# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.util.nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Docutils node-related utility functions for Sphinx. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2016 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re from six import text_type from docutils import nodes from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.locale import pairindextypes class WarningStream(object): def __init__(self, warnfunc): self.warnfunc = warnfunc self._re = re.compile(r'\((DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|SEVERE)/[0-4]\)') def write(self, text): text = text.strip() if text: self.warnfunc(self._re.sub(r'\1:', text), None, '') # \x00 means the "<" was backslash-escaped explicit_title_re = re.compile(r'^(.+?)\s*(?$', re.DOTALL) caption_ref_re = explicit_title_re # b/w compat alias def apply_source_workaround(node): # workaround: nodes.term have wrong rawsource if classifier is specified. # The behavior of docutils-0.11, 0.12 is: # * when ``term text : classifier1 : classifier2`` is specified, # * rawsource of term node will have: ``term text : classifier1 : classifier2`` # * rawsource of classifier node will be None if isinstance(node, nodes.classifier) and not node.rawsource: definition_list_item = node.parent node.source = definition_list_item.source node.line = definition_list_item.line - 1 node.rawsource = node.astext() # set 'classifier1' (or 'classifier2') if isinstance(node, nodes.term): # strip classifier from rawsource of term for classifier in reversed(node.parent.traverse(nodes.classifier)): node.rawsource = re.sub( '\s*:\s*%s' % re.escape(classifier.astext()), '', node.rawsource) # workaround: recommonmark-0.2.0 doesn't set rawsource attribute if not node.rawsource: node.rawsource = node.astext() if node.source and node.rawsource: return # workaround: docutils-0.10.0 or older's nodes.caption for nodes.figure # and nodes.title for nodes.admonition doesn't have source, line. # this issue was filed to Docutils tracker: # sf.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3599485&group_id=38414&atid=422032 # sourceforge.net/p/docutils/patches/108/ if (isinstance(node, ( nodes.caption, nodes.title, nodes.rubric, nodes.line, ))): node.source = find_source_node(node) node.line = 0 # need fix docutils to get `node.line` return IGNORED_NODES = ( nodes.Invisible, nodes.Inline, nodes.literal_block, nodes.doctest_block, addnodes.versionmodified, # XXX there are probably more ) def is_translatable(node): if isinstance(node, nodes.TextElement): if not node.source: return False # built-in message if isinstance(node, IGNORED_NODES) and 'translatable' not in node: return False if not node.get('translatable', True): # not(node['translatable'] == True or node['translatable'] is None) return False # orphan # XXX ignore all metadata (== docinfo) if isinstance(node, nodes.field_name) and node.children[0] == 'orphan': return False return True if isinstance(node, nodes.image) and node.get('translatable'): return True return False LITERAL_TYPE_NODES = ( nodes.literal_block, nodes.doctest_block, nodes.raw, ) IMAGE_TYPE_NODES = ( nodes.image, ) def extract_messages(doctree): """Extract translatable messages from a document tree.""" for node in doctree.traverse(is_translatable): if isinstance(node, LITERAL_TYPE_NODES): msg = node.rawsource if not msg: msg = node.astext() elif isinstance(node, IMAGE_TYPE_NODES): msg = '.. image:: %s' % node['uri'] if node.get('alt'): msg += '\n :alt: %s' % node['alt'] else: msg = node.rawsource.replace('\n', ' ').strip() # XXX nodes rendering empty are likely a bug in sphinx.addnodes if msg: yield node, msg def find_source_node(node): for pnode in traverse_parent(node): if pnode.source: return pnode.source def traverse_parent(node, cls=None): while node: if cls is None or isinstance(node, cls): yield node node = node.parent def traverse_translatable_index(doctree): """Traverse translatable index node from a document tree.""" def is_block_index(node): return isinstance(node, addnodes.index) and \ node.get('inline') is False for node in doctree.traverse(is_block_index): if 'raw_entries' in node: entries = node['raw_entries'] else: entries = node['entries'] yield node, entries def nested_parse_with_titles(state, content, node): """Version of state.nested_parse() that allows titles and does not require titles to have the same decoration as the calling document. This is useful when the parsed content comes from a completely different context, such as docstrings. """ # hack around title style bookkeeping surrounding_title_styles = state.memo.title_styles surrounding_section_level = state.memo.section_level state.memo.title_styles = [] state.memo.section_level = 0 try: return state.nested_parse(content, 0, node, match_titles=1) finally: state.memo.title_styles = surrounding_title_styles state.memo.section_level = surrounding_section_level def clean_astext(node): """Like node.astext(), but ignore images.""" node = node.deepcopy() for img in node.traverse(nodes.image): img['alt'] = '' return node.astext() def split_explicit_title(text): """Split role content into title and target, if given.""" match = explicit_title_re.match(text) if match: return True, match.group(1), match.group(2) return False, text, text indextypes = [ 'single', 'pair', 'double', 'triple', 'see', 'seealso', ] def process_index_entry(entry, targetid): indexentries = [] entry = entry.strip() oentry = entry main = '' if entry.startswith('!'): main = 'main' entry = entry[1:].lstrip() for type in pairindextypes: if entry.startswith(type+':'): value = entry[len(type)+1:].strip() value = pairindextypes[type] + '; ' + value indexentries.append(('pair', value, targetid, main, None)) break else: for type in indextypes: if entry.startswith(type+':'): value = entry[len(type)+1:].strip() if type == 'double': type = 'pair' indexentries.append((type, value, targetid, main, None)) break # shorthand notation for single entries else: for value in oentry.split(','): value = value.strip() main = '' if value.startswith('!'): main = 'main' value = value[1:].lstrip() if not value: continue indexentries.append(('single', value, targetid, main, None)) return indexentries def inline_all_toctrees(builder, docnameset, docname, tree, colorfunc, traversed): """Inline all toctrees in the *tree*. Record all docnames in *docnameset*, and output docnames with *colorfunc*. """ tree = tree.deepcopy() for toctreenode in tree.traverse(addnodes.toctree): newnodes = [] includefiles = map(text_type, toctreenode['includefiles']) for includefile in includefiles: if includefile not in traversed: try: traversed.append(includefile) builder.info(colorfunc(includefile) + " ", nonl=1) subtree = inline_all_toctrees(builder, docnameset, includefile, builder.env.get_doctree(includefile), colorfunc, traversed) docnameset.add(includefile) except Exception: builder.warn('toctree contains ref to nonexisting ' 'file %r' % includefile, builder.env.doc2path(docname)) else: sof = addnodes.start_of_file(docname=includefile) sof.children = subtree.children for sectionnode in sof.traverse(nodes.section): if 'docname' not in sectionnode: sectionnode['docname'] = includefile newnodes.append(sof) toctreenode.parent.replace(toctreenode, newnodes) return tree def make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, todocname, targetid, child, title=None): """Shortcut to create a reference node.""" node = nodes.reference('', '', internal=True) if fromdocname == todocname: node['refid'] = targetid else: node['refuri'] = (builder.get_relative_uri(fromdocname, todocname) + '#' + targetid) if title: node['reftitle'] = title node.append(child) return node def set_source_info(directive, node): node.source, node.line = \ directive.state_machine.get_source_and_line(directive.lineno) def set_role_source_info(inliner, lineno, node): node.source, node.line = inliner.reporter.get_source_and_line(lineno) # monkey-patch Element.copy to copy the rawsource and line def _new_copy(self): newnode = self.__class__(self.rawsource, **self.attributes) if isinstance(self, nodes.Element): newnode.source = self.source newnode.line = self.line return newnode nodes.Element.copy = _new_copy