# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.builders.texinfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Texinfo builder. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2016 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from os import path from six import iteritems from docutils import nodes from docutils.io import FileOutput from docutils.utils import new_document from docutils.frontend import OptionParser from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.locale import _ from sphinx.builders import Builder from sphinx.environment import NoUri from sphinx.util.nodes import inline_all_toctrees from sphinx.util.osutil import SEP, copyfile from sphinx.util.console import bold, darkgreen from sphinx.writers.texinfo import TexinfoWriter TEXINFO_MAKEFILE = '''\ # Makefile for Sphinx Texinfo output infodir ?= /usr/share/info MAKEINFO = makeinfo --no-split MAKEINFO_html = makeinfo --no-split --html MAKEINFO_plaintext = makeinfo --no-split --plaintext TEXI2PDF = texi2pdf --batch --expand INSTALL_INFO = install-info ALLDOCS = $(basename $(wildcard *.texi)) all: info info: $(addsuffix .info,$(ALLDOCS)) plaintext: $(addsuffix .txt,$(ALLDOCS)) html: $(addsuffix .html,$(ALLDOCS)) pdf: $(addsuffix .pdf,$(ALLDOCS)) install-info: info \tfor f in *.info; do \\ \t cp -t $(infodir) "$$f" && \\ \t $(INSTALL_INFO) --info-dir=$(infodir) "$$f" ; \\ \tdone uninstall-info: info \tfor f in *.info; do \\ \t rm -f "$(infodir)/$$f" ; \\ \t $(INSTALL_INFO) --delete --info-dir=$(infodir) "$$f" ; \\ \tdone %.info: %.texi \t$(MAKEINFO) -o '$@' '$<' %.txt: %.texi \t$(MAKEINFO_plaintext) -o '$@' '$<' %.html: %.texi \t$(MAKEINFO_html) -o '$@' '$<' %.pdf: %.texi \t-$(TEXI2PDF) '$<' \t-$(TEXI2PDF) '$<' \t-$(TEXI2PDF) '$<' clean: \trm -f *.info *.pdf *.txt *.html \trm -f *.log *.ind *.aux *.toc *.syn *.idx *.out *.ilg *.pla *.ky *.pg \trm -f *.vr *.tp *.fn *.fns *.def *.defs *.cp *.cps *.ge *.ges *.mo .PHONY: all info plaintext html pdf install-info uninstall-info clean ''' class TexinfoBuilder(Builder): """ Builds Texinfo output to create Info documentation. """ name = 'texinfo' format = 'texinfo' supported_image_types = ['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'] def init(self): self.docnames = [] self.document_data = [] def get_outdated_docs(self): return 'all documents' # for now def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None): if docname not in self.docnames: raise NoUri else: return '%' + docname def get_relative_uri(self, from_, to, typ=None): # ignore source path return self.get_target_uri(to, typ) def init_document_data(self): preliminary_document_data = [list(x) for x in self.config.texinfo_documents] if not preliminary_document_data: self.warn('no "texinfo_documents" config value found; no documents ' 'will be written') return # assign subdirs to titles self.titles = [] for entry in preliminary_document_data: docname = entry[0] if docname not in self.env.all_docs: self.warn('"texinfo_documents" config value references unknown ' 'document %s' % docname) continue self.document_data.append(entry) if docname.endswith(SEP+'index'): docname = docname[:-5] self.titles.append((docname, entry[2])) def write(self, *ignored): self.init_document_data() for entry in self.document_data: docname, targetname, title, author = entry[:4] targetname += '.texi' direntry = description = category = '' if len(entry) > 6: direntry, description, category = entry[4:7] toctree_only = False if len(entry) > 7: toctree_only = entry[7] destination = FileOutput( destination_path=path.join(self.outdir, targetname), encoding='utf-8') self.info("processing " + targetname + "... ", nonl=1) doctree = self.assemble_doctree( docname, toctree_only, appendices=(self.config.texinfo_appendices or [])) self.info("writing... ", nonl=1) self.post_process_images(doctree) docwriter = TexinfoWriter(self) settings = OptionParser( defaults=self.env.settings, components=(docwriter,), read_config_files=True).get_default_values() settings.author = author settings.title = title settings.texinfo_filename = targetname[:-5] + '.info' settings.texinfo_elements = self.config.texinfo_elements settings.texinfo_dir_entry = direntry or '' settings.texinfo_dir_category = category or '' settings.texinfo_dir_description = description or '' settings.docname = docname doctree.settings = settings docwriter.write(doctree, destination) self.info("done") def assemble_doctree(self, indexfile, toctree_only, appendices): self.docnames = set([indexfile] + appendices) self.info(darkgreen(indexfile) + " ", nonl=1) tree = self.env.get_doctree(indexfile) tree['docname'] = indexfile if toctree_only: # extract toctree nodes from the tree and put them in a # fresh document new_tree = new_document('') new_sect = nodes.section() new_sect += nodes.title(u'', u'') new_tree += new_sect for node in tree.traverse(addnodes.toctree): new_sect += node tree = new_tree largetree = inline_all_toctrees(self, self.docnames, indexfile, tree, darkgreen, [indexfile]) largetree['docname'] = indexfile for docname in appendices: appendix = self.env.get_doctree(docname) appendix['docname'] = docname largetree.append(appendix) self.info() self.info("resolving references...") self.env.resolve_references(largetree, indexfile, self) # TODO: add support for external :ref:s for pendingnode in largetree.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref): docname = pendingnode['refdocname'] sectname = pendingnode['refsectname'] newnodes = [nodes.emphasis(sectname, sectname)] for subdir, title in self.titles: if docname.startswith(subdir): newnodes.append(nodes.Text(_(' (in '), _(' (in '))) newnodes.append(nodes.emphasis(title, title)) newnodes.append(nodes.Text(')', ')')) break else: pass pendingnode.replace_self(newnodes) return largetree def finish(self): # copy image files if self.images: self.info(bold('copying images...'), nonl=1) for src, dest in iteritems(self.images): self.info(' '+src, nonl=1) copyfile(path.join(self.srcdir, src), path.join(self.outdir, dest)) self.info() self.info(bold('copying Texinfo support files... '), nonl=True) # copy Makefile fn = path.join(self.outdir, 'Makefile') self.info(fn, nonl=1) try: mkfile = open(fn, 'w') try: mkfile.write(TEXINFO_MAKEFILE) finally: mkfile.close() except (IOError, OSError) as err: self.warn("error writing file %s: %s" % (fn, err)) self.info(' done')