""" bdist_conda """ from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals from collections import defaultdict from distutils.command.install import install from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsGetoptError from distutils.dist import Distribution from conda.compat import (StringIO, string_types, configparser, PY3, text_type as unicode) from conda.lock import Locked import conda.config from conda.cli.common import spec_from_line from conda_build.metadata import MetaData from conda_build import build, pypi, render from conda_build.config import config from conda_build.main_build import handle_binstar_upload # TODO: Add support for all the options that conda build has class CondaDistribution(Distribution): """ Distribution subclass that supports bdist_conda options This class is required if you want to pass any bdist_conda specific options to setup(). To use, set distclass=CondaDistribution in setup(). **NOTE**: If you use setuptools, you must import setuptools before importing distutils.commands.bdist_conda. Options that can be passed to setup() (must include distclass=CondaDistribution): - conda_buildnum: The build number. Defaults to 0. Can be overridden on the command line with the --buildnum flag. - conda_buildstr: The build string. Default is generated automatically from the Python version, NumPy version if relevant, and the build number, like py34_0. - conda_import_tests: Whether to automatically run import tests. The default is True, which runs import tests for the all the modules in "packages". Also allowed are False, which runs no tests, or a list of module names to be tested on import. - conda_command_tests: Command line tests to run. Default is True, which runs ``command --help`` for each ``command`` in the console_scripts and gui_scripts entry_points. Also allowed are False, which doesn't run any command tests, or a list of command tests to run. - conda_binary_relocation: Whether binary files should be made relocatable (using install_name_tool on OS X or patchelf on Linux). The default is True. See the "making packages relocatable" section in the conda build documentation for more information on this. - conda_preserve_egg_dir: Whether to preserve the egg directory as installed by setuptools. The default is True if the package depends on setuptools or has a setuptools entry_points other than console_scripts and gui_scripts. - conda_features: List of features for the package. See the features section of the conda build documentation for more information about features in conda. - conda_track_features: List of features that this package should track (enable when installed). See the features section of the conda build documentation for more information about features in conda. Command line options: --buildnum: Set the build number. Defaults to the conda_buildnum passed to setup(), or 0. Overrides any conda_buildnum passed to setup(). """ # Unfortunately, there's no way to warn the users that they need to use # distclass=CondaDistribution when they try to use a conda option to # setup(). Distribution.__init__ will just print a warning when it sees an # attr it doesn't recognize, and then it is discarded. # attr: default conda_attrs = { 'conda_buildnum': 0, 'conda_buildstr': None, 'conda_import_tests': True, 'conda_command_tests': True, 'conda_binary_relocation': True, 'conda_preserve_egg_dir': None, 'conda_features': None, 'conda_track_features': None, } def __init__(self, attrs=None): given_attrs = {} # We need to remove the attrs so that Distribution.__init__ doesn't # warn about them. if attrs: for attr in self.conda_attrs: if attr in attrs: given_attrs[attr] = attrs.pop(attr) if not PY3: # Distribution is an old-style class in Python 3 Distribution.__init__(self, attrs) else: super().__init__(attrs) for attr in self.conda_attrs: setattr(self.metadata, attr, given_attrs.get(attr, self.conda_attrs[attr])) class bdist_conda(install): description = "create a conda package" def initialize_options(self): if not PY3: # Command is an old-style class in Python 2 install.initialize_options(self) else: super().initialize_options() self.buildnum = None self.binstar_upload = False def finalize_options(self): opt_dict = self.distribution.get_option_dict('install') if self.prefix: raise DistutilsOptionError("--prefix is not allowed") opt_dict['prefix'] = ("bdist_conda", config.build_prefix) if not PY3: # Command is an old-style class in Python 2 install.finalize_options(self) else: super().finalize_options() def run(self): # Make sure the metadata has the conda attributes, even if the # distclass isn't CondaDistribution. We primarily do this to simplify # the code below. metadata = self.distribution.metadata for attr in CondaDistribution.conda_attrs: if not hasattr(metadata, attr): setattr(metadata, attr, CondaDistribution.conda_attrs[attr]) # The command line takes precedence if self.buildnum is not None: metadata.conda_buildnum = self.buildnum with Locked(config.croot): d = defaultdict(dict) # PyPI allows uppercase letters but conda does not, so we fix the # name here. d['package']['name'] = metadata.name.lower() d['package']['version'] = metadata.version d['build']['number'] = metadata.conda_buildnum # MetaData does the auto stuff if the build string is None d['build']['string'] = metadata.conda_buildstr d['build']['binary_relocation'] = metadata.conda_binary_relocation d['build']['preserve_egg_dir'] = metadata.conda_preserve_egg_dir d['build']['features'] = metadata.conda_features d['build']['track_features'] = metadata.conda_track_features # XXX: I'm not really sure if it is correct to combine requires # and install_requires d['requirements']['run'] = d['requirements']['build'] = \ [spec_from_line(i) for i in (metadata.requires or []) + (getattr(self.distribution, 'install_requires', []) or [])] + ['python'] if hasattr(self.distribution, 'tests_require'): # A lot of packages use extras_require['test'], but # tests_require is the one that is officially supported by # setuptools. d['test']['requires'] = [spec_from_line(i) for i in self.distribution.tests_require or []] d['about']['home'] = metadata.url # Don't worry about classifiers. This isn't skeleton pypi. We # don't need to make this work with random stuff in the wild. If # someone writes their setup.py wrong and this doesn't work, it's # their fault. d['about']['license'] = metadata.license d['about']['summary'] = metadata.description # This is similar logic from conda skeleton pypi entry_points = getattr(self.distribution, 'entry_points', []) if entry_points: if isinstance(entry_points, string_types): # makes sure it is left-shifted newstr = "\n".join(x.strip() for x in entry_points.splitlines()) c = configparser.ConfigParser() entry_points = {} try: c.readfp(StringIO(newstr)) except Exception as err: # This seems to be the best error here raise DistutilsGetoptError("ERROR: entry-points not understood: " + str(err) + "\nThe string was" + newstr) else: for section in config.sections(): if section in ['console_scripts', 'gui_scripts']: value = ['%s=%s' % (option, config.get(section, option)) for option in config.options(section)] entry_points[section] = value else: # Make sure setuptools is added as a dependency below entry_points[section] = None if not isinstance(entry_points, dict): raise DistutilsGetoptError("ERROR: Could not add entry points. They were:\n" + entry_points) else: rs = entry_points.get('scripts', []) cs = entry_points.get('console_scripts', []) gs = entry_points.get('gui_scripts', []) # We have *other* kinds of entry-points so we need # setuptools at run-time if not rs and not cs and not gs and len(entry_points) > 1: d['requirements']['run'].append('setuptools') d['requirements']['build'].append('setuptools') entry_list = rs + cs + gs if gs and conda.config.platform == 'osx': d['build']['osx_is_app'] = True if len(cs + gs) != 0: d['build']['entry_points'] = entry_list if metadata.conda_command_tests is True: d['test']['commands'] = list(map(unicode, pypi.make_entry_tests(entry_list))) if 'setuptools' in d['requirements']['run']: d['build']['preserve_egg_dir'] = True if metadata.conda_import_tests: if metadata.conda_import_tests is True: d['test']['imports'] = ((self.distribution.packages or []) + (self.distribution.py_modules or [])) else: d['test']['imports'] = metadata.conda_import_tests if (metadata.conda_command_tests and not isinstance(metadata.conda_command_tests, bool)): d['test']['commands'] = list(map(unicode, metadata.conda_command_tests)) d = dict(d) m = MetaData.fromdict(d) # Shouldn't fail, but do you really trust the code above? m.check_fields() build.build(m, post=False) # Do the install if not PY3: # Command is an old-style class in Python 2 install.run(self) else: super().run() build.build(m, post=True) build.test(m) if self.binstar_upload: class args: binstar_upload = self.binstar_upload handle_binstar_upload(render.bldpkg_path(m), args) else: no_upload_message = """\ # If you want to upload this package to anaconda.org later, type: # # $ anaconda upload %s """ % render.bldpkg_path(m) print(no_upload_message) # Distutils looks for user_options on the class (not instance). It also # requires that it is an instance of list. So we do this here because we want # to keep the options from the superclass (and because I don't feel like # making a metaclass just to make this work). bdist_conda.user_options.extend([ (str('buildnum='), None, str('''The build number of the conda package. Defaults to 0, or the conda_buildnum specified in the setup() function. The command line flag overrides the option to setup().''')), (str('anaconda-upload'), None, ("""Upload the finished package to anaconda.org""")), ]) bdist_conda.boolean_options.extend([str('anaconda-upload')])