#!/usr/bin/env sh if [ "$1" = "-libnames" ]; then echo libdynd.so\;libdyndt.so exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-libdir" ]; then # This script should be in .../bin relative to .../lib. # Note this isn't robust against symbolic links, etc. DIR=`dirname $0` echo `dirname ${DIR}`/lib exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-includedir" ]; then # This script should be in .../bin relative to .../include. # Note this isn't robust against symbolic links, etc. DIR=`dirname $0` echo `dirname ${DIR}`/include exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-rootdir" ]; then # This script should be in .../bin relative to .../include. # Note this isn't robust against symbolic links, etc. DIR=`dirname $0` echo `dirname ${DIR}` exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "-version" ]; then echo v0.7.2-2-g747e8b1 exit 0 fi echo Usage: $0 OPTION echo Print information for linking libdynd. echo echo Options: echo -libnames Prints a semicolon separated list of the library names. echo -libdir Prints the full path of the directory containing the libraries. echo -includedir Prints the directory with the libdynd include files. echo -version Prints the version of libdynd. exit 1