{% for raw in bokeh.css_raw %} {% endfor %} {# start CONTENT BLOCK #} {# bk-bs is bokeh's namespacing of normal bootstrap classes #}

Bokeh Spectrogram Demo

with custom templating

This spectrogram demo uses PyAudio to sample the computer's microphone, NumPy to compute the FFT and power spectrum of the samples, Bokeh to create embeddable plots and widgets to display and interact with the data, and a simple Flask application to serve up the single page app written in CoffeeScript. The complete source code can be found in the Bokeh GitHub repository here.

{{ divs.freq_slider|safe }}
{{ divs.gain_slider|safe }}
{{ divs.spec|safe }}


{{ divs.signal|safe }}

Power Spectrum

{{ divs.spectrum|safe }}
{{ divs.equalizer|safe }}
{# end CONTENT BLOCK #} {# start JS BLOCK #} {% for raw in bokeh.js_raw %} {% endfor %} {{ script|indent(8)|safe }} {# end JS BLOCK #}