import json from threading import Thread, RLock import flask from flask import send_from_directory import pyaudio import numpy as np import scipy as sp from scipy.integrate import simps from bokeh.embed import components from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Slider from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.resources import Resources from bokeh.util.string import encode_utf8 app = flask.Flask(__name__) NUM_SAMPLES = 1024 SAMPLING_RATE = 44100 MAX_FREQ = SAMPLING_RATE / 2 FREQ_SAMPLES = NUM_SAMPLES / 8 NGRAMS = 800 SPECTROGRAM_LENGTH = 512 TILE_WIDTH = 200 TIMESLICE = 40 # ms mutex = RLock() data = None stream = None @app.route("/") def root(): """ Returns the spectrogram of audio data served from /data """ freq_slider, gain_slider, spectrum, signal, spec, eq = make_spectrogram() spectrogram_plots = { 'freq_slider': freq_slider, # slider 'gain_slider': gain_slider, # slider 'spec': spec, # image 'spectrum': spectrum, # line 'signal': signal, # line 'equalizer': eq # radial } script, divs = components(spectrogram_plots) bokeh = Resources(mode="inline") html = flask.render_template("spectrogram.html", bokeh=bokeh, script=script, divs=divs) return encode_utf8(html) @app.route("/params") def params(): return json.dumps({ "FREQ_SAMPLES": FREQ_SAMPLES, "MAX_FREQ": MAX_FREQ, "NGRAMS": NGRAMS, "NUM_SAMPLES": NUM_SAMPLES, "SAMPLING_RATE": SAMPLING_RATE, "SPECTROGRAM_LENGTH": SPECTROGRAM_LENGTH, "TILE_WIDTH": TILE_WIDTH, "TIMESLICE": TIMESLICE, "EQ_CLAMP": 20, "FRAMES_PER_SECOND": 15 }) @app.route("/data") def data(): """ Return the current audio data sample as a JSON dict of three arrays of floating-point values: (fft values, audio sample values, frequency bins) """ global data have_data = False with mutex: if not data: return json.dumps({}) else: have_data = True signal, spectrum, bins = data data = None if have_data: return json.dumps({ "signal" : signal, "spectrum" : spectrum, "bins" : bins, }) @app.route('/images/') def send_image(path): return send_from_directory('images', path) def main(): """ Start the sound server, which retains the audio data inside its process space, and forks out workers when web connections are made. """ t = Thread(target=get_audio_data, args=()) t.daemon = True t.setDaemon(True) t.start() def make_spectrogram(): plot_kw = dict( tools="", min_border=20, h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, toolbar_location=None, outline_line_color='#595959', ) freq_slider = Slider(start=1, end=MAX_FREQ, value=MAX_FREQ, step=1, name="freq", title="Frequency") gain_slider = Slider(start=1, end=20, value=1, step=1, name="gain", title="Gain") spec_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(image=[], x=[])) spec = figure( title=None, plot_width=990, plot_height=300, min_border_left=80, x_range=[0, NGRAMS], y_range=[0, MAX_FREQ], border_fill_color= "#d4e7e4", name='spectrogram', **plot_kw) spec.image_rgba( x='x', y=0, image='image', dw=TILE_WIDTH, dh=MAX_FREQ, cols=TILE_WIDTH, rows=SPECTROGRAM_LENGTH, source=spec_source, dilate=True) spec.grid.grid_line_color = None spec.background_fill_color="#024768" spec.axis.major_label_text_font = "Georgia" spec.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "8pt" spec.axis.major_label_text_color = "#231f20" spectrum_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) spectrum = figure( title=None, plot_width=600, plot_height=220, y_range=[10**(-4), 10**3], x_range=[0, MAX_FREQ*0.001], y_axis_type="log", background_fill_color="#f2f7f6", border_fill_color= "#d4e7e4", name="spectrum", **plot_kw) spectrum.line( x="x", y="y", line_color="#024768", source=spectrum_source) spectrum.xgrid.grid_line_dash=[2, 2] spectrum.xaxis.axis_label = "Frequency (kHz)" spectrum.axis.axis_label_text_font = "Georgia" spectrum.axis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" spectrum.axis.axis_label_text_font_style = "bold" spectrum.axis.axis_label_text_color = "#231f20" spectrum.axis.major_label_text_font = "Georgia" spectrum.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "8pt" spectrum.axis.major_label_text_color = "#231f20" signal_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) signal = figure( title=None, plot_width=600, plot_height=220, background_fill_color="#f2f7f6", x_range=[0, TIMESLICE*1.01], y_range=[-0.1, 0.1], border_fill_color= "#d4e7e4", name="signal", **plot_kw) signal.line( x="x", y="y", line_color="#024768", source=signal_source) signal.xgrid.grid_line_dash = [2, 2] signal.xaxis.axis_label = "Time (ms)" signal.axis.axis_label_text_font = "Georgia" signal.axis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" signal.axis.axis_label_text_font_style = "bold" signal.axis.axis_label_text_color = "#231f20" signal.axis.major_label_text_font = "Georgia" signal.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "8pt" signal.axis.major_label_text_color = "#231f20" radial_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( inner_radius=[], outer_radius=[], start_angle=[], end_angle=[], fill_alpha=[], )) plot_kw['min_border'] = 0 eq = figure( title=None, plot_width=300, plot_height=300, x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, x_range=[-20, 20], y_range=[-20, 20], background_fill_color="#d4e7e4", border_fill_color= "#d4e7e4", name="eq", **plot_kw) eq.outline_line_color = None eq.annular_wedge( x=0, y=0, fill_color="#024768", fill_alpha="fill_alpha", line_color=None, inner_radius="inner_radius", outer_radius="outer_radius", start_angle="start_angle", end_angle="end_angle", source=radial_source) eq.grid.grid_line_color = None return freq_slider, gain_slider, spectrum, signal, spec, eq def get_audio_data(): global data, stream if stream is None: pa = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=SAMPLING_RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=NUM_SAMPLES ) while True: try: raw_data = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.int16) signal = raw_data / 32768.0 fft = sp.fft(signal) spectrum = abs(fft)[:NUM_SAMPLES/2] power = spectrum**2 bins = [simps(a) for a in np.split(power, 16)] new_data = signal.tolist(), spectrum.tolist(), bins with mutex: data = new_data except: with mutex: data = None if __name__ == "__main__": main()