# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.builders.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several HTML builders. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2016 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import os import sys import zlib import codecs import posixpath from os import path from hashlib import md5 from six import iteritems, text_type, string_types from six.moves import cPickle as pickle from docutils import nodes from docutils.io import DocTreeInput, StringOutput from docutils.core import Publisher from docutils.utils import new_document, relative_path from docutils.frontend import OptionParser from docutils.readers.doctree import Reader as DoctreeReader from sphinx import package_dir, __display_version__ from sphinx.util import jsonimpl, copy_static_entry, copy_extra_entry from sphinx.util.i18n import format_date from sphinx.util.osutil import SEP, os_path, relative_uri, ensuredir, \ movefile, copyfile from sphinx.util.nodes import inline_all_toctrees from sphinx.util.matching import patmatch, compile_matchers from sphinx.locale import _ from sphinx.search import js_index from sphinx.theming import Theme from sphinx.builders import Builder from sphinx.application import ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge from sphinx.util.console import bold, darkgreen, brown from sphinx.writers.html import HTMLWriter, HTMLTranslator, \ SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator #: the filename for the inventory of objects INVENTORY_FILENAME = 'objects.inv' #: the filename for the "last build" file (for serializing builders) LAST_BUILD_FILENAME = 'last_build' def get_stable_hash(obj): """ Return a stable hash for a Python data structure. We can't just use the md5 of str(obj) since for example dictionary items are enumerated in unpredictable order due to hash randomization in newer Pythons. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): return get_stable_hash(list(obj.items())) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): obj = sorted(get_stable_hash(o) for o in obj) return md5(text_type(obj).encode('utf8')).hexdigest() class StandaloneHTMLBuilder(Builder): """ Builds standalone HTML docs. """ name = 'html' format = 'html' copysource = True allow_parallel = True out_suffix = '.html' link_suffix = '.html' # defaults to matching out_suffix indexer_format = js_index indexer_dumps_unicode = True supported_image_types = ['image/svg+xml', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg'] searchindex_filename = 'searchindex.js' add_permalinks = True embedded = False # for things like HTML help or Qt help: suppresses sidebar search = True # for things like HTML help and Apple help: suppress search # This is a class attribute because it is mutated by Sphinx.add_javascript. script_files = ['_static/jquery.js', '_static/underscore.js', '_static/doctools.js'] # Dito for this one. css_files = [] default_sidebars = ['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html', 'searchbox.html'] # cached publisher object for snippets _publisher = None def init(self): # a hash of all config values that, if changed, cause a full rebuild self.config_hash = '' self.tags_hash = '' # basename of images directory self.imagedir = '_images' # section numbers for headings in the currently visited document self.secnumbers = {} # currently written docname self.current_docname = None self.init_templates() self.init_highlighter() self.init_translator_class() if self.config.html_file_suffix is not None: self.out_suffix = self.config.html_file_suffix if self.config.html_link_suffix is not None: self.link_suffix = self.config.html_link_suffix else: self.link_suffix = self.out_suffix if self.config.language is not None: if self._get_translations_js(): self.script_files.append('_static/translations.js') def _get_translations_js(self): candidates = [path.join(package_dir, 'locale', self.config.language, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'sphinx.js'), path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/sphinx/locale', self.config.language, 'sphinx.js')] + \ [path.join(dir, self.config.language, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'sphinx.js') for dir in self.config.locale_dirs] for jsfile in candidates: if path.isfile(jsfile): return jsfile return None def get_theme_config(self): return self.config.html_theme, self.config.html_theme_options def init_templates(self): Theme.init_themes(self.confdir, self.config.html_theme_path, warn=self.warn) themename, themeoptions = self.get_theme_config() self.theme = Theme(themename, warn=self.warn) self.theme_options = themeoptions.copy() self.create_template_bridge() self.templates.init(self, self.theme) def init_highlighter(self): # determine Pygments style and create the highlighter if self.config.pygments_style is not None: style = self.config.pygments_style elif self.theme: style = self.theme.get_confstr('theme', 'pygments_style', 'none') else: style = 'sphinx' self.highlighter = PygmentsBridge('html', style, self.config.trim_doctest_flags) def init_translator_class(self): if self.translator_class is not None: pass elif self.config.html_translator_class: self.translator_class = self.app.import_object( self.config.html_translator_class, 'html_translator_class setting') elif self.config.html_use_smartypants: self.translator_class = SmartyPantsHTMLTranslator else: self.translator_class = HTMLTranslator def get_outdated_docs(self): cfgdict = dict((name, self.config[name]) for (name, desc) in iteritems(self.config.values) if desc[1] == 'html') self.config_hash = get_stable_hash(cfgdict) self.tags_hash = get_stable_hash(sorted(self.tags)) old_config_hash = old_tags_hash = '' try: fp = open(path.join(self.outdir, '.buildinfo')) try: version = fp.readline() if version.rstrip() != '# Sphinx build info version 1': raise ValueError fp.readline() # skip commentary cfg, old_config_hash = fp.readline().strip().split(': ') if cfg != 'config': raise ValueError tag, old_tags_hash = fp.readline().strip().split(': ') if tag != 'tags': raise ValueError finally: fp.close() except ValueError: self.warn('unsupported build info format in %r, building all' % path.join(self.outdir, '.buildinfo')) except Exception: pass if old_config_hash != self.config_hash or \ old_tags_hash != self.tags_hash: for docname in self.env.found_docs: yield docname return if self.templates: template_mtime = self.templates.newest_template_mtime() else: template_mtime = 0 for docname in self.env.found_docs: if docname not in self.env.all_docs: yield docname continue targetname = self.get_outfilename(docname) try: targetmtime = path.getmtime(targetname) except Exception: targetmtime = 0 try: srcmtime = max(path.getmtime(self.env.doc2path(docname)), template_mtime) if srcmtime > targetmtime: yield docname except EnvironmentError: # source doesn't exist anymore pass def render_partial(self, node): """Utility: Render a lone doctree node.""" if node is None: return {'fragment': ''} doc = new_document(b'') doc.append(node) if self._publisher is None: self._publisher = Publisher( source_class = DocTreeInput, destination_class=StringOutput) self._publisher.set_components('standalone', 'restructuredtext', 'pseudoxml') pub = self._publisher pub.reader = DoctreeReader() pub.writer = HTMLWriter(self) pub.process_programmatic_settings( None, {'output_encoding': 'unicode'}, None) pub.set_source(doc, None) pub.set_destination(None, None) pub.publish() return pub.writer.parts def prepare_writing(self, docnames): # create the search indexer self.indexer = None if self.search: from sphinx.search import IndexBuilder, languages lang = self.config.html_search_language or self.config.language if not lang or lang not in languages: lang = 'en' self.indexer = IndexBuilder(self.env, lang, self.config.html_search_options, self.config.html_search_scorer) self.load_indexer(docnames) self.docwriter = HTMLWriter(self) self.docsettings = OptionParser( defaults=self.env.settings, components=(self.docwriter,), read_config_files=True).get_default_values() self.docsettings.compact_lists = bool(self.config.html_compact_lists) # determine the additional indices to include self.domain_indices = [] # html_domain_indices can be False/True or a list of index names indices_config = self.config.html_domain_indices if indices_config: for domain_name in sorted(self.env.domains): domain = self.env.domains[domain_name] for indexcls in domain.indices: indexname = '%s-%s' % (domain.name, indexcls.name) if isinstance(indices_config, list): if indexname not in indices_config: continue # deprecated config value if indexname == 'py-modindex' and \ not self.config.html_use_modindex: continue content, collapse = indexcls(domain).generate() if content: self.domain_indices.append( (indexname, indexcls, content, collapse)) # format the "last updated on" string, only once is enough since it # typically doesn't include the time of day lufmt = self.config.html_last_updated_fmt if lufmt is not None: self.last_updated = format_date(lufmt or _('%b %d, %Y'), language=self.config.language, warn=self.warn) else: self.last_updated = None logo = self.config.html_logo and \ path.basename(self.config.html_logo) or '' favicon = self.config.html_favicon and \ path.basename(self.config.html_favicon) or '' if favicon and os.path.splitext(favicon)[1] != '.ico': self.warn('html_favicon is not an .ico file') if not isinstance(self.config.html_use_opensearch, string_types): self.warn('html_use_opensearch config value must now be a string') self.relations = self.env.collect_relations() rellinks = [] if self.get_builder_config('use_index', 'html'): rellinks.append(('genindex', _('General Index'), 'I', _('index'))) for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices: # if it has a short name if indexcls.shortname: rellinks.append((indexname, indexcls.localname, '', indexcls.shortname)) if self.config.html_style is not None: stylename = self.config.html_style elif self.theme: stylename = self.theme.get_confstr('theme', 'stylesheet') else: stylename = 'default.css' self.globalcontext = dict( embedded = self.embedded, project = self.config.project, release = self.config.release, version = self.config.version, last_updated = self.last_updated, copyright = self.config.copyright, master_doc = self.config.master_doc, use_opensearch = self.config.html_use_opensearch, docstitle = self.config.html_title, shorttitle = self.config.html_short_title, show_copyright = self.config.html_show_copyright, show_sphinx = self.config.html_show_sphinx, has_source = self.config.html_copy_source, show_source = self.config.html_show_sourcelink, file_suffix = self.out_suffix, script_files = self.script_files, language = self.config.language, css_files = self.css_files, sphinx_version = __display_version__, style = stylename, rellinks = rellinks, builder = self.name, parents = [], logo = logo, favicon = favicon, ) if self.theme: self.globalcontext.update( ('theme_' + key, val) for (key, val) in iteritems(self.theme.get_options(self.theme_options))) self.globalcontext.update(self.config.html_context) def get_doc_context(self, docname, body, metatags): """Collect items for the template context of a page.""" # find out relations prev = next = None parents = [] rellinks = self.globalcontext['rellinks'][:] related = self.relations.get(docname) titles = self.env.titles if related and related[2]: try: next = { 'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[2]), 'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[2]])['title'] } rellinks.append((related[2], next['title'], 'N', _('next'))) except KeyError: next = None if related and related[1]: try: prev = { 'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[1]), 'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[1]])['title'] } rellinks.append((related[1], prev['title'], 'P', _('previous'))) except KeyError: # the relation is (somehow) not in the TOC tree, handle # that gracefully prev = None while related and related[0]: try: parents.append( {'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[0]), 'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[0]])['title']}) except KeyError: pass related = self.relations.get(related[0]) if parents: # remove link to the master file; we have a generic # "back to index" link already parents.pop() parents.reverse() # title rendered as HTML title = self.env.longtitles.get(docname) title = title and self.render_partial(title)['title'] or '' # the name for the copied source sourcename = self.config.html_copy_source and docname + '.txt' or '' # metadata for the document meta = self.env.metadata.get(docname) # Suffix for the document source_suffix = '.' + self.env.doc2path(docname).split('.')[-1] # local TOC and global TOC tree self_toc = self.env.get_toc_for(docname, self) toc = self.render_partial(self_toc)['fragment'] return dict( parents = parents, prev = prev, next = next, title = title, meta = meta, body = body, metatags = metatags, rellinks = rellinks, sourcename = sourcename, toc = toc, # only display a TOC if there's more than one item to show display_toc = (self.env.toc_num_entries[docname] > 1), page_source_suffix = source_suffix, ) def write_doc(self, docname, doctree): destination = StringOutput(encoding='utf-8') doctree.settings = self.docsettings self.secnumbers = self.env.toc_secnumbers.get(docname, {}) self.fignumbers = self.env.toc_fignumbers.get(docname, {}) self.imgpath = relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(docname), '_images') self.dlpath = relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(docname), '_downloads') self.current_docname = docname self.docwriter.write(doctree, destination) self.docwriter.assemble_parts() body = self.docwriter.parts['fragment'] metatags = self.docwriter.clean_meta ctx = self.get_doc_context(docname, body, metatags) self.handle_page(docname, ctx, event_arg=doctree) def write_doc_serialized(self, docname, doctree): self.imgpath = relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(docname), self.imagedir) self.post_process_images(doctree) title = self.env.longtitles.get(docname) title = title and self.render_partial(title)['title'] or '' self.index_page(docname, doctree, title) def finish(self): self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.gen_indices) self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.gen_additional_pages) self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.copy_image_files) self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.copy_download_files) self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.copy_static_files) self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.copy_extra_files) self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.write_buildinfo) # dump the search index self.handle_finish() def gen_indices(self): self.info(bold('generating indices...'), nonl=1) # the global general index if self.get_builder_config('use_index', 'html'): self.write_genindex() # the global domain-specific indices self.write_domain_indices() self.info() def gen_additional_pages(self): # pages from extensions for pagelist in self.app.emit('html-collect-pages'): for pagename, context, template in pagelist: self.handle_page(pagename, context, template) self.info(bold('writing additional pages...'), nonl=1) # additional pages from conf.py for pagename, template in self.config.html_additional_pages.items(): self.info(' '+pagename, nonl=1) self.handle_page(pagename, {}, template) # the search page if self.search: self.info(' search', nonl=1) self.handle_page('search', {}, 'search.html') # the opensearch xml file if self.config.html_use_opensearch and self.search: self.info(' opensearch', nonl=1) fn = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'opensearch.xml') self.handle_page('opensearch', {}, 'opensearch.xml', outfilename=fn) self.info() def write_genindex(self): # the total count of lines for each index letter, used to distribute # the entries into two columns genindex = self.env.create_index(self) indexcounts = [] for _k, entries in genindex: indexcounts.append(sum(1 + len(subitems) for _, (_, subitems, _) in entries)) genindexcontext = dict( genindexentries = genindex, genindexcounts = indexcounts, split_index = self.config.html_split_index, ) self.info(' genindex', nonl=1) if self.config.html_split_index: self.handle_page('genindex', genindexcontext, 'genindex-split.html') self.handle_page('genindex-all', genindexcontext, 'genindex.html') for (key, entries), count in zip(genindex, indexcounts): ctx = {'key': key, 'entries': entries, 'count': count, 'genindexentries': genindex} self.handle_page('genindex-' + key, ctx, 'genindex-single.html') else: self.handle_page('genindex', genindexcontext, 'genindex.html') def write_domain_indices(self): for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices: indexcontext = dict( indextitle = indexcls.localname, content = content, collapse_index = collapse, ) self.info(' ' + indexname, nonl=1) self.handle_page(indexname, indexcontext, 'domainindex.html') def copy_image_files(self): # copy image files if self.images: ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, self.imagedir)) for src in self.app.status_iterator(self.images, 'copying images... ', brown, len(self.images)): dest = self.images[src] try: copyfile(path.join(self.srcdir, src), path.join(self.outdir, self.imagedir, dest)) except Exception as err: self.warn('cannot copy image file %r: %s' % (path.join(self.srcdir, src), err)) def copy_download_files(self): def to_relpath(f): return relative_path(self.srcdir, f) # copy downloadable files if self.env.dlfiles: ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, '_downloads')) for src in self.app.status_iterator(self.env.dlfiles, 'copying downloadable files... ', brown, len(self.env.dlfiles), stringify_func=to_relpath): dest = self.env.dlfiles[src][1] try: copyfile(path.join(self.srcdir, src), path.join(self.outdir, '_downloads', dest)) except Exception as err: self.warn('cannot copy downloadable file %r: %s' % (path.join(self.srcdir, src), err)) def copy_static_files(self): # copy static files self.info(bold('copying static files... '), nonl=True) ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, '_static')) # first, create pygments style file f = open(path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'pygments.css'), 'w') f.write(self.highlighter.get_stylesheet()) f.close() # then, copy translations JavaScript file if self.config.language is not None: jsfile = self._get_translations_js() if jsfile: copyfile(jsfile, path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'translations.js')) # copy non-minified stemmer JavaScript file if self.indexer is not None: jsfile = self.indexer.get_js_stemmer_rawcode() if jsfile: copyfile(jsfile, path.join(self.outdir, '_static', '_stemmer.js')) ctx = self.globalcontext.copy() # add context items for search function used in searchtools.js_t if self.indexer is not None: ctx.update(self.indexer.context_for_searchtool()) # then, copy over theme-supplied static files if self.theme: themeentries = [path.join(themepath, 'static') for themepath in self.theme.get_dirchain()[::-1]] for entry in themeentries: copy_static_entry(entry, path.join(self.outdir, '_static'), self, ctx) # then, copy over all user-supplied static files staticentries = [path.join(self.confdir, spath) for spath in self.config.html_static_path] matchers = compile_matchers(self.config.exclude_patterns) for entry in staticentries: if not path.exists(entry): self.warn('html_static_path entry %r does not exist' % entry) continue copy_static_entry(entry, path.join(self.outdir, '_static'), self, ctx, exclude_matchers=matchers) # copy logo and favicon files if not already in static path if self.config.html_logo: logobase = path.basename(self.config.html_logo) logotarget = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', logobase) if not path.isfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_logo)): self.warn('logo file %r does not exist' % self.config.html_logo) elif not path.isfile(logotarget): copyfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_logo), logotarget) if self.config.html_favicon: iconbase = path.basename(self.config.html_favicon) icontarget = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', iconbase) if not path.isfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_favicon)): self.warn('favicon file %r does not exist' % self.config.html_favicon) elif not path.isfile(icontarget): copyfile(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_favicon), icontarget) self.info('done') def copy_extra_files(self): # copy html_extra_path files self.info(bold('copying extra files... '), nonl=True) extraentries = [path.join(self.confdir, epath) for epath in self.config.html_extra_path] matchers = compile_matchers(self.config.exclude_patterns) for entry in extraentries: if not path.exists(entry): self.warn('html_extra_path entry %r does not exist' % entry) continue copy_extra_entry(entry, self.outdir, matchers) self.info('done') def write_buildinfo(self): # write build info file fp = open(path.join(self.outdir, '.buildinfo'), 'w') try: fp.write('# Sphinx build info version 1\n' '# This file hashes the configuration used when building' ' these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will' ' be done.\nconfig: %s\ntags: %s\n' % (self.config_hash, self.tags_hash)) finally: fp.close() def cleanup(self): # clean up theme stuff if self.theme: self.theme.cleanup() def post_process_images(self, doctree): """Pick the best candidate for an image and link down-scaled images to their high res version. """ Builder.post_process_images(self, doctree) if self.config.html_scaled_image_link: for node in doctree.traverse(nodes.image): scale_keys = ('scale', 'width', 'height') if not any((key in node) for key in scale_keys) or \ isinstance(node.parent, nodes.reference): # docutils does unfortunately not preserve the # ``target`` attribute on images, so we need to check # the parent node here. continue uri = node['uri'] reference = nodes.reference('', '', internal=True) if uri in self.images: reference['refuri'] = posixpath.join(self.imgpath, self.images[uri]) else: reference['refuri'] = uri node.replace_self(reference) reference.append(node) def load_indexer(self, docnames): keep = set(self.env.all_docs) - set(docnames) try: searchindexfn = path.join(self.outdir, self.searchindex_filename) if self.indexer_dumps_unicode: f = codecs.open(searchindexfn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') else: f = open(searchindexfn, 'rb') try: self.indexer.load(f, self.indexer_format) finally: f.close() except (IOError, OSError, ValueError): if keep: self.warn('search index couldn\'t be loaded, but not all ' 'documents will be built: the index will be ' 'incomplete.') # delete all entries for files that will be rebuilt self.indexer.prune(keep) def index_page(self, pagename, doctree, title): # only index pages with title if self.indexer is not None and title: self.indexer.feed(pagename, title, doctree) def _get_local_toctree(self, docname, collapse=True, **kwds): if 'includehidden' not in kwds: kwds['includehidden'] = False return self.render_partial(self.env.get_toctree_for( docname, self, collapse, **kwds))['fragment'] def get_outfilename(self, pagename): return path.join(self.outdir, os_path(pagename) + self.out_suffix) def add_sidebars(self, pagename, ctx): def has_wildcard(pattern): return any(char in pattern for char in '*?[') sidebars = None matched = None customsidebar = None for pattern, patsidebars in iteritems(self.config.html_sidebars): if patmatch(pagename, pattern): if matched: if has_wildcard(pattern): # warn if both patterns contain wildcards if has_wildcard(matched): self.warn('page %s matches two patterns in ' 'html_sidebars: %r and %r' % (pagename, matched, pattern)) # else the already matched pattern is more specific # than the present one, because it contains no wildcard continue matched = pattern sidebars = patsidebars if sidebars is None: # keep defaults pass elif isinstance(sidebars, string_types): # 0.x compatible mode: insert custom sidebar before searchbox customsidebar = sidebars sidebars = None ctx['sidebars'] = sidebars ctx['customsidebar'] = customsidebar # --------- these are overwritten by the serialization builder def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None): return docname + self.link_suffix def handle_page(self, pagename, addctx, templatename='page.html', outfilename=None, event_arg=None): ctx = self.globalcontext.copy() # current_page_name is backwards compatibility ctx['pagename'] = ctx['current_page_name'] = pagename default_baseuri = self.get_target_uri(pagename) # in the singlehtml builder, default_baseuri still contains an #anchor # part, which relative_uri doesn't really like... default_baseuri = default_baseuri.rsplit('#', 1)[0] def pathto(otheruri, resource=False, baseuri=default_baseuri): if resource and '://' in otheruri: # allow non-local resources given by scheme return otheruri elif not resource: otheruri = self.get_target_uri(otheruri) uri = relative_uri(baseuri, otheruri) or '#' return uri ctx['pathto'] = pathto ctx['hasdoc'] = lambda name: name in self.env.all_docs if self.name != 'htmlhelp': ctx['encoding'] = encoding = self.config.html_output_encoding else: ctx['encoding'] = encoding = self.encoding ctx['toctree'] = lambda **kw: self._get_local_toctree(pagename, **kw) self.add_sidebars(pagename, ctx) ctx.update(addctx) newtmpl = self.app.emit_firstresult('html-page-context', pagename, templatename, ctx, event_arg) if newtmpl: templatename = newtmpl try: output = self.templates.render(templatename, ctx) except UnicodeError: self.warn("a Unicode error occurred when rendering the page %s. " "Please make sure all config values that contain " "non-ASCII content are Unicode strings." % pagename) return if not outfilename: outfilename = self.get_outfilename(pagename) # outfilename's path is in general different from self.outdir ensuredir(path.dirname(outfilename)) try: f = codecs.open(outfilename, 'w', encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace') try: f.write(output) finally: f.close() except (IOError, OSError) as err: self.warn("error writing file %s: %s" % (outfilename, err)) if self.copysource and ctx.get('sourcename'): # copy the source file for the "show source" link source_name = path.join(self.outdir, '_sources', os_path(ctx['sourcename'])) ensuredir(path.dirname(source_name)) copyfile(self.env.doc2path(pagename), source_name) def handle_finish(self): if self.indexer: self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.dump_search_index) self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.dump_inventory) def dump_inventory(self): self.info(bold('dumping object inventory... '), nonl=True) f = open(path.join(self.outdir, INVENTORY_FILENAME), 'wb') try: f.write((u'# Sphinx inventory version 2\n' u'# Project: %s\n' u'# Version: %s\n' u'# The remainder of this file is compressed using zlib.\n' % (self.config.project, self.config.version)).encode('utf-8')) compressor = zlib.compressobj(9) for domainname, domain in sorted(self.env.domains.items()): for name, dispname, type, docname, anchor, prio in \ sorted(domain.get_objects()): if anchor.endswith(name): # this can shorten the inventory by as much as 25% anchor = anchor[:-len(name)] + '$' uri = self.get_target_uri(docname) if anchor: uri += '#' + anchor if dispname == name: dispname = u'-' f.write(compressor.compress( (u'%s %s:%s %s %s %s\n' % (name, domainname, type, prio, uri, dispname)).encode('utf-8'))) f.write(compressor.flush()) finally: f.close() self.info('done') def dump_search_index(self): self.info( bold('dumping search index in %s ... ' % self.indexer.label()), nonl=True) self.indexer.prune(self.env.all_docs) searchindexfn = path.join(self.outdir, self.searchindex_filename) # first write to a temporary file, so that if dumping fails, # the existing index won't be overwritten if self.indexer_dumps_unicode: f = codecs.open(searchindexfn + '.tmp', 'w', encoding='utf-8') else: f = open(searchindexfn + '.tmp', 'wb') try: self.indexer.dump(f, self.indexer_format) finally: f.close() movefile(searchindexfn + '.tmp', searchindexfn) self.info('done') class DirectoryHTMLBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder): """ A StandaloneHTMLBuilder that creates all HTML pages as "index.html" in a directory given by their pagename, so that generated URLs don't have ``.html`` in them. """ name = 'dirhtml' def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None): if docname == 'index': return '' if docname.endswith(SEP + 'index'): return docname[:-5] # up to sep return docname + SEP def get_outfilename(self, pagename): if pagename == 'index' or pagename.endswith(SEP + 'index'): outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, os_path(pagename) + self.out_suffix) else: outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, os_path(pagename), 'index' + self.out_suffix) return outfilename def prepare_writing(self, docnames): StandaloneHTMLBuilder.prepare_writing(self, docnames) self.globalcontext['no_search_suffix'] = True class SingleFileHTMLBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder): """ A StandaloneHTMLBuilder subclass that puts the whole document tree on one HTML page. """ name = 'singlehtml' copysource = False def get_outdated_docs(self): return 'all documents' def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None): if docname in self.env.all_docs: # all references are on the same page... return self.config.master_doc + self.out_suffix + \ '#document-' + docname else: # chances are this is a html_additional_page return docname + self.out_suffix def get_relative_uri(self, from_, to, typ=None): # ignore source return self.get_target_uri(to, typ) def fix_refuris(self, tree): # fix refuris with double anchor fname = self.config.master_doc + self.out_suffix for refnode in tree.traverse(nodes.reference): if 'refuri' not in refnode: continue refuri = refnode['refuri'] hashindex = refuri.find('#') if hashindex < 0: continue hashindex = refuri.find('#', hashindex+1) if hashindex >= 0: refnode['refuri'] = fname + refuri[hashindex:] def _get_local_toctree(self, docname, collapse=True, **kwds): if 'includehidden' not in kwds: kwds['includehidden'] = False toctree = self.env.get_toctree_for(docname, self, collapse, **kwds) self.fix_refuris(toctree) return self.render_partial(toctree)['fragment'] def assemble_doctree(self): master = self.config.master_doc tree = self.env.get_doctree(master) tree = inline_all_toctrees(self, set(), master, tree, darkgreen, [master]) tree['docname'] = master self.env.resolve_references(tree, master, self) self.fix_refuris(tree) return tree def assemble_toc_secnumbers(self): # Assemble toc_secnumbers to resolve section numbers on SingleHTML. # Merge all secnumbers to single secnumber. # # Note: current Sphinx has refid confliction in singlehtml mode. # To avoid the problem, it replaces key of secnumbers to # tuple of docname and refid. # # There are related codes in inline_all_toctres() and # HTMLTranslter#add_secnumber(). new_secnumbers = {} for docname, secnums in iteritems(self.env.toc_secnumbers): for id, secnum in iteritems(secnums): new_secnumbers[(docname, id)] = secnum return {self.config.master_doc: new_secnumbers} def get_doc_context(self, docname, body, metatags): # no relation links... toc = self.env.get_toctree_for(self.config.master_doc, self, False) # if there is no toctree, toc is None if toc: self.fix_refuris(toc) toc = self.render_partial(toc)['fragment'] display_toc = True else: toc = '' display_toc = False return dict( parents = [], prev = None, next = None, docstitle = None, title = self.config.html_title, meta = None, body = body, metatags = metatags, rellinks = [], sourcename = '', toc = toc, display_toc = display_toc, ) def write(self, *ignored): docnames = self.env.all_docs self.info(bold('preparing documents... '), nonl=True) self.prepare_writing(docnames) self.info('done') self.info(bold('assembling single document... '), nonl=True) doctree = self.assemble_doctree() self.env.toc_secnumbers = self.assemble_toc_secnumbers() self.info() self.info(bold('writing... '), nonl=True) self.write_doc_serialized(self.config.master_doc, doctree) self.write_doc(self.config.master_doc, doctree) self.info('done') def finish(self): # no indices or search pages are supported self.info(bold('writing additional files...'), nonl=1) # additional pages from conf.py for pagename, template in self.config.html_additional_pages.items(): self.info(' '+pagename, nonl=1) self.handle_page(pagename, {}, template) if self.config.html_use_opensearch: self.info(' opensearch', nonl=1) fn = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'opensearch.xml') self.handle_page('opensearch', {}, 'opensearch.xml', outfilename=fn) self.info() self.copy_image_files() self.copy_download_files() self.copy_static_files() self.copy_extra_files() self.write_buildinfo() self.dump_inventory() class SerializingHTMLBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder): """ An abstract builder that serializes the generated HTML. """ #: the serializing implementation to use. Set this to a module that #: implements a `dump`, `load`, `dumps` and `loads` functions #: (pickle, simplejson etc.) implementation = None implementation_dumps_unicode = False #: additional arguments for dump() additional_dump_args = () #: the filename for the global context file globalcontext_filename = None supported_image_types = ['image/svg+xml', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg'] def init(self): self.config_hash = '' self.tags_hash = '' self.imagedir = '_images' self.theme = None # no theme necessary self.templates = None # no template bridge necessary self.init_translator_class() self.init_highlighter() def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None): if docname == 'index': return '' if docname.endswith(SEP + 'index'): return docname[:-5] # up to sep return docname + SEP def dump_context(self, context, filename): if self.implementation_dumps_unicode: f = codecs.open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') else: f = open(filename, 'wb') try: self.implementation.dump(context, f, *self.additional_dump_args) finally: f.close() def handle_page(self, pagename, ctx, templatename='page.html', outfilename=None, event_arg=None): ctx['current_page_name'] = pagename self.add_sidebars(pagename, ctx) if not outfilename: outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, os_path(pagename) + self.out_suffix) # we're not taking the return value here, since no template is # actually rendered self.app.emit('html-page-context', pagename, templatename, ctx, event_arg) ensuredir(path.dirname(outfilename)) self.dump_context(ctx, outfilename) # if there is a source file, copy the source file for the # "show source" link if ctx.get('sourcename'): source_name = path.join(self.outdir, '_sources', os_path(ctx['sourcename'])) ensuredir(path.dirname(source_name)) copyfile(self.env.doc2path(pagename), source_name) def handle_finish(self): # dump the global context outfilename = path.join(self.outdir, self.globalcontext_filename) self.dump_context(self.globalcontext, outfilename) # super here to dump the search index StandaloneHTMLBuilder.handle_finish(self) # copy the environment file from the doctree dir to the output dir # as needed by the web app copyfile(path.join(self.doctreedir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME), path.join(self.outdir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME)) # touch 'last build' file, used by the web application to determine # when to reload its environment and clear the cache open(path.join(self.outdir, LAST_BUILD_FILENAME), 'w').close() class PickleHTMLBuilder(SerializingHTMLBuilder): """ A Builder that dumps the generated HTML into pickle files. """ implementation = pickle implementation_dumps_unicode = False additional_dump_args = (pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL,) indexer_format = pickle indexer_dumps_unicode = False name = 'pickle' out_suffix = '.fpickle' globalcontext_filename = 'globalcontext.pickle' searchindex_filename = 'searchindex.pickle' # compatibility alias WebHTMLBuilder = PickleHTMLBuilder class JSONHTMLBuilder(SerializingHTMLBuilder): """ A builder that dumps the generated HTML into JSON files. """ implementation = jsonimpl implementation_dumps_unicode = True indexer_format = jsonimpl indexer_dumps_unicode = True name = 'json' out_suffix = '.fjson' globalcontext_filename = 'globalcontext.json' searchindex_filename = 'searchindex.json' def init(self): SerializingHTMLBuilder.init(self)