# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Build HTML help support files.
Parts adapted from Python's Doc/tools/prechm.py.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2016 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import codecs
from os import path
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.builders.html import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
from sphinx.util.pycompat import htmlescape
# Project file (*.hhp) template. 'outname' is the file basename (like
# the pythlp in pythlp.hhp); 'version' is the doc version number (like
# the 2.2 in Python 2.2).
# The magical numbers in the long line under [WINDOWS] set most of the
# user-visible features (visible buttons, tabs, etc).
# About 0x10384e: This defines the buttons in the help viewer. The
# following defns are taken from htmlhelp.h. Not all possibilities
# actually work, and not all those that work are available from the Help
# Workshop GUI. In particular, the Zoom/Font button works and is not
# available from the GUI. The ones we're using are marked with 'x':
# 0x000002 Hide/Show x
# 0x000004 Back x
# 0x000008 Forward x
# 0x000010 Stop
# 0x000020 Refresh
# 0x000040 Home x
# 0x000080 Forward
# 0x000100 Back
# 0x000200 Notes
# 0x000400 Contents
# 0x000800 Locate x
# 0x001000 Options x
# 0x002000 Print x
# 0x004000 Index
# 0x008000 Search
# 0x010000 History
# 0x020000 Favorites
# 0x040000 Jump 1
# 0x080000 Jump 2
# 0x100000 Zoom/Font x
# 0x200000 TOC Next
# 0x400000 TOC Prev
project_template = '''\
Binary TOC=No
Binary Index=No
Compiled file=%(outname)s.chm
Contents file=%(outname)s.hhc
Default Window=%(outname)s
Default topic=index.html
Display compile progress=No
Full text search stop list file=%(outname)s.stp
Full-text search=Yes
Index file=%(outname)s.hhk
contents_header = '''\
contents_footer = '''\
object_sitemap = '''\
# List of words the full text search facility shouldn't index. This
# becomes file outname.stp. Note that this list must be pretty small!
# Different versions of the MS docs claim the file has a maximum size of
# 256 or 512 bytes (including \r\n at the end of each line).
# Note that "and", "or", "not" and "near" are operators in the search
# language, so no point indexing them even if we wanted to.
stopwords = """
a and are as at
be but by
if in into is it
near no not
of on or
that the their then there these they this to
was will with
# The following list includes only languages supported by Sphinx.
# See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms930130.aspx for more.
chm_locales = {
# lang: LCID, encoding
'ca': (0x403, 'cp1252'),
'cs': (0x405, 'cp1250'),
'da': (0x406, 'cp1252'),
'de': (0x407, 'cp1252'),
'en': (0x409, 'cp1252'),
'es': (0x40a, 'cp1252'),
'et': (0x425, 'cp1257'),
'fa': (0x429, 'cp1256'),
'fi': (0x40b, 'cp1252'),
'fr': (0x40c, 'cp1252'),
'hr': (0x41a, 'cp1250'),
'hu': (0x40e, 'cp1250'),
'it': (0x410, 'cp1252'),
'ja': (0x411, 'cp932'),
'ko': (0x412, 'cp949'),
'lt': (0x427, 'cp1257'),
'lv': (0x426, 'cp1257'),
'nl': (0x413, 'cp1252'),
'no_NB': (0x414, 'cp1252'),
'pl': (0x415, 'cp1250'),
'pt_BR': (0x416, 'cp1252'),
'ru': (0x419, 'cp1251'),
'sk': (0x41b, 'cp1250'),
'sl': (0x424, 'cp1250'),
'sv': (0x41d, 'cp1252'),
'tr': (0x41f, 'cp1254'),
'uk_UA': (0x422, 'cp1251'),
'zh_CN': (0x804, 'cp936'),
'zh_TW': (0x404, 'cp950'),
class HTMLHelpBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder):
Builder that also outputs Windows HTML help project, contents and
index files. Adapted from the original Doc/tools/prechm.py.
name = 'htmlhelp'
# don't copy the reST source
copysource = False
supported_image_types = ['image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg']
# don't add links
add_permalinks = False
# don't add sidebar etc.
embedded = True
# don't generate search index or include search page
search = False
lcid = 0x409
encoding = 'cp1252'
def init(self):
# the output files for HTML help must be .html only
self.out_suffix = '.html'
# determine the correct locale setting
locale = chm_locales.get(self.config.language)
if locale is not None:
self.lcid, self.encoding = locale
def open_file(self, outdir, basename, mode='w'):
# open a file with the correct encoding for the selected language
return codecs.open(path.join(outdir, basename), mode,
self.encoding, 'xmlcharrefreplace')
def handle_finish(self):
self.build_hhx(self.outdir, self.config.htmlhelp_basename)
def build_hhx(self, outdir, outname):
self.info('dumping stopword list...')
f = self.open_file(outdir, outname+'.stp')
for word in sorted(stopwords):
print(word, file=f)
self.info('writing project file...')
f = self.open_file(outdir, outname+'.hhp')
f.write(project_template % {'outname': outname,
'title': self.config.html_title,
'version': self.config.version,
'project': self.config.project,
'lcid': self.lcid})
if not outdir.endswith(os.sep):
outdir += os.sep
olen = len(outdir)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outdir):
staticdir = root.startswith(path.join(outdir, '_static'))
for fn in files:
if (staticdir and not fn.endswith('.js')) or \
print(path.join(root, fn)[olen:].replace(os.sep, '\\'),
self.info('writing TOC file...')
f = self.open_file(outdir, outname+'.hhc')
# special books
' + object_sitemap % (self.config.html_short_title,
for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices:
for subnode in node:
write_toc(subnode, ullevel)
elif isinstance(node, nodes.reference):
link = node['refuri']
title = htmlescape(node.astext()).replace('"', '"')
f.write(object_sitemap % (title, link))
elif isinstance(node, nodes.bullet_list):
if ullevel != 0:
for subnode in node:
write_toc(subnode, ullevel+1)
if ullevel != 0:
elif isinstance(node, addnodes.compact_paragraph):
for subnode in node:
write_toc(subnode, ullevel)
def istoctree(node):
return isinstance(node, addnodes.compact_paragraph) and \
'toctree' in node
for node in tocdoc.traverse(istoctree):
self.info('writing index file...')
index = self.env.create_index(self)
f = self.open_file(outdir, outname+'.hhk')