumPro() or cpu.is_PentiumII(): opt.extend(['/G6','/Qaxi']) elif cpu.is_PentiumIII(): opt.extend(['/G6','/QaxK']) elif cpu.is_Pentium(): opt.append('/G5') elif cpu.is_PentiumIV(): opt.extend(['/G7','/QaxW']) if cpu.has_mmx(): opt.append('/QaxM') return opt class IntelItaniumVisualFCompiler(IntelVisualFCompiler): compiler_type = 'intelev' description = 'Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for Itanium apps' version_match = intel_version_match('Itanium') possible_executables = ['efl'] # XXX this is a wild guess ar_exe = IntelVisualFCompiler.ar_exe executables = { 'version_cmd' : None, 'compiler_f77' : [None,"-FI","-w90","-w95"], 'compiler_fix' : [None,"-FI","-4L72","-w"], 'compiler_f90' : [None], 'linker_so' : ['',"-shared"], 'archiver' : [ar_exe, "/verbose", "/OUT:"], 'ranlib' : None } if __name__ == '__main__': from distutils import log log.set_verbosity(2) from numpy.distutils.fcompiler import new_fcompiler compiler = new_fcompiler(compiler='intel') compiler.customize() print compiler.get_version()