############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 Riverbank Computing Limited. ## Copyright (C) 2006 Thorsten Marek. ## All right reserved. ## ## This file is part of PyQt. ## ## You may use this file under the terms of the GPL v2 or the revised BSD ## license as follows: ## ## "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ## met: ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ## the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ## distribution. ## * Neither the name of the Riverbank Computing Limited nor the names ## of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ## derived from this software without specific prior written ## permission. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ## "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ## A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ## OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ## DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ## THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ## (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ## OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ## ############################################################################# import sys import re from PyQt4.uic.Compiler.indenter import write_code from PyQt4.uic.Compiler.misc import Literal, moduleMember if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000: from PyQt4.uic.port_v3.proxy_base import ProxyBase from PyQt4.uic.port_v3.as_string import as_string else: from PyQt4.uic.port_v2.proxy_base import ProxyBase from PyQt4.uic.port_v2.as_string import as_string i18n_strings = [] i18n_context = "" def i18n_print(string): i18n_strings.append(string) def i18n_void_func(name): def _printer(self, *args): i18n_print("%s.%s(%s)" % (self, name, ", ".join(map(as_string, args)))) return _printer def i18n_func(name): def _printer(self, rname, *args): i18n_print("%s = %s.%s(%s)" % (rname, self, name, ", ".join(map(as_string, args)))) return Literal(rname) return _printer def strict_getattr(module, clsname): cls = getattr(module, clsname) if issubclass(cls, LiteralProxyClass): raise AttributeError(cls) else: return cls class i18n_string(object): def __init__(self, string, disambig): self.string = string self.disambig = disambig def __str__(self): if self.disambig is None: disambig = "None" else: disambig = as_string(self.disambig, encode=False) return '_translate("%s", %s, %s)' % (i18n_context, as_string(self.string, encode=False), disambig) # Classes with this flag will be handled as literal values. If functions are # called on these classes, the literal value changes. # Example: # the code # >>> QSize(9,10).expandedTo(...) # will print just that code. AS_ARGUMENT = 2 # ATTENTION: currently, classes can either be literal or normal. If a class # should need both kinds of behaviour, the code has to be changed. class ProxyClassMember(object): def __init__(self, proxy, function_name, flags): self.proxy = proxy self.function_name = function_name self.flags = flags def __str__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.proxy, self.function_name) def __call__(self, *args): if self.function_name == 'setProperty': str_args = (as_string(args[0], encode=False), as_string(args[1])) else: str_args = map(as_string, args) func_call = "%s.%s(%s)" % (self.proxy, self.function_name, ", ".join(str_args)) if self.flags & AS_ARGUMENT: self.proxy._uic_name = func_call return self.proxy else: needs_translation = False for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, i18n_string): needs_translation = True if needs_translation: i18n_print(func_call) else: write_code(func_call) class ProxyClass(ProxyBase): flags = 0 def __init__(self, objectname, is_attribute, args=(), noInstantiation=False): if objectname: if is_attribute: objectname = "self." + objectname self._uic_name = objectname else: self._uic_name = "Unnamed" if not noInstantiation: funcall = "%s(%s)" % \ (moduleMember(self.module, self.__class__.__name__), ", ".join(map(str, args))) if objectname: funcall = "%s = %s" % (objectname, funcall) write_code(funcall) def __str__(self): return self._uic_name def __getattribute__(self, attribute): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, attribute) except AttributeError: return ProxyClassMember(self, attribute, self.flags) class LiteralProxyClass(ProxyClass): """LiteralObject(*args) -> new literal class a literal class can be used as argument in a function call >>> class Foo(LiteralProxyClass): pass >>> str(Foo(1,2,3)) == "Foo(1,2,3)" """ flags = AS_ARGUMENT def __init__(self, *args): self._uic_name = "%s(%s)" % \ (moduleMember(self.module, self.__class__.__name__), ", ".join(map(as_string, args))) class ProxyNamespace(ProxyBase): pass # These are all the Qt classes used by pyuic4 in their namespaces. If a class # is missing, the compiler will fail, normally with an AttributeError. # # For adding new classes: # - utility classes used as literal values do not need to be listed # because they are created on the fly as subclasses of LiteralProxyClass # - classes which are *not* QWidgets inherit from ProxyClass and they # have to be listed explicitly in the correct namespace. These classes # are created via a ProxyQObjectCreator # - new QWidget-derived classes have to inherit from qtproxies.QWidget # If the widget does not need any special methods, it can be listed # in _qwidgets class QtCore(ProxyNamespace): class Qt(ProxyNamespace): pass ## connectSlotsByName and connect have to be handled as class methods, ## otherwise they would be created as LiteralProxyClasses and never be ## printed class QMetaObject(ProxyClass): def connectSlotsByName(cls, *args): ProxyClassMember(cls, "connectSlotsByName", 0)(*args) connectSlotsByName = classmethod(connectSlotsByName) class QObject(ProxyClass): def metaObject(self): class _FakeMetaObject(object): def className(*args): return self.__class__.__name__ return _FakeMetaObject() def objectName(self): return self._uic_name.split(".")[-1] def connect(cls, *args): # Handle slots that have names corresponding to Python keywords. slot_name = str(args[-1]) if slot_name.endswith('.raise'): args = list(args[:-1]) args.append(Literal(slot_name + '_')) ProxyClassMember(cls, "connect", 0)(*args) connect = classmethod(connect) # These sub-class QWidget but aren't themselves sub-classed. _qwidgets = ("QCalendarWidget", "QDialogButtonBox", "QDockWidget", "QGroupBox", "QLineEdit", "QMainWindow", "QMenuBar", "QProgressBar", "QStatusBar", "QToolBar", "QWizardPage") class QtGui(ProxyNamespace): class QApplication(QtCore.QObject): def translate(uiname, text, disambig, encoding): return i18n_string(text or "", disambig) translate = staticmethod(translate) class QIcon(ProxyClass): class fromTheme(ProxyClass): pass class QConicalGradient(ProxyClass): pass class QLinearGradient(ProxyClass): pass class QRadialGradient(ProxyClass): pass class QBrush(ProxyClass): pass class QPainter(ProxyClass): pass class QPalette(ProxyClass): pass class QFont(ProxyClass): pass class QSpacerItem(ProxyClass): pass class QSizePolicy(ProxyClass): pass ## QActions inherit from QObject for the metaobject stuff ## and the hierarchy has to be correct since we have a ## isinstance(x, QtGui.QLayout) call in the ui parser class QAction(QtCore.QObject): pass class QActionGroup(QtCore.QObject): pass class QButtonGroup(QtCore.QObject): pass class QLayout(QtCore.QObject): pass class QGridLayout(QLayout): pass class QBoxLayout(QLayout): pass class QHBoxLayout(QBoxLayout): pass class QVBoxLayout(QBoxLayout): pass class QFormLayout(QLayout): pass class QWidget(QtCore.QObject): def font(self): return Literal("%s.font()" % self) def minimumSizeHint(self): return Literal("%s.minimumSizeHint()" % self) def sizePolicy(self): sp = LiteralProxyClass() sp._uic_name = "%s.sizePolicy()" % self return sp class QDialog(QWidget): pass class QAbstractPrintDialog(QDialog): pass class QColorDialog(QDialog): pass class QFileDialog(QDialog): pass class QFontDialog(QDialog): pass class QInputDialog(QDialog): pass class QMessageBox(QDialog): pass class QPageSetupDialog(QDialog): pass class QWizard(QDialog): pass class QAbstractSlider(QWidget): pass class QDial(QAbstractSlider): pass class QScrollBar(QAbstractSlider): pass class QSlider(QAbstractSlider): pass class QMenu(QWidget): def menuAction(self): return Literal("%s.menuAction()" % self) class QTabWidget(QWidget): def addTab(self, *args): text = args[-1] if isinstance(text, i18n_string): i18n_print("%s.setTabText(%s.indexOf(%s), %s)" % \ (self._uic_name, self._uic_name, args[0], text)) args = args[:-1] + ("", ) ProxyClassMember(self, "addTab", 0)(*args) def indexOf(self, page): return Literal("%s.indexOf(%s)" % (self, page)) class QComboBox(QWidget): pass class QFontComboBox(QComboBox): pass class QAbstractSpinBox(QWidget): pass class QDoubleSpinBox(QAbstractSpinBox): pass class QSpinBox(QAbstractSpinBox): pass class QDateTimeEdit(QAbstractSpinBox): pass class QDateEdit(QDateTimeEdit): pass class QTimeEdit(QDateTimeEdit): pass class QFrame(QWidget): pass class QLabel(QFrame): pass class QLCDNumber(QFrame): pass class QSplitter(QFrame): pass class QStackedWidget(QFrame): pass class QToolBox(QFrame): def addItem(self, *args): text = args[-1] if isinstance(text, i18n_string): i18n_print("%s.setItemText(%s.indexOf(%s), %s)" % \ (self._uic_name, self._uic_name, args[0], text)) args = args[:-1] + ("", ) ProxyClassMember(self, "addItem", 0)(*args) def indexOf(self, page): return Literal("%s.indexOf(%s)" % (self, page)) def layout(self): return QtGui.QLayout("%s.layout()" % self, False, (), noInstantiation=True) class QAbstractScrollArea(QFrame): def viewport(self): return QtGui.QWidget("%s.viewport()" % self, False, (), noInstantiation=True) class QGraphicsView(QAbstractScrollArea): pass class QMdiArea(QAbstractScrollArea): pass class QPlainTextEdit(QAbstractScrollArea): pass class QScrollArea(QAbstractScrollArea): pass class QTextEdit(QAbstractScrollArea): pass class QTextBrowser(QTextEdit): pass class QAbstractItemView(QAbstractScrollArea): pass class QColumnView(QAbstractItemView): pass class QHeaderView(QAbstractItemView): pass class QListView(QAbstractItemView): pass class QTableView(QAbstractItemView): def horizontalHeader(self): return QtGui.QHeaderView("%s.horizontalHeader()" % self, False, (), noInstantiation=True) def verticalHeader(self): return QtGui.QHeaderView("%s.verticalHeader()" % self, False, (), noInstantiation=True) class QTreeView(QAbstractItemView): def header(self): return QtGui.QHeaderView("%s.header()" % self, False, (), noInstantiation=True) class QListWidgetItem(ProxyClass): pass class QListWidget(QListView): setSortingEnabled = i18n_void_func("setSortingEnabled") isSortingEnabled = i18n_func("isSortingEnabled") item = i18n_func("item") class QTableWidgetItem(ProxyClass): pass class QTableWidget(QTableView): setSortingEnabled = i18n_void_func("setSortingEnabled") isSortingEnabled = i18n_func("isSortingEnabled") item = i18n_func("item") horizontalHeaderItem = i18n_func("horizontalHeaderItem") verticalHeaderItem = i18n_func("verticalHeaderItem") class QTreeWidgetItem(ProxyClass): def child(self, index): return QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem("%s.child(%i)" % (self, index), False, (), noInstantiation=True) class QTreeWidget(QTreeView): setSortingEnabled = i18n_void_func("setSortingEnabled") isSortingEnabled = i18n_func("isSortingEnabled") def headerItem(self): return QtGui.QWidget("%s.headerItem()" % self, False, (), noInstantiation=True) def topLevelItem(self, index): return QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem("%s.topLevelItem(%i)" % (self, index), False, (), noInstantiation=True) class QAbstractButton(QWidget): pass class QCheckBox(QAbstractButton): pass class QRadioButton(QAbstractButton): pass class QToolButton(QAbstractButton): pass class QPushButton(QAbstractButton): pass class QCommandLinkButton(QPushButton): pass # Add all remaining classes. for _class in _qwidgets: if _class not in locals(): locals()[_class] = type(_class, (QWidget, ), {})