# Functions that already have the correct syntax or miscellaneous functions __all__ = ['sort', 'copy_reg', 'clip', 'rank', 'sign', 'shape', 'types', 'allclose', 'size', 'choose', 'swapaxes', 'array_str', 'pi', 'math', 'concatenate', 'putmask', 'put', 'around', 'vdot', 'transpose', 'array2string', 'diagonal', 'searchsorted', 'copy', 'resize', 'array_repr', 'e', 'StringIO', 'pickle', 'argsort', 'convolve', 'cross_correlate', 'dot', 'outerproduct', 'innerproduct', 'insert'] import types import StringIO import pickle import math import copy import copy_reg from numpy import sort, clip, rank, sign, shape, putmask, allclose, size,\ choose, swapaxes, array_str, array_repr, e, pi, put, \ resize, around, concatenate, vdot, transpose, \ diagonal, searchsorted, argsort, convolve, dot, \ outer as outerproduct, inner as innerproduct, \ correlate as cross_correlate, \ place as insert from array_printer import array2string