# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.ext.pngmath ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Render math in HTML via dvipng. This extension has been deprecated; please use sphinx.ext.imgmath instead. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2016 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re import codecs import shutil import tempfile import posixpath from os import path from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from hashlib import sha1 from six import text_type from docutils import nodes import sphinx from sphinx.errors import SphinxError from sphinx.util.png import read_png_depth, write_png_depth from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir, ENOENT, cd from sphinx.util.pycompat import sys_encoding from sphinx.ext.mathbase import setup_math as mathbase_setup, wrap_displaymath class MathExtError(SphinxError): category = 'Math extension error' def __init__(self, msg, stderr=None, stdout=None): if stderr: msg += '\n[stderr]\n' + stderr.decode(sys_encoding, 'replace') if stdout: msg += '\n[stdout]\n' + stdout.decode(sys_encoding, 'replace') SphinxError.__init__(self, msg) DOC_HEAD = r''' \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{bm} \pagestyle{empty} ''' DOC_BODY = r''' \begin{document} %s \end{document} ''' DOC_BODY_PREVIEW = r''' \usepackage[active]{preview} \begin{document} \begin{preview} %s \end{preview} \end{document} ''' depth_re = re.compile(br'\[\d+ depth=(-?\d+)\]') def render_math(self, math): """Render the LaTeX math expression *math* using latex and dvipng. Return the filename relative to the built document and the "depth", that is, the distance of image bottom and baseline in pixels, if the option to use preview_latex is switched on. Error handling may seem strange, but follows a pattern: if LaTeX or dvipng aren't available, only a warning is generated (since that enables people on machines without these programs to at least build the rest of the docs successfully). If the programs are there, however, they may not fail since that indicates a problem in the math source. """ use_preview = self.builder.config.pngmath_use_preview latex = DOC_HEAD + self.builder.config.pngmath_latex_preamble latex += (use_preview and DOC_BODY_PREVIEW or DOC_BODY) % math shasum = "%s.png" % sha1(latex.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() relfn = posixpath.join(self.builder.imgpath, 'math', shasum) outfn = path.join(self.builder.outdir, self.builder.imagedir, 'math', shasum) if path.isfile(outfn): depth = read_png_depth(outfn) return relfn, depth # if latex or dvipng has failed once, don't bother to try again if hasattr(self.builder, '_mathpng_warned_latex') or \ hasattr(self.builder, '_mathpng_warned_dvipng'): return None, None # use only one tempdir per build -- the use of a directory is cleaner # than using temporary files, since we can clean up everything at once # just removing the whole directory (see cleanup_tempdir) if not hasattr(self.builder, '_mathpng_tempdir'): tempdir = self.builder._mathpng_tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() else: tempdir = self.builder._mathpng_tempdir tf = codecs.open(path.join(tempdir, 'math.tex'), 'w', 'utf-8') tf.write(latex) tf.close() # build latex command; old versions of latex don't have the # --output-directory option, so we have to manually chdir to the # temp dir to run it. ltx_args = [self.builder.config.pngmath_latex, '--interaction=nonstopmode'] # add custom args from the config file ltx_args.extend(self.builder.config.pngmath_latex_args) ltx_args.append('math.tex') with cd(tempdir): try: p = Popen(ltx_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError as err: if err.errno != ENOENT: # No such file or directory raise self.builder.warn('LaTeX command %r cannot be run (needed for math ' 'display), check the pngmath_latex setting' % self.builder.config.pngmath_latex) self.builder._mathpng_warned_latex = True return None, None stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise MathExtError('latex exited with error', stderr, stdout) ensuredir(path.dirname(outfn)) # use some standard dvipng arguments dvipng_args = [self.builder.config.pngmath_dvipng] dvipng_args += ['-o', outfn, '-T', 'tight', '-z9'] # add custom ones from config value dvipng_args.extend(self.builder.config.pngmath_dvipng_args) if use_preview: dvipng_args.append('--depth') # last, the input file name dvipng_args.append(path.join(tempdir, 'math.dvi')) try: p = Popen(dvipng_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError as err: if err.errno != ENOENT: # No such file or directory raise self.builder.warn('dvipng command %r cannot be run (needed for math ' 'display), check the pngmath_dvipng setting' % self.builder.config.pngmath_dvipng) self.builder._mathpng_warned_dvipng = True return None, None stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise MathExtError('dvipng exited with error', stderr, stdout) depth = None if use_preview: for line in stdout.splitlines(): m = depth_re.match(line) if m: depth = int(m.group(1)) write_png_depth(outfn, depth) break return relfn, depth def cleanup_tempdir(app, exc): if exc: return if not hasattr(app.builder, '_mathpng_tempdir'): return try: shutil.rmtree(app.builder._mathpng_tempdir) except Exception: pass def get_tooltip(self, node): if self.builder.config.pngmath_add_tooltips: return ' alt="%s"' % self.encode(node['latex']).strip() return '' def html_visit_math(self, node): try: fname, depth = render_math(self, '$'+node['latex']+'$') except MathExtError as exc: msg = text_type(exc) sm = nodes.system_message(msg, type='WARNING', level=2, backrefs=[], source=node['latex']) sm.walkabout(self) self.builder.warn('display latex %r: ' % node['latex'] + msg) raise nodes.SkipNode if fname is None: # something failed -- use text-only as a bad substitute self.body.append('%s' % self.encode(node['latex']).strip()) else: c = ('') raise nodes.SkipNode def html_visit_displaymath(self, node): if node['nowrap']: latex = node['latex'] else: latex = wrap_displaymath(node['latex'], None, self.builder.config.math_number_all) try: fname, depth = render_math(self, latex) except MathExtError as exc: sm = nodes.system_message(str(exc), type='WARNING', level=2, backrefs=[], source=node['latex']) sm.walkabout(self) self.builder.warn('inline latex %r: ' % node['latex'] + str(exc)) raise nodes.SkipNode self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'div', CLASS='math')) self.body.append('

') if node['number']: self.body.append('(%s)' % node['number']) if fname is None: # something failed -- use text-only as a bad substitute self.body.append('%s

\n' % self.encode(node['latex']).strip()) else: self.body.append(('

\n') raise nodes.SkipNode def setup(app): app.warn('sphinx.ext.pngmath has been deprecated. Please use sphinx.ext.imgmath instead.') mathbase_setup(app, (html_visit_math, None), (html_visit_displaymath, None)) app.add_config_value('pngmath_dvipng', 'dvipng', 'html') app.add_config_value('pngmath_latex', 'latex', 'html') app.add_config_value('pngmath_use_preview', False, 'html') app.add_config_value('pngmath_dvipng_args', ['-gamma', '1.5', '-D', '110', '-bg', 'Transparent'], 'html') app.add_config_value('pngmath_latex_args', [], 'html') app.add_config_value('pngmath_latex_preamble', '', 'html') app.add_config_value('pngmath_add_tooltips', True, 'html') app.connect('build-finished', cleanup_tempdir) return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}