''' To run a Bokeh application on a Bokeh server from a single Python script, pass the script name to ``bokeh serve`` on the command line: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py By default, the Bokeh application will be served by the Bokeh server on a default port ({DEFAULT_PORT}) at localhost, under the path ``/app_script``, i.e., .. code-block:: none http://localhost:{DEFAULT_PORT}/app_script It is also possible to run the same commmand with jupyter notebooks: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_notebook.ipynb This will generate the same results as described with a python script and the application will be served on a default port ({DEFAULT_PORT}) at localhost, under the path ``/app_notebook`` Applications can also be created from directories. The directory should contain a ``main.py`` (and any other helper modules that are required) as well as any additional assets (e.g., theme files). Pass the directory name to ``bokeh serve`` to run the application: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_dir It is possible to run multiple applications at once: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py app_dir If you would like to automatically open a browser to display the HTML page(s), you can pass the ``--show`` option on the command line: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py app_dir --show This will open two pages, for ``/app_script`` and ``/app_dir``, respectively. Network Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To control the port that the Bokeh server listens on, use the ``--port`` argument: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --port=8080 Similarly, a specific network address can be specified with the ``--address`` argument. For example: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --address= will have the Bokeh server listen all available network addresses. Additionally, it is possible to configure a hosts whitelist that must be matched by the ``Host`` header in new requests. You can specify multiple acceptable host values with the ``--host`` option: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --host foo.com:8081 --host bar.com If no port is specified in a host value, then port 80 will be used. In the example above Bokeh server will accept requests from ``foo.com:8081`` and ``bar.com:80``. If no host values are specified, then by default the Bokeh server will accept requests from ``localhost:`` where ```` is the port that the server is configured to listen on (by default: {DEFAULT_PORT}). Also note that the host whitelist applies to all request handlers, including any extra ones added to extend the Bokeh server. By default, cross site connections to the Bokeh server websocket are not allowed. You can enable websocket connections originating from additional hosts by specifying them with the ``--allow-websocket-origin`` option: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --allow-websocket-origin foo.com:8081 It is possible to specify multiple allowed websocket origins by adding the ``--allow-websocket-origin`` option multiple times. The Bokeh server can also add an optional prefix to all URL paths. This can often be useful in conjunction with "reverse proxy" setups. .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --prefix=foobar Then the application will be served under the following URL: .. code-block:: none http://localhost:{DEFAULT_PORT}/foobar/app_script If needed, Bokeh server can send keep-alive pings at a fixed interval. To configure this feature, set the ``--keep-alive`` option: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --keep-alive 10000 The value is specified in milliseconds. The default keep-alive interval is 37 seconds. Give a value of 0 to disable keep-alive pings. To control how often statistic logs are written, set the --stats-log-frequency option: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --stats-log-frequency 30000 The value is specified in milliseconds. The default interval for logging stats is 15 seconds. Only positive integer values are accepted. To have the Bokeh server override the remote IP and URI scheme/protocol for all requests with ``X-Real-Ip``, ``X-Forwarded-For``, ``X-Scheme``, ``X-Forwarded-Proto`` headers (if they are provided), set the ``--use-xheaders`` option: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --use-xheaders This is typically needed when running a Bokeh server behind a reverse proxy that is SSL-terminated. .. warning:: It is not advised to set this option on a Bokeh server directly facing the Internet. Session ID Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Typically, each browser tab connected to a Bokeh server will have its own session ID. When the server generates an ID, it will make it cryptographically unguessable. This keeps users from accessing one another's sessions. To control who can use a Bokeh application, the server can sign sessions with a secret key and reject "made up" session names. There are three modes, controlled by the ``--session-ids`` argument: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --session-ids=signed The available modes are: {SESSION_ID_MODES} In ``unsigned`` mode, the server will accept any session ID provided to it in the URL. For example, ``http://localhost/app_script?bokeh-session-id=foo`` will create a session ``foo``. In ``unsigned`` mode, if the session ID isn't provided with ``?bokeh-session-id=`` in the URL, the server will still generate a cryptographically-unguessable ID. However, the server allows clients to create guessable or deliberately-shared sessions if they want to. ``unsigned`` mode is most useful when the server is running locally for development, for example you can have multiple processes access a fixed session name such as ``default``. ``unsigned`` mode is also convenient because there's no need to generate or configure a secret key. In ``signed`` mode, the session ID must be in a special format and signed with a secret key. Attempts to use the application with an invalid session ID will fail, but if no ``?bokeh-session-id=`` parameter is provided, the server will generate a fresh, signed session ID. The result of ``signed`` mode is that only secure session IDs are allowed but anyone can connect to the server. In ``external-signed`` mode, the session ID must be signed but the server itself won't generate a session ID; the ``?bokeh-session-id=`` parameter will be required. To use this mode, you would need some sort of external process (such as another web app) which would use the ``bokeh.util.session_id.generate_session_id()`` function to create valid session IDs. The external process and the Bokeh server must share the same ``BOKEH_SECRET_KEY`` environment variable. ``external-signed`` mode is useful if you want another process to authenticate access to the Bokeh server; if someone is permitted to use the Bokeh application, you would generate a session ID for them, then redirect them to the Bokeh server with that valid session ID. If you don't generate a session ID for someone, then they can't load the app from the Bokeh server. In both ``signed`` and ``external-signed`` mode, the secret key must be kept secret; anyone with the key can generate a valid session ID. The secret key should be set in a ``BOKEH_SECRET_KEY`` environment variable and should be a cryptographically random string with at least 256 bits (32 bytes) of entropy. You can generate a new secret key with the ``bokeh secret`` command. Session Expiration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To configure how often to check for unused sessions. set the --check-unused-sessions option: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --check-unused-sessions 10000 The value is specified in milliseconds. The default interval for checking for unused sessions is 17 seconds. Only positive integer values are accepted. To configure how often unused sessions last. set the --unused-session-lifetime option: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --unused-session-lifetime 60000 The value is specified in milliseconds. The default lifetime interval for unused sessions is 30 minutes. Only positive integer values are accepted. Development Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The logging level can be controlled by the ``--log-level`` argument: .. code-block:: sh bokeh serve app_script.py --log-level=debug The available log levels are: {LOGLEVELS} ''' from __future__ import absolute_import import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from bokeh.application import Application from bokeh.resources import DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT from bokeh.server.server import Server from bokeh.util.string import nice_join from bokeh.settings import settings from ..subcommand import Subcommand from ..util import build_single_handler_applications, die LOGLEVELS = ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical') SESSION_ID_MODES = ('unsigned', 'signed', 'external-signed') __doc__ = __doc__.format( DEFAULT_PORT=DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT, LOGLEVELS=nice_join(LOGLEVELS), SESSION_ID_MODES=nice_join(SESSION_ID_MODES) ) class Serve(Subcommand): ''' Subcommand to launch the Bokeh server. ''' name = "serve" help = "Run a Bokeh server hosting one or more applications" args = ( ('files', dict( metavar='DIRECTORY-OR-SCRIPT', nargs='*', help="The app directories or scripts to serve (serve empty document if not specified)", default=None, )), ('--develop', dict( action='store_true', help="Enable develop-time features that should not be used in production", )), ('--show', dict( action='store_true', help="Open server app(s) in a browser", )), ('--port', dict( metavar='PORT', type=int, help="Port to listen on", default=None )), ('--address', dict( metavar='ADDRESS', type=str, help="Address to listen on", default=None, )), ('--allow-websocket-origin', dict( metavar='HOST[:PORT]', action='append', type=str, help="Public hostnames which may connect to the Bokeh websocket", )), ('--host', dict( metavar='HOST[:PORT]', action='append', type=str, help="Public hostnames to allow in requests", )), ('--prefix', dict( metavar='PREFIX', type=str, help="URL prefix for Bokeh server URLs", default=None, )), ('--keep-alive', dict( metavar='MILLISECONDS', type=int, help="How often to send a keep-alive ping to clients, 0 to disable.", default=None, )), ('--check-unused-sessions', dict( metavar='MILLISECONDS', type=int, help="How often to check for unused sessions", default=None, )), ('--unused-session-lifetime', dict( metavar='MILLISECONDS', type=int, help="How long unused sessions last", default=None, )), ('--stats-log-frequency', dict( metavar='MILLISECONDS', type=int, help="How often to log stats", default=None, )), ('--use-xheaders', dict( action='store_true', help="Prefer X-headers for IP/protocol information", )), ('--log-level', dict( metavar='LOG-LEVEL', action = 'store', default = 'debug', choices = LOGLEVELS, help = "One of: %s" % nice_join(LOGLEVELS), )), ('--session-ids', dict( metavar='MODE', action = 'store', default = None, choices = SESSION_ID_MODES, help = "One of: %s" % nice_join(SESSION_ID_MODES), )), ) def invoke(self, args): applications = build_single_handler_applications(args.files) log_level = getattr(logging, args.log_level.upper()) logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) if len(applications) == 0: # create an empty application by default, typically used with output_server applications['/'] = Application() if args.keep_alive is not None: if args.keep_alive == 0: log.info("Keep-alive ping disabled") else: log.info("Keep-alive ping configured every %d milliseconds", args.keep_alive) # rename to be compatible with Server args.keep_alive_milliseconds = args.keep_alive if args.check_unused_sessions is not None: log.info("Check for unused sessions every %d milliseconds", args.check_unused_sessions) # rename to be compatible with Server args.check_unused_sessions_milliseconds = args.check_unused_sessions if args.unused_session_lifetime is not None: log.info("Unused sessions last for %d milliseconds", args.unused_session_lifetime) # rename to be compatible with Server args.unused_session_lifetime_milliseconds = args.unused_session_lifetime if args.stats_log_frequency is not None: log.info("Log statistics every %d milliseconds", args.stats_log_frequency) # rename to be compatible with Server args.stats_log_frequency_milliseconds = args.stats_log_frequency server_kwargs = { key: getattr(args, key) for key in ['port', 'address', 'allow_websocket_origin', 'host', 'prefix', 'develop', 'keep_alive_milliseconds', 'check_unused_sessions_milliseconds', 'unused_session_lifetime_milliseconds', 'stats_log_frequency_milliseconds', 'use_xheaders', ] if getattr(args, key, None) is not None } server_kwargs['sign_sessions'] = settings.sign_sessions() server_kwargs['secret_key'] = settings.secret_key_bytes() server_kwargs['generate_session_ids'] = True if args.session_ids is None: # no --session-ids means use the env vars pass elif args.session_ids == 'unsigned': server_kwargs['sign_sessions'] = False elif args.session_ids == 'signed': server_kwargs['sign_sessions'] = True elif args.session_ids == 'external-signed': server_kwargs['sign_sessions'] = True server_kwargs['generate_session_ids'] = False else: raise RuntimeError("argparse should have filtered out --session-ids mode " + args.session_ids) if server_kwargs['sign_sessions'] and not server_kwargs['secret_key']: die("To sign sessions, the BOKEH_SECRET_KEY environment variable must be set; " + "the `bokeh secret` command can be used to generate a new key.") server = Server(applications, **server_kwargs) if args.show: # we have to defer opening in browser until we start up the server def show_callback(): for route in applications.keys(): server.show(route) server.io_loop.add_callback(show_callback) if args.develop: log.info("Using develop mode (do not enable --develop in production)") address_string = '' if server.address is not None and server.address != '': address_string = ' address ' + server.address log.info("Starting Bokeh server on port %d%s with applications at paths %r", server.port, address_string, sorted(applications.keys())) server.start()