from bokeh.charts import Donut, show, output_file, vplot from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg import pandas as pd # simple examples with inferred meaning # implied index d1 = Donut([2, 4, 5, 2, 8]) # explicit index d2 = Donut(pd.Series([2, 4, 5, 2, 8], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])) # given a categorical series of data with no aggregation d3 = Donut(autompg.cyl.astype(str)) # given a categorical series of data with no aggregation d4 = Donut(autompg.groupby('cyl').displ.mean()) # given a categorical series of data with no aggregation d5 = Donut(autompg.groupby(['cyl', 'origin']).displ.mean(), hover_text='mean') # no values specified d6 = Donut(autompg, label='cyl', agg='count') # explicit examples d7 = Donut(autompg, label='cyl', values='displ', agg='mean') # nested donut chart for the provided labels, with colors assigned # by the first level d8 = Donut(autompg, label=['cyl', 'origin'], values='displ', agg='mean') # show altering the spacing in levels d9 = Donut(autompg, label=['cyl', 'origin'], values='displ', agg='mean', level_spacing=0.15) # show altering the spacing in levels d10 = Donut(autompg, label=['cyl', 'origin'], values='displ', agg='mean', level_spacing=[0.8, 0.3]) output_file("donut_multi.html", title=" example") show(vplot(d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10))