############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2015 Riverbank Computing Limited. ## Copyright (C) 2006 Thorsten Marek. ## All right reserved. ## ## This file is part of PyQt. ## ## You may use this file under the terms of the GPL v2 or the revised BSD ## license as follows: ## ## "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ## met: ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ## the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ## distribution. ## * Neither the name of the Riverbank Computing Limited nor the names ## of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ## derived from this software without specific prior written ## permission. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ## "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ## A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ## OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ## DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ## THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ## (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ## OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ## ############################################################################# import logging import os.path import sys from PyQt4.uic.exceptions import UnsupportedPropertyError from PyQt4.uic.icon_cache import IconCache if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000: from PyQt4.uic.port_v3.ascii_upper import ascii_upper else: from PyQt4.uic.port_v2.ascii_upper import ascii_upper logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEBUG = logger.debug QtCore = None QtGui = None def int_list(prop): return [int(child.text) for child in prop] def float_list(prop): return [float(child.text) for child in prop] bool_ = lambda v: v == "true" def qfont_enum(v): return getattr(QtGui.QFont, v) def needsWidget(func): func.needsWidget = True return func class Properties(object): def __init__(self, factory, QtCore_mod, QtGui_mod): global QtGui, QtCore QtGui = QtGui_mod QtCore = QtCore_mod self.factory = factory self._base_dir = '' self.reset() def set_base_dir(self, base_dir): """ Set the base directory to be used for all relative filenames. """ self._base_dir = base_dir self.icon_cache.set_base_dir(base_dir) def reset(self): self.buddies = [] self.delayed_props = [] self.icon_cache = IconCache(self.factory, QtGui) def _pyEnumMember(self, cpp_name): try: prefix, membername = cpp_name.split("::") except ValueError: prefix = "Qt" membername = cpp_name if prefix == "Qt": return getattr(QtCore.Qt, membername) scope = self.factory.findQObjectType(prefix) if scope is None: raise AttributeError("unknown enum %s" % cpp_name) return getattr(scope, membername) def _set(self, prop): expr = [self._pyEnumMember(v) for v in prop.text.split('|')] value = expr[0] for v in expr[1:]: value |= v return value def _enum(self, prop): return self._pyEnumMember(prop.text) def _number(self, prop): return int(prop.text) _uInt = _longLong = _uLongLong = _number def _double(self, prop): return float(prop.text) def _bool(self, prop): return prop.text == 'true' def _stringlist(self, prop): return [self._string(p, notr='true') for p in prop] def _string(self, prop, notr=None): text = prop.text if text is None: return "" if prop.get('notr', notr) == 'true': return text disambig = prop.get('comment') # Allow for Qt5 without deprecated features. try: encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 translated = QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.uiname, text, disambig, encoding) except AttributeError: translated = QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.uiname, text, disambig) return translated _char = _string def _cstring(self, prop): return str(prop.text) def _color(self, prop): args = int_list(prop) # Handle the optional alpha component. alpha = int(prop.get("alpha", "255")) if alpha != 255: args.append(alpha) return QtGui.QColor(*args) def _point(self, prop): return QtCore.QPoint(*int_list(prop)) def _pointf(self, prop): return QtCore.QPointF(*float_list(prop)) def _rect(self, prop): return QtCore.QRect(*int_list(prop)) def _rectf(self, prop): return QtCore.QRectF(*float_list(prop)) def _size(self, prop): return QtCore.QSize(*int_list(prop)) def _sizef(self, prop): return QtCore.QSizeF(*float_list(prop)) def _pixmap(self, prop): if prop.text: fname = prop.text.replace("\\", "\\\\") if self._base_dir != '' and fname[0] != ':' and not os.path.isabs(fname): fname = os.path.join(self._base_dir, fname) return QtGui.QPixmap(fname) # Don't bother to set the property if the pixmap is empty. return None def _iconset(self, prop): return self.icon_cache.get_icon(prop) def _url(self, prop): return QtCore.QUrl(prop[0].text) def _locale(self, prop): lang = getattr(QtCore.QLocale, prop.attrib['language']) country = getattr(QtCore.QLocale, prop.attrib['country']) return QtCore.QLocale(lang, country) def _date(self, prop): return QtCore.QDate(*int_list(prop)) def _datetime(self, prop): args = int_list(prop) return QtCore.QDateTime(QtCore.QDate(*args[-3:]), QtCore.QTime(*args[:-3])) def _time(self, prop): return QtCore.QTime(*int_list(prop)) def _gradient(self, prop): name = 'gradient' # Create the specific gradient. gtype = prop.get('type', '') if gtype == 'LinearGradient': startx = float(prop.get('startx')) starty = float(prop.get('starty')) endx = float(prop.get('endx')) endy = float(prop.get('endy')) gradient = self.factory.createQObject('QLinearGradient', name, (startx, starty, endx, endy), is_attribute=False) elif gtype == 'ConicalGradient': centralx = float(prop.get('centralx')) centraly = float(prop.get('centraly')) angle = float(prop.get('angle')) gradient = self.factory.createQObject('QConicalGradient', name, (centralx, centraly, angle), is_attribute=False) elif gtype == 'RadialGradient': centralx = float(prop.get('centralx')) centraly = float(prop.get('centraly')) radius = float(prop.get('radius')) focalx = float(prop.get('focalx')) focaly = float(prop.get('focaly')) gradient = self.factory.createQObject('QRadialGradient', name, (centralx, centraly, radius, focalx, focaly), is_attribute=False) else: raise UnsupportedPropertyError(prop.tag) # Set the common values. spread = prop.get('spread') if spread: gradient.setSpread(getattr(QtGui.QGradient, spread)) cmode = prop.get('coordinatemode') if cmode: gradient.setCoordinateMode(getattr(QtGui.QGradient, cmode)) # Get the gradient stops. for gstop in prop: if gstop.tag != 'gradientstop': raise UnsupportedPropertyError(gstop.tag) position = float(gstop.get('position')) color = self._color(gstop[0]) gradient.setColorAt(position, color) return name def _palette(self, prop): palette = self.factory.createQObject("QPalette", "palette", (), is_attribute=False) for palette_elem in prop: sub_palette = getattr(QtGui.QPalette, palette_elem.tag.title()) for role, color in enumerate(palette_elem): if color.tag == 'color': # Handle simple colour descriptions where the role is # implied by the colour's position. palette.setColor(sub_palette, QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole(role), self._color(color)) elif color.tag == 'colorrole': role = getattr(QtGui.QPalette, color.get('role')) brush = self._brush(color[0]) palette.setBrush(sub_palette, role, brush) else: raise UnsupportedPropertyError(color.tag) return palette def _brush(self, prop): brushstyle = prop.get('brushstyle') if brushstyle in ('LinearGradientPattern', 'ConicalGradientPattern', 'RadialGradientPattern'): gradient = self._gradient(prop[0]) brush = self.factory.createQObject("QBrush", "brush", (gradient, ), is_attribute=False) else: color = self._color(prop[0]) brush = self.factory.createQObject("QBrush", "brush", (color, ), is_attribute=False) brushstyle = getattr(QtCore.Qt, brushstyle) brush.setStyle(brushstyle) return brush #@needsWidget def _sizepolicy(self, prop, widget): values = [int(child.text) for child in prop] if len(values) == 2: # Qt v4.3.0 and later. horstretch, verstretch = values hsizetype = getattr(QtGui.QSizePolicy, prop.get('hsizetype')) vsizetype = getattr(QtGui.QSizePolicy, prop.get('vsizetype')) else: hsizetype, vsizetype, horstretch, verstretch = values hsizetype = QtGui.QSizePolicy.Policy(hsizetype) vsizetype = QtGui.QSizePolicy.Policy(vsizetype) sizePolicy = self.factory.createQObject("QSizePolicy", "sizePolicy", (hsizetype, vsizetype), is_attribute=False) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(horstretch) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(verstretch) sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(widget.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()) return sizePolicy _sizepolicy = needsWidget(_sizepolicy) # font needs special handling/conversion of all child elements. _font_attributes = (("Family", str), ("PointSize", int), ("Bold", bool_), ("Italic", bool_), ("Underline", bool_), ("Weight", int), ("StrikeOut", bool_), ("Kerning", bool_), ("StyleStrategy", qfont_enum)) def _font(self, prop): newfont = self.factory.createQObject("QFont", "font", (), is_attribute = False) for attr, converter in self._font_attributes: v = prop.findtext("./%s" % (attr.lower(),)) if v is None: continue getattr(newfont, "set%s" % (attr,))(converter(v)) return newfont def _cursor(self, prop): return QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.CursorShape(int(prop.text))) def _cursorShape(self, prop): return QtGui.QCursor(getattr(QtCore.Qt, prop.text)) def convert(self, prop, widget=None): try: func = getattr(self, "_" + prop[0].tag) except AttributeError: raise UnsupportedPropertyError(prop[0].tag) else: args = {} if getattr(func, "needsWidget", False): assert widget is not None args["widget"] = widget return func(prop[0], **args) def _getChild(self, elem_tag, elem, name, default=None): for prop in elem.findall(elem_tag): if prop.attrib["name"] == name: return self.convert(prop) else: return default def getProperty(self, elem, name, default=None): return self._getChild("property", elem, name, default) def getAttribute(self, elem, name, default=None): return self._getChild("attribute", elem, name, default) def setProperties(self, widget, elem): # Lines are sunken unless the frame shadow is explicitly set. set_sunken = (elem.attrib.get('class') == 'Line') for prop in elem.findall('property'): prop_name = prop.attrib['name'] DEBUG("setting property %s" % (prop_name,)) if prop_name == 'frameShadow': set_sunken = False try: stdset = bool(int(prop.attrib['stdset'])) except KeyError: stdset = True if not stdset: self._setViaSetProperty(widget, prop) elif hasattr(self, prop_name): getattr(self, prop_name)(widget, prop) else: prop_value = self.convert(prop, widget) if prop_value is not None: getattr(widget, 'set%s%s' % (ascii_upper(prop_name[0]), prop_name[1:]))(prop_value) if set_sunken: widget.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) # SPECIAL PROPERTIES # If a property has a well-known value type but needs special, # context-dependent handling, the default behaviour can be overridden here. # Delayed properties will be set after the whole widget tree has been # populated. def _delayed_property(self, widget, prop): prop_value = self.convert(prop) if prop_value is not None: prop_name = prop.attrib["name"] self.delayed_props.append((widget, False, 'set%s%s' % (ascii_upper(prop_name[0]), prop_name[1:]), prop_value)) # These properties will be set with a widget.setProperty call rather than # calling the set function. def _setViaSetProperty(self, widget, prop): prop_value = self.convert(prop) if prop_value is not None: prop_name = prop.attrib['name'] # This appears to be a Designer/uic hack where stdset=0 means that # the viewport should be used. if prop[0].tag == 'cursorShape': widget.viewport().setProperty(prop_name, prop_value) else: widget.setProperty(prop_name, prop_value) # Ignore the property. def _ignore(self, widget, prop): pass # Define properties that use the canned handlers. currentIndex = _delayed_property currentRow = _delayed_property showDropIndicator = _setViaSetProperty intValue = _setViaSetProperty value = _setViaSetProperty objectName = _ignore margin = _ignore leftMargin = _ignore topMargin = _ignore rightMargin = _ignore bottomMargin = _ignore spacing = _ignore horizontalSpacing = _ignore verticalSpacing = _ignore # tabSpacing is actually the spacing property of the widget's layout. def tabSpacing(self, widget, prop): prop_value = self.convert(prop) if prop_value is not None: self.delayed_props.append((widget, True, 'setSpacing', prop_value)) # buddy setting has to be done after the whole widget tree has been # populated. We can't use delay here because we cannot get the actual # buddy yet. def buddy(self, widget, prop): buddy_name = prop[0].text if buddy_name: self.buddies.append((widget, buddy_name)) # geometry is handled specially if set on the toplevel widget. def geometry(self, widget, prop): if widget.objectName() == self.uiname: geom = int_list(prop[0]) widget.resize(geom[2], geom[3]) else: widget.setGeometry(self._rect(prop[0])) def orientation(self, widget, prop): # If the class is a QFrame, it's a line. if widget.metaObject().className() == "QFrame": widget.setFrameShape( {"Qt::Horizontal": QtGui.QFrame.HLine, "Qt::Vertical" : QtGui.QFrame.VLine}[prop[0].text]) else: widget.setOrientation(self._enum(prop[0])) # The isWrapping attribute of QListView is named inconsistently, it should # be wrapping. def isWrapping(self, widget, prop): widget.setWrapping(self.convert(prop)) # This is a pseudo-property injected to deal with margins. def pyuicMargins(self, widget, prop): left, top, right, bottom = int_list(prop) if left == top and left == right and left == bottom: widget.setMargin(left) else: widget.setContentsMargins(left, top, right, bottom) # This is a pseudo-property injected to deal with spacing. def pyuicSpacing(self, widget, prop): horiz, vert = int_list(prop) if horiz == vert: widget.setSpacing(horiz) else: if horiz >= 0: widget.setHorizontalSpacing(horiz) if vert >= 0: widget.setVerticalSpacing(vert)